Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

May 6th, 2024, 5:00pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Michael McManus opened the meeting at 5:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Michael McManus, Select Board Chair; Glenn Pogust, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator.

Also present at the meeting were: Jane Williamson and David Burnham.



At 5:01 pm Glenn Pogust made a motion to accept the public minutes from May 6th. Chair McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 16,555.63
Vendor: $ 21,469.49


The Board reviewed and approved the following intents:

Intent to cut 3 of 15.36 acres submitted by Erin & John Maynard for property located at 62 Baker Rd. 07-175-479.

Intent to cut 4 acres submitted by the State of New Hampshire for state property located on the Interstate 89 corridor.

Building Permits:

The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

$5,400 building permit for a porch extension submitted by Robert Ray for parcel 08-132-413 located at 164 Keyser Street.

$5,000 building permit for a shed submitted by Aaron Burkett for parcel 09-577-175 located at 410 Shaker Road.

Building permit to demolish an outbuilding submitted by NH Public Golf Courses for parcel 07-541-036 located at 187 Kearsarge Valley Road.

One-year extension of $100,000 building permit #2022-11 submitted by Robert & Rebecca Harrington for parcel 04-597-495 located at 228 Newbery Road.

New Business:

The Board reviewed a conceptual drawing for an enclosure for a lift at the Sutton Free Library.

The Board appointed and certified an oath of office for PAnderson as an alternate to the Sutton Free Library Trustees.

The Board discussed issues with the Pillsbury Memorial Hall audio system. After unsuccessfully attempting to troubleshoot the issue, the Board directed the Town Administrator to request that Cedar Sound, LLC return to address the issues.

Selectman Pogust notified the Board of certain non-conformities with the building permits submitted by Peacock Hill Road LLC. Based on an inspection by the Sutton Building inspector, it was determined that two of the houses under construction on Gridley Road do not match the plans submitted when the developer applied for building permits for those structures. As a result, Peacock Hill Road LLC must apply to the Select Board for amended building permits for those two houses to reflect the addition of those dormers and additional living space as well as any other changes that differ from the submitted plans. In addition, Peacock Hill Road LLC should file applications for amended Building Permits with respect to any anticipated deviations from the submitted plans for the other five houses planned for this subdivision. Selectman Pogust agreed to prepare a letter addressed to Peacock Hill Road LLC to this effect.

The Town Administrator provided an update on the Eversource ePnergy audit requested for Pillsbury Memorial Hall.

The Town Administrator notified the Board that the deadline to enroll in Community Power through Merrimack County is June 28th. The Board agreed to discuss this program at the May 16th meeting of the Board.

At 6:04pm Selectman Pogust made a motion to enter into a nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c) matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board as requested by the Town Administrator. The motion was seconded by Chair McManus and passed unanimously by roll call vote.

At 6:19pm a motion was made by Selectman Baker to leave the nonpublic session. The motion was seconded by Selectman Pogust and passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Once back in public session a motion was made by Selectman Baker to seal the nonpublic minutes. The motion was seconded by Selectman Pogust. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Old Business:

The Board continued their discussion from April 29th regarding Sutton Rescue’s accounting procedures. The Board approved Sutton Rescue’s $6,500 appropriation request for the balance of Sutton Rescue’s 2024 operating budget under the condition that Sutton Rescue’s vendors invoice the Town directly for expenses beginning January 1st, 2025. When invoicing is not an option, Sutton Resue may request use of the Town credit card, or submit reimbursement requests for operating expenses. This procedure is followed by all other Town Departments, including the Fire Department, and ensures the Town is prepared to respond to requests efficiently and effectively from our auditor and the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration. The Board directed the Town Administrator to have the Deputy Treasurer issue a $6,500 check to Sutton Rescue and to thank Sutton Rescue for their service to the Town.

The Town Administrator shared an update on the NHPFML premium.

The Board agreed to postpone discussion regarding updates to the personnel manual.

The Board approved the purchase of workstations and office furnishings for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector, not to exceed $4,000.

Review of correspondence:

Public Input:

David Burnham asked the Board about the permitting requirements and FEMA’s land designations. Selectman Pogust referred Burnham to the Land Use Coordinator to address his questions.

Jane Williamson shared an update on research regarding the Select Board’s strategic priority to install an information kiosk at Pillsbury Memorial Hall to replace the existing message board, which is in disrepair. Williamson and the Board discussed location, design, and possible funding sources for this project, including the Municipal Buildings Fund or a warrant article.

Select Board Comments:

Selectman Baker shared an update on a Year-End & Budgeting Debrief and Planning Session hosted by the Town Administrator on Wednesday May 1st, at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. During this session, the Town Administrator sought feedback from department heads and employees on 2023 year-end and the 2024 budget process. Selectman Baker and Sutton Budget Committee Chair Robert DeFelice attended as representatives of the two boards. At the May 1st meeting:

  • SBC Chair DeFelice agreed to holding joint meetings of the Budget Committee and the Select Board to review budgets with department heads, committees, and boards.
  • Selectman Baker shared his draft proposal for a Wage Equalization Plan, to which the SBC Chair was amenable.

The Board agreed to revisit Selectman Baker’s draft proposal for a Wage Equalization Plan at the May 13th meeting of the Board.

Selectman Baker provided an update on the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee for Sutton Town Hall Exterior Repairs. Alison Jones, Paul Little, Richard Lovell, Lee Booker, Walter Baker, Jr., and Jason Teaster held the first meeting of the Committee on May 2nd at 5:30pm at Pillsbury Memorial Hall. The purpose of the meeting was for resident volunteers to assist the Select Board in preparing a list of priorities for renovations to the Pillsbury Memorial Hall. During this meeting, the committee:

  • Reviewed a brief assessment titled Sutton NH Buildings provided by Julia Jones to Jason Teaster, which was completed by Matt Grimes and Mark Peterson on June 24, 2022.
  • Conducted a full walk around the building, starting at the entrance, to assess the current building repair and maintenance needs.

Selectman Baker shared the Committee’s observations of apparent issues that require repair or replacement to properly maintain the building. These observations are presented in the following excerpt from the Committee’s May 2nd minutes:

  • Front entrance ceilings and soffits are in need of repair/cleaning/painting. Repair drip edge at roof. Requires testing for lead paint. Paint/clean windows.
  • Cleaning of the copper honor roll plaque on front porch.
  • Lighting fixtures on front and at the east side deck should be replaced. Jason to investigate NHSaves for funding opportunity to address all lighting, insulation, and air sealing.
  • Cluster fly issues on the second floor. Air sealing? Pest control?
  • Clean and repoint front granite steps at entrance.
  • Repair concrete apron and recharge drip edge around entire building. Includes regrading to achieve slope away from foundation.
  • Repointing granite foundation and brick work throughout as needed. Wally suggested rebonding with a skim coat for parts of the apron.
  • Bulkhead needs renovation, e.g. new door, roof, trim.
  • South side addition shows apparent issues with clapboard siding, e.g. cupping, peeling, and some rot issues. Consider new stain and/or replacement.
  • South side addition windows need repair or replacement.
  • All basement windows at grade need replacement or repair.
  • All fascia trim and soffit around building needs painting
  • East side landing and stairs need replacement. Repurpose granite steps?? Per Wally.
  • Landscaping cleanup, e.g. weeding, pruning, mulching, etc…

The Committee will meet again Thursday, May 9th at 5:30pm to define roles of committee members, review the observations, assess/determine priorities, prepare work scope for each, and gather cost estimates to propose to the Select Board.

Chair McManus requested an update on the purchase of the new 10-wheel dump truck, and the trade in or sale of the existing 6-wheel dump truck. The Town Administrator shared that Freightliner had not provided an answer on whether they would be willing to issue a check for the trade-in value of the 6-wheel dump truck. The Town Administrator discussed the Select Board’s request for a check for the trade-in value, and the need for clarification on whether proceeds from the sale of the 6-wheel truck must be returned to the capital reserve fund or if it can be placed in the general fund. The Board directed the Town Administrator to consult with Town Counsel and Paul Mercier to advise the Board on this transaction.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:41pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Jones

Town Administrator