Regular Meeting of Tuesday, May 23, 2017 (7:00 p.m.)
Pillsbury Memorial Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Board Members Present: Carrie Thomas, Chair; Jim Lowe; David Angeli; Debbie Lang;
Dennis O’Connor; and Roger Wells

Board Members Absent: Julie McCarthy

Ex-Officio Present: Bill Curless

Staff Present: Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator; Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary

1. Call to Order Regular Meeting
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m.

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 9, 2017.
MOTION: Board Member Wells moved to approve the May 9, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes. It was seconded by Board Member Lowe. The motion carried unanimously.

4. Correspondence

A. Conditional Use Permits (CUP)
Board Members received a description of the CUPs. LUC defined what would need to be heard by the PB for CUPs: steep slopes, wetlands, etc. Board Member Wells added that Applicants should be able to get a CUP if they meet the conditions.

B. List of Impaired Surface Waters from DES – Comment Period.

Board Members received an email forwarded by the LUC from DES, indicating that they are holding a comment period to receive suggestions of impaired surface waters in the area. Ex-Officio Curless suggested that the Board Members should individually come up with a list of potential impaired surface waters and discuss them at the next meeting in order to submit a Planning Board-created list to DES.

5. New Business

A. 04-240-350 Prospective Use as an Antique Store. Mr. Uboldi Submitted an Application to the ZBA for a Variance. Site Review Next.

Board Members received a packet containing Frederick E. and Therese M. Uboldi’s Application for a Variance/Special Exception, the property card, as well as some of the documentation that is being submitted to the ZBA, which addresses several issues relevant to the PB. Discussion was had regarding the individual documents. LUC requested if the site plan review hearing could be held on June 13, 2017.

Board Member Wells requested the following information to be presented at the hearing:

– Property lines
– All existing buildings and structure
– Existing driveway parking area
– Wetlands
– Required setbacks from wetlands/road

Board Member Wells inquired whether the existing owners have given permission in order to do an application for approval on the property, explaining that the owners should be the ones making the application, or their agent, where he could be designated as their agent. He further instructed that the property owners should sign the Variance Application, as well as provide the owner’s name, address, and signature on a Site Plan Review.

Board Member Wells suggested that Mr. Uboldi get the approval from ZBA that it is a customary home occupation. LUC indicated that’s what is going to occur, and, should he receive approval, then he can proceed. If not, then he’s going to have to request a variance.

6. Old Business

A. Subdivision Regulations Review with Peter Blakeman, PE

Board Members received the penultimate version of the Regulations. Discussion was had regarding the packet.

Board Member Wells inquired if the Town can have a big map for people to locate their property – hydric soils map, steep slopes map, etc. LUC said that it was important to use the source of record in order to correlate a printed map with the online GIS map, and suggested that Dan comes in to discuss GIS mapping with CAI. Discussion was had regarding map recreation, challenges, and necessities, in terms of accuracy.

Peter Blakeman discussed the Design Standards and Road Standards. He distributed the New London Design Standards to the Board. He gave the following comments:

1. Article VII – B – Roads – General Requirements – Right of Way – change “narrower” to “different”

2. Article VII – B – Roads – General Requirements – General Layout – add “state and”

3. Article VIII – A.2 – Can you require somebody to leave a right-of-way or a strip of land to a neighbor?

4. Article VIII – A.8 – how many roads does the town have deeded interest in? Remove “has a deeded interest in and”

5. Article VIII – A.9 – do you want to deny permission? Wells states that we need to have a hammerhead in order to plow snow onto. Peter – should address it at a time of a subdivision going in, and would only be an issue if there’s reduced frontage in a cluster situation. “Driveways on hammerhead turnarounds may be permitted by the Planning Board.”

6. Article VIII – B.1 – change “200” to “20”; remove “Intersecting” at the beginning of the sentence.

7. Article VIII – B.4 – change “one” to “2”; remove “at least one percent but”; change “nine” to “10”

8. Article VIII – B.5 – “At the PB discretion…” in the beginning, and change “must” to “shall”

9. Article VIII – C there are two #4

10. Article VIII – C.7 – Change “site specific” to “Alteration of Terrain”. Remove “and as of March 10, 2003…Protection Agency”; change “approved terrain alteration and storm-water permits” to “NHDES Permits”; remove “Town Road Agent”

11. Article VIII – C.11 – insert “be” in between “shall as”. Change “Town Road Agent or the designated Engineer” to “Planning Board or the designee”.

12. Article VIII – C – Add another number titled “Winter Construction”. Mr. Blakeman will give the wording, that would specifically instruct that the Planning Board doesn’t want a road built in winter months. He will provide a suggestion on the designated date/time when the construction stops. Board Member Wells indicated it would be a conditional use.

13. Driveway permits were discussed, comparing what he has seen in New London:

a. Maximum grade is 15%
b. Clearing width targeted towards emergency vehicles entering
c. 10′ setback to property lines for storage
d. Minimum curve radius so firetrucks can go through
e. 23′ in the center line.

Discussion was had regarding new Sutton Zoning Regulations, to include the topic if driveway is either longer than 800′, or goes into sleep slopes, or wetlands, then the property owner should have to come in front of the Planning Board. It was mentioned that the Sutton Driveway Permit is a curb-cut permit.

Board Members emphasized that maximum driveway lengths should only be restricted in a subdivision. Mr. Blakeman suggested there should be reasonable driveway standards/recommendations for all properties. LUC assured the Board that sleep slope district monitors curb cutouts.

14. Exhibit B – Discussed its appropriate uses, and instructed that a scope would be required for the study. He went on to further state that this was more like a road safety study.

15. Exhibit C – Discussed requirements of impact fees in order to actually perform the study.

16. Exhibit E – Shoulder width is typically 2′ until your Collector A Road, at that level of traffic. He notated the numbers on the chart should be: 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8.
The Board decided to table the matters of Exhibits B and C, as well as Driveway Standards until the next meeting.

7. Adjournment
The Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary
Town of Sutton
Planning Board