Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

April 29th, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Michael McManus, Select Board Chair; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; Julia Jones, Town Administrator; Nancy Glynn, Trustees of the Sutton Free Library Chairperson; Jennifer Call, Cemetery Commissioner; Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Alison Jones, Welfare Administrator and Supervisor of the Checklist; Henry Howell, Conservation Commission Chair; Jamie Hess, Sue Esposito, Karen Booker, Lee Booker, Peter Savickas, David Burnham, Dan Rahilly, Susan Knight, Diane Lander; Bonnie Hill, Conservation Commission Secretary; Donna Catanzaro, Maryann Simoni, Jane Williamson, Greg Gill; Christine Fletcher; Richard Lovell; Kim Ortakales; and Jason Teaster, Planning Board Chair.


At 5:00pm, the Board continued its Strategic Planning Session from April 8th  during a public meeting at Pillsbury Memorial Hall facilitated by Nancy Glynn. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the results of the April 8th Strategic Planning Session, continue to gather input on the Select Board’s 2024 priorities, and to engage volunteers to support town projects. Committee and board members, department heads, and interested members of the public were encouraged to attend this collaborative session.

After the Board delivered opening remarks, Glynn summarized the results of Strategic Planning Session held on April 8th and identified the top four projects that have not already started:

  • Exterior Repairs to Town
  • Information Kiosk at Town Hall
  • Website Upgrade
  • Digitizing Town Records

Glynn invited attendees to volunteer to support these projects, as well as projects that did not make the top four. Volunteers gathered for each project, and reviewed agenda items prepared by Glynn and Selectman Pogust. Glynn encouraged volunteers to introduce themselves, discuss the project, and assign a “point person,” and establish next steps.


The Board reviewed and approved public minutes from April 22nd.


The Board reviewed and approved the payroll manifest for $18,566.00. The Board reviewed a vendor manifest for $386,567.70 and directed the Town Administrator to hold a $735.00 check for audio services provided to the Town. The Board approved the remaining $385,832.70 in payments on the vendor manifest.


Building Permits:

The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

  • $11,000 building permit application submitted by Dominic and Victoria Powell for parcel 10-715-391 located at 128 Stonehouse Rd.
  • $387,000 building permit application submitted by the Diane Ingerson for parcel 07-796-118 located at 156 Norh Rd.

New Business:

The Board appointed David Burnham to the Planning Board and certified his Oath of Office.

The Board certified Richard Lovell’s Oath of Office as Emergency Management Director.

The Board discussed workstations and office furnishings for Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector. The Board directed the Town Administrator to gather additional information for review at the May 6th meeting of the Board.

Old Business:

The Board reviewed the NH Department of Revenue Permanent File Report and directed the Town Administrator to share a copy with the Sutton Budget Committee.

The Board signed a letter to the next recipient of the Boston Post Cane.

The Town Administrator confirmed that the Town is enrolled in Genasys, the State’s new emergency notification system. In conjunction with the Division of New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM), the Division of Emergency Services and Communications utilizes the statewide emergency notification system to efficiently broadcast statewide or location-based critical public safety messaging and weather-related alerts. These same capabilities can be utilized by authorized officials from New Hampshire municipalities, giving each city or town the ability to deliver actionable information into their community. Genasys replaces the State’s legacy system, CodeRED.

According to the State’s December 22nd, 2023, press release:

Residents and visitors who were enrolled to receive alerts by email, text message or on a cellphone or landline in our legacy system, CodeRED, before September 26, 2023, will automatically be added into the new system. Individuals who have not signed up yet or would like to update their information can go to to enroll in the free NH Alerts emergency notification system. In addition, individuals who use the NH Alerts app will need to download the free Genasys Protect smartphone app to continue to receive alerts after January 1.

The Board directed the Town Administrator to invite employees and town volunteers to an appreciation cookout on Saturday, July 13th from 11am-3pm at the Wadleigh State Park Boat House.

The Board discussed flag replacements on Town-owned property and Memorial Day volunteers. Alison Jones agreed to follow up on Memorial Day volunteers.

Review of correspondence:

Public Input:

Select Board Comments:


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.