Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Facility Supervisor; Dave Ellis, Solid Waste Attendant; Linda Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from April 3, 2017 were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:   $14,136.35

VENDOR MANIFEST:   $379,523.76



At 4:00 P.M. Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Facility Supervisor and David Ellis, Solid Waste Attendant met with the Board to discuss recycling requirements dictated by the EPA.   The State of NH is trying to reduce 380,000,000 lbs. of waste that is currently going into landfills.  Therefore, the State is encouraging composting of household organic matter (except for meat and milk) with 100% compliance by 2020.    The Sutton Solid Waste Facility will need to either collect organic matter and remove to a recycling facility or establish a composting station at the current facility (Env.-Sw600) In addition, leaf and yard wasted shall be recycled pursuant to HB 646, Chapter 266 which prohibits the disposal of leaf and yard waste in landfills and incinerators. Mr. Solimine and Mr. Ellis were seeking support for enforcement of composting requirements.


Selectman Curless indicated that it would be beneficial to make a pamphlet/letter in order to educate the public and that the Select Board could take turns at the Facility distributing the pamphlets and educating the public. In addition, Selectman Baker supported a public meeting to get the word out.   The NH composting initiative has started with restaurants and grocery stores and is extending to the general public.   This has resulted in restaurants and grocery stores donating more goods to food pantries.  The DES is currently offering classes to educate attendants.   Mr. Solimine favored PbN Option 1 which allows for up to 20% of organic food waste (no meat and dairy) to be composted with leaf and yard waste as well as sludge from the septic lagoons.


The Board and Mr. Solimine discussed accessible placement of the composting station – leaf matter will be combined.   Kitty litter will be recycled separately.  Composting organic matter will help reduce MSW volumes and trucking, thus saving the Town money.  Mr. Solimine and Mr. Ellis expressed frustration that citizens were not complying with the facility rules and recycling requirements and frequently use the construction/demolition dumpster for non-C&D waste.


The Board discussed a quotation for a cardboard compactor as well as the potential financial return on recycling cardboard which appears to be nominal. Mr. Solimine is researching the matter further.  Action on the project was deferred pending further information and coordination/consultation with neighboring towns.


In other Solid Waste Facility business, Selectman Baker made a motion to rehire Edward Herrmann as third man at the Solid Waste Facility per previous agreement at the rate of the third man. Selectman Curless seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


At 4:30 p.m. Linda Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector, provided a listing of properties going to tax deed on July 26, 2017.


Ms. Ford expressed concerned regarding Tenant-In-Common (TIC) billings advising that each percentage owner had to be notified separately, even if their taxes were up-to-date, which upsets people.  In addition there is a notification/mailing expense for the town and lien penalty for each percent owner.  Ms. Ford suggested dividing up the property and having assessing give each percent owner their own map/lot number as suggested by other tax collectors.   Ms. Ford stated that she has been working with Laura Spector, Town Counsel, and Ms. Spector said maybe it would be ok, but to check with the Selectmen and assessors.


Phillips explained that this was not a standard assessing practice, and probably not an option, because the property owners jointly own the entire lot, not segments of the lot. However, Phillips will follow up with Town Counsel and the assessors to see if assigning separate map/lot numbers was a viable option.  Phillips added that there would also be a cost to the town under the separate lot billing methodology (i.e. hourly assessing charges, tax map update, parcel count billing etc.)   Phillips suggested that the Town correspond with the Tenants-in-Common to ascertain whether they would all agree to have one bill for the total tax and designate one TIC property owner to be in charge of collection for the property and payment to the town. This option would be possible if the request to the town is in writing and agreed to by all of the TIC.   In that instance, (by owner request) the Town could issue one bill and the owners could work out collection details amongst themselves.


Ms. Ford expressed concerns regarding prepayment of taxes and indicated that according to the DRA the Town has not adopted RSA 80-52-a. Phillips said that the town has adopted that RSA, and she would provide Ms. Ford and DRA with the date of adoption.


Ms. Ford provided the Town with a transmittal form for refund of overpayment.


Ms. Ford discussed the lien process and provided paperwork for the Tax Collector to authorize notification annually.


Ms. Ford discussed the process for waiving interest and associated thresholds. Selectman Baker made a motion to approve waiving of interest up to $10.00 pursuant to RSA 76:13.  Selectman Curless seconded the motion.   The motion carried without dissent.


Ms. Ford requested signatures and a correction of a map and lot number for yield taxes.


Ms. Ford objected to the term of appointment of one-year for Gail Guertin on the Budget Committee, and stated that she had verified with the Secretary of State’s Office that the term had to be three years. Selectman Wright responded that the Budget Committee felt it would be better to appoint for one year and have the position up for election for a two-year term next year.  Ms. Ford said you have to appoint the official for three years and then the official has to resign so the two year term is put on the ballot.


Ms. Ford asked that the budget committee appointment be redone with a three year appointment .   Phillips asked to revisit the RSA because she was under the impression that the budget committee appointment was until the next election.  At the next election, it would be the remainder of the term.  Ms. Ford emphasized that you cannot change the years of a term.


The Board will revisit the properties for deeding with Ms. Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector as the deed date of July 26, 2017 approaches.



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Cathleen Yackley & Doug Bonner, Map 04-285-104, Interior renovations – Bathroom

Ritz Compound Trust, Map 08-184-257, Penacook Road, replace cabin

John & Krista Dupre, Map 07-578-502, Cotton Road, for a home (subject to Current Use, change-in-use map).



The Board reviewed the following Intent to Cuts:

Scott Hill, Map 10-895-352, Stone House Road

Lane Spencer, 09-884-028, Route 114



The Board approved an Intent to Excavate for Rowe et al, for Map 08-270-222

Action was deferred on an Intent Excavate for West/Rowe for Map 09-437-245 current owner signature is required.



The Board reviewed the following exemption credits:

All Veterans Tax Credit:                Richard Krajewsi, 09-100-067;

Veterans War Service Credit:      Henry Howell, 02-445-206

Solar Exemption:                              Henry Howell, 02-445-206



The Board issued the following appointments:

Elizabeth Anderson, William Bastille, Diane O’Neil, Alternate Library Trustees for a 1-year term

Douglas Sweet, Zoning Board of Adjustment for a 3-year term



The Board issued yield taxes in the amount of $8,251.00.

The Board issued excavation taxes in the amount of $8.20

The Board issued correspondence to Robert DeFelice regarding regular attendance at Planning Board meetings.

The Board reviewed the March 2017 Expenditure Report.

The Board noted completion of the MS-232-R DRA Reviewed 2017 Appropriations for the Town of Sutton.

The Board issued a transmittal to the Trustee of the Trust Funds for 2017 appropriations and request for disbursement of appropriations from the Trust funds for the Backhoe and Dump/Plow Truck.

The Board received a request from Daniel Sundquist to remove the pine and clean up the area that was cut down by Eversource on the Sundell lot, Map 08-109-368.   The Board approved the request.

The Board agreed to start meetings at 5:00 p.m. beginning April 17, 2017. The website will be updated accordingly.





The Board discussed having another meeting to review the Grist Mill Footbridge design with interested residents.


The Board executed a Tax Agreement for Map 08-887-205.



Selectman Baker reported that the new Backhoe and truck will be arriving shortly. Selectman Baker will meet with Heidi Thoma, Librarian regarding the access ramp.

Selectman Wright discussed future increase in State Aid.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:26 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator