April 20, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting of Tuesday, April 11th, 2017 (7:00 p.m.) Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Board Members Present: Carrie Thomas, Chair; Jim Lowe; David Angeli; Debbie Lang (Alt. – Voting) Board Members Absent: Roger Wells; Robert DeFelice; Julie McCarthy Ex-Officio Absent: Bill Curless Staff Present: Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator; Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary 1. Call to Order Regular Meeting Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 28, 2017. Board Member Wells had emailed the LUC approving the Minutes of both January 24, 2017 and March 28, 2017. MOTION: Board Member Lowe moved to approve the March 28, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes,. It was seconded by Chairperson Thomas. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Correspondence None. 5. Old Business A. Questions from PB to LUC from Last PB Meeting. The LUC responded to the questions of the Board from the March 28, 2017 meeting as follows: – Abutters need to be notified regarding proposed lot mergers. – PC Connection, now known as Connection, had moved to Marlow as the founder’s father resided there and had a barn large enough to house inventory. – Updates for the Site Plan and the Zoning Ordinance are in progress, and will be completed within the next 30 days. 6. New Business A. Requested Appointments for Julie McCarthy as an Alternate Member and Debbie Lang as a Member. LUC previously discussed the matter with both Julie and Debbie, and they concurred with the requested appointments. MOTION: Board Member Lowe moved to recommend the appointment of Julie McCarthy as Alternate Member and Debbie Lang as Member. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion was had amongst the Board Members regarding absentee Members and the action that has been taken since the last meeting. Possible replacements were discussed. B. New Lot Line Adjustment Form The Board received excerpts from the Subdivision Regulations, which highlighted possible amendments. Discussion was held to distinguish between a public hearing and a public meeting. Chairperson Thomas educated the Board regarding prior practice regarding minor lot line adjustments. In discussing the Application on the last page of the packet, the following comments and changes were made: – Applicant required to submit only (5) copies of the paperwork – Applicant required to submit no more than (3) 11-x-17 maps and (1) full-size map – Remove “at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds” on #5 – Inquiry on whether #7 was necessary, regarding the NH Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission approval – If the Applicant is not working with an Engineer, the PB has the right to waive the signature for a reasonable cause. 7. Final Comments LUC informed the Board that he expects a completed Application by April 15th for the minor lot line adjustment that was discussed at the last meeting, and inquired when the Board could anticipate hearing the matter. Chairperson Thomas responded that as long as the Application received is complete, the hearing could be held on May 9th, 2017. 8. Adjournment The Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD