Regular Meeting of Tuesday, May 9th, 2017 (7:00 p.m.)
Pillsbury Memorial Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Board Members Present:  Carrie Thomas, Chair; Jim Lowe; David Angeli; Debbie Lang; Dennis O’Connor; and Roger Wells

Board Members Absent:  Julie McCarthy

Ex-Officio Present:  Bill Curless (tardy)

Staff Present:  Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator

1. Call to Order Regular Meeting
Chairperson Thomas called the meeting to order at 6:58 p.m.

2. New Planning Board Member Present – Dennis O’Connor

3. Roll Call

4. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 25, 2017.
Chairperson Thomas indicated that the following amendments needed to be made:

A. Page 3, Section B, change Mr. Blakely to Mr. Blakeman

MOTION:  Board Member Wells moved to approve the April 25, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

5. Correspondence
A. Peter Blakeman re: PB Request for Subdivision Review
LUC had spoken to Mr. Blakeman via email, who had indicated that he intended to have the review completed prior to the next meeting, May 23, 2017, for which he was invited to attend.

B. 04-240-350 prospective use as an antique store

LUC received an email, which he distributed to the Board Members, from Fred Uboldi, indicating that he’s looking at purchasing a property on 114 in South Sutton.  In the email, Mr. Uboldi had inquired about the possibility of utilizing this property for an antique shop.  In response, the LUC suggested that Mr. Uboldi approach the ZBA to see if an antique shop would be a customary home occupation, to determine any permit or variance requirements; and subsequently approach the PB to request a Site Plan Review.

Board Member Wells requested that the LUC find out who the realtor was.
Board Member O’Connor looked at and found that it was being listed by Coldwell Banker Agent, Barbara Maki.  Much discussion was had regarding this being an actual home business, versus a commercial outfit; as well as the exact location of this property.

C. Eversource – 2 trees (8″ Diameter) removed on Penacook Road due to damage

LUC informed the Board Members that this was in relation to the Keyser Street project that identified all the trees that were to be removed to avoid damage.  He went on to state that these two trees had not been identified by Eversource at that time, but that these two trees had been damaged by a larger tree falling on them during a storm, and subsequently removed.

Chairperson Thomas inquired regarding the trees that had been identified for cutting on Corporation Hill Road, which, to-date, have not been removed.  Discussion was had amongst the Board Members as to who was responsible for taking the trees out, as well as the proposed schedule.

D. New London Conditional Use Permit (CUP)

Board Member Angeli received this from Michele Holton, Member of the New London Planning Board.  He indicated that this was a Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU).  He went on to state that he submitted it to the LUC, to ensure that Sutton had such a document for use; and, if not, he suggested that the PB analyze the document and draw from it what they found corresponded with their needs, in creation of their own CUP for ADU.

LUC noted that for ADU, Sutton allows them by Special Exceptions, rather than CUPs, but that this document may be useful in recalibrating their other CUP items.  Board Member Wells requested that the LUC send the Board Members an email indicating where to locate their ADU Regulations online, and suggested that this conversation be tabled until the following meeting.  Further discussion brought out the point that an ADU would never come in front of the PB, unless it was for a Site Plan Review.

6. New Business

A. Comment on Building Permit for Lot Morgan Acres 09-240-260

The Board Members received the plan.  LUC indicated that he has the property card, if the Board Members would like to review it.  He explained the situation, and pointed out the following:

– Morgan Lane is a private road/easement off of Baker Road.
– A subdivision was done in 1962, prior to Zoning Ordinance and Planning Board.
– All lots are already built on, except the one in question, which is at the end of the private way, Lot 15, 15.6 acres.
– Abutter at Lot 17 indicated he has no problems with the home being built on the property.
– It’s a private right-of-way that doesn’t meet the 200-foot setback.
– It’s not steep slope.
– There are no drainage issues.
– It is before the PB to see if this construction poses any problems, and, if so, that they are to notify the Board of Selectman of those identified.
– It has been taxed as a lot of record for many years.

Board Member Wells inquired as to what Sutton Regulations instruct on lots that haven’t been built on for 56 years, in terms of the rationale of why the PB is being presented with such a request/notification.  Discussion was had regarding whether or not the property at-issue was grandfathered in.

Board Member Wells inquired the need for a hammerhead at the end of the property.
Ex-Officio Curless indicated there is paperwork that can be filled out for Class 6 roads, that would remove town liability, which would therefore alleviate the issue that there isn’t a proper turnaround.  He went on that, should the residents inquire that the town take over the road, they would have to put the turnaround in.  He suggested it may be beneficial for the PB to notify the residents of the situation, so that they can make a well-informed decision as to where to build the house, in order to allow for an easement at the front of its property, where they could construct a turnaround/hammerhead at a later date.  Board Member Wells added that the easement would go to the township.

MOTION:  Board Member Wells moves to recommend that the Select Board require of the Applicant for Lot 15 that sufficient ground be included into the existing right-of-way to provide for a hammerhead turnaround at the end of the right-of-way at some future date.  It was seconded by Board Member O’Connor.  The motion carried unanimously.

B. OEP Conference workshops report from LUC

LUC noted that he attended two planning sessions, regarding (1) City of Dover with Impact Studies and (2) Map Reading.  He described the workshops to the Board Members.  He suggested inviting Sylvia Von Aulock, Deputy Executive Director of Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission, do a presentation with the towns in the Kearsarge Regional District.  He discussed his plans in arranging such an event.

Board Member Wells instructed LUC to send out an inquiry to the surrounding rural towns to invite them to participate, specifying what dates they feel would be best-suited for them.

Further discussion was also had regarding the Master Plan, to include what takeaways were received from the workshop, as well as what the PB feels that it should accomplish, in terms of economic development and, in turn, possibly lowering real-estate taxes, while also bringing up the challenges associated with change.

Board Member Wells suggested having a year-long program consisting of speakers that would make presentations to the Residents of Sutton to answer any concerns that they may be facing regarding economic development.

7. Old Business

A. Subdivision Regulations

The Board is waiting for Mr. Blakeman’s report.

B. RSA for Appointments in terms of Alternate Members on the Land Use Board

The Board Members received the RSA, in response to an inquiry made at the April 25, 2017 meeting, which stated that up to five can be appointed; and that if the seven-member Board wanted to change to five member, it would have to go through a Warrant process.
C. Chart on Zoning Changes

LUC indicated that it has become so convoluted and unambiguous over time, and therefore he intends to clean it up and only include things of value and that are valid to the PB.
Board Member Wells suggested just putting in a sentence that would direct the reader to refer to the Zoning Ordinances.

8. Final Comments


9. Adjournment
The Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary