Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Board of Selectman
Meeting Minutes of June 19, 2017



The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair. Present at the meeting was Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Marne Thompson and Harold (Chip) Rowe, Jr., Cemetery Trustees; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from the meeting of June 12, 2017 were approved as written. The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST: $   13,592.74

VENDOR MANIFEST:   $   37,505.03



Marne Thompson and Harold (Chip) Rowe, Jr., Cemetery Trustees, met with the Board to discuss maintenance issues at the cemeteries. The Board discussed necessary fence repairs at Millwoods and the Sutton Mills village cemeteries.  Selectman Baker recommended 6 X 6 or 7 X 7 granite posts with chain running between the posts along the roadside.  Mrs. Thompson expressed concern regarding the chain rusting.  Mr. Rowe advised that you can obtain rubberized chain.   Selectmen Baker estimated the length at approximately 200 feet which would require 20-30 granite posts depending on what size you use.  The cost for the project would be approximately $7,000 (chain not included) with the highway department assisting with the setting of the posts and Selectman Baker would assist with installation of fittings for the chain.


Selectman Curless observed that if the fence gets hit again it will be easier to repair. Mr. Rowe indicated that the old fence could be repurposed to repair the remaining fence-line when necessary. The Board considered using the capital reserve for fixing fence and tombstones, an expendable capital reserve with the Selectmen appointed agents to expend. There is approximately $10,000 in the fund at this time.  The other option for funding would be through a 2018 warrant article.


Mrs. Thompson discussed required fence repairs at the Millwoods Cemetery and indicated that the Trustees will be meeting with the State, because the fence is within the State’s right-of-way.   Mrs. Thompson also recommended a snow fence to keep the fence from getting pushed into the gravestones.  Selectman Baker inquired as to the extent of the repairs down at Millwoods.  There was a lengthy discussion regarding the repairs.  Mrs. Thompson noted that salt from the highway is a chronic problem affecting the Millwoods fence.


Selectman Wright asked the Trustees what their priorities were for the cemetery fences.   Mrs. Thompson recommended that the Sutton Mills cemetery be attended to first as it was the most public-facing to Sutton residents and one of the Town’s oldest cemeteries.   The Select Board agreed to obtain estimates for repairs to, or replacement of, the Millwoods fence and report back to the Cemetery Trustees.    The scope and schedule of the project will be fine-tuned after the estimates are received.  However, the Sutton Mills Cemetery will be scheduled first and for this year if possible.


Selectman Curless made a motion for Selectman Baker to be the Board’s liaison for the cemetery projects and to obtain quotes and necessary information. Selectman Wright seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


Mrs. Thompson advised that a tree need to be trimmed on the back side of Millwoods which will require a crane. Mrs. Thompson will see if Justin Willette is available to do the tree removal.  Future availability of cemetery space was also discussed.  Mrs. Thompson informed the Baord that Millwoods does have space available.



The Board reviewed recommendations from the assessors for 2016 Tax Appeals and granted the following abatements:

Douglas and Janice Uhl:  02-492-278, Gural Road, Abatement:  $210.44

Previous Assessment $548,490, Revised Assessment: $540,690

Patricia Fischer Trust:  02-492-278, Camp Kemah Road, Abatement:  $1,672.76

Previous Assessment:  $234,000, Revised Assessment:  $172,000



The Board issued a Cemetery Deed for Jack and Sara Harkins, Millswood Cemetery Lot No 4, Block J.

The Board approved a request from Linda Ford, Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector, to provide online access for tax payment. A nominal fee will be charged to the taxpayer.


The Board reviewed the 2017 Tax Lien on 2016 taxes.


Selectman Baker made a motion to authorize reimbursement to the Building Inspector for the cost of a replacement tire on a personal vehicle during a building inspection. Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.  The property owner will be notified that no more inspections will be conducted until the access is improved.



The Board issued correspondence to Jeff Evans regarding Sutton/Warner Town Lines.


As a follow up to the Board’s recent meeting with the Bradford Selectmen regarding inter-municipal services, the Board received information from counsel regarding sharing of services. It was noted that  any sharing of services must be pursuant to a written agreement. RSA 53-A authorizes municipalities to enter into agreements for the shared provision of services, and sets forth the very basic requirements for an inter-municipal agreement. The statute requires the parties to set up the administrative and financial framework; any specifics about a particular service/program would be in a different agreement.   The agreement has to be reviewed by the AG’s office for compliance with the statute.  Phillips was instructed to provide this information to the Town of Bradford.

Marne Thompson, Supervisor of the Checklist, verified that Margaret Wunderlich is the oldest Sutton resident. The Board will follow up regarding presentation of the Boston Post cane.



Selectman Baker reported that he had met with Erin Reardon of Right Angle Engineering. Ms. Reardon is in the process of developing plans for the library ramp.


Selectman Wright reported on the legislative bulletin and noted that there is an ongoing discussion regarding SB38 relative to roads and bridges. Funds may be made available from the 2017 surplus.  Selectman Wright also reviewed legislation regarding requirements for short-term or vacation dwellings.  Voter domicile requirements were also reviewed.


Selectman Wright reported that the Historical Society has identified some needed repairs on the South Sutton Meeting House.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator