Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Budget Committee
Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2017 6:00 p.m.

Committee Members Present: John Silverberg, Chairperson; Andrew Palmer; Steven Hamilton; Robert DeFelice; Richard Benson

Ex-Officio Present: Robert Wright, Jr.

Others Present: Elly Phillips, Town Administrator; Walter Baker, Selectman

1.      Call to Order Regular Meeting

Chairman Silverberg called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

Ms. Elly Phillips presented changes to the budget, due to merit increases, that were approved by the Board of Selectman earlier that evening.

  • Line Item 1-01-4150-101 – Town Clerk Wages – From $34,149 to $35,500
  • Line Item 1-01-4155-230 – PA Police Retirement Contrib – From $54,531 to $54,690
  • Line Item 1-01-4155-233 – PA Financial Retirement Contri – From $1,716 to $1,775
  • Line Item 1-02-4210-108 – PD Police Chief Salary – From $60,674 to $64,444

Discussion was held amongst the Committee Members and Ms. Phillips regarding merit raises versus cost-of-living increase. Ms. Phillips affirmed that the Board of Selectman recommends a 3% cost-of-living increase, and she pointed out to the Committee that those increases were reflected in Column (6), 2017 Selectman, on the Budget Worksheet.

Ms. Phillips brought up the point that the Library is currently exploring access issues, with regards to the ramp. She noted that Warrant Article 1-20-2017-108 should now be designated as Library Ramp, and it would be requesting $20,000. Much discussion was held regarding the timeline as to when the ramp is to be built, the feasibility of it being built, and the ramifications of delaying the construction. Ms. Phillips indicated that Line Item 1-03-4312-101, D Wages, as reflected under Column (6), at $252,066, was a good number for that Department.

Committee Member DeFelice asked Ms. Phillips what she believed, in the foreseeable future, could be coming down the pike, in terms of budget requests. Ms. Phillips responded that it might behoove the Town to create an expendable Capital Reserve Fund for computer equipment for the Town Office.  She went further to discuss her rationale for this suggestion.

Committee Member DeFelice requested Ms. Phillips if she was able provide a 10-year history of the cost-of-living increases that the Budget Committee has approved. Ms. Phillips responded that she did not have it with her, but that she would send it to the Recording Secretary to be distributed to the Committee Members. Further discussion was held concerning the cost-of-living calculations.

2.      Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 9th, 2016

The Minutes were discussed. The only correction to be made was on page 3, paragraph 1, to change the word “run” to “file”.

MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the January 9th, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes, as amended. It was seconded by Committee Member Benson. The motion carried. (6-0)

3.      Meeting

         A. Deliberation Meeting

Ex-Officio Wright explained the cost-of-living increase, and how the Committee would be responsible for recommending it across the board, rather than to individual employees.

MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to recognize the 3% cost-of-living increase for fulltime employees not merited, nor officially adjusted, to include the Highway Department, the Library, and the Town Administrator. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton.

Much discussion was had regarding what can be voted on at public hearing in regards to the cost-of-living increase, and that whatever the Committee decided upon was merely a recommendation to the Town. Committee Member DeFelice indicated that he was not going to vote on the motion on the floor, because he didn’t feel comfortable making a justifiable decision without the 10-year cost-of-living history he had requested. The Committee discussed what background information was necessary in order to come to a conclusion.

MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to table the discussion until the 10-year cost- of-living history. It was seconded by Committee Member Palmer. The motion didn’t carry. (3-3)

Further discussion occurred regarding the necessity to make a decision, prior to the Public Hearing, so that there was a recommendation for the Town to vote on. Committee Members individually spoke regarding their rationale for either deciding tonight, or holding off until a future meeting.

MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budget without regard to incomes, which will be deferred until after the Committee is able to get the 10-year cost-of-living history. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (5-0-1) Ex-Officio Wright abstained from the vote.

The Committee decided they would meet Monday, January 23rd, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. to make the final decision on the cost-of-living increase.

4.      Final Comments

Chairman Silverberg distributed the Report of the Budget Committee DRAFT 14 Jan 2017 jrs to the Committee Members. Discussion was had regarding any suggestions, but also commended Chairman Silverberg on the fine job that he did in creating this document.


5.      Adjournment

MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. It was seconded by Committee Member Benson. The motion carried. (6-0)

Respectfully Submitted,

Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary