Town of Sutton, NH

26 Grist Mill Street Committee

Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2019

Members present:  Dane Headley, Chair, Don Davis, Glenn Pogust, Bob DeFelice and Betsy Forsham.  Absent:  Andy Jeffrey and Cindy Johnson. It was noted that due to her impending marriage and honeymoon, Cindy will no longer be available to serve on the committee.

Call to order:  Chair Dane Headley called the meeting to order at 2:50 p.m. 

Previous meeting minutes: It was moved by Bob, seconded by Glenn and unanimously approved to approve the minutes of August 26, 2019 as written.

Old Business:

– Dane reviewed actions needed to achieve our selected Scenarios – #1 & 1A (with just house remaining and pavilion) & #3 & 3A (all buildings removed with pavilion).  Bob felt that after our public information meeting on 9/26, we will have a better idea of public sentiment.  Dane thinks regardless of comments received, we need to pursue the two scenarios we have chosen.

– Glenn said we should hold off on quoting any cost estimates until we get more information from other contractors.  To that end, Betsy reported that she had contacted two builders who are willing to come and take a look at the buildings, if the committee thinks it would be helpful. She hopes to contact one more local one as well.  Members thought it would be a good idea, so Betsy will arrange a meeting with them, hopefully for this week (Wednesday?).  She will email everyone with the day and times.  Glenn offered to have an architect friend from KUA come to take a look as well and agreed to set up a day time to do so.

-Discussion of demolition of building (s) and who might do it.  Glenn mentioned NH Demolition as a group he has seen at job sites.  Questions about asbestos but some members do not think that will be an issue.  Glenn agreed to contact the company to inquiry about rates, etc.

– Bob explained how he thought the public information meeting on the 26th should be conducted.  The 4 scenarios will be briefly reviewed, with plans available.  Questions and ideas will be taken from those in attendance which the committee will “take under consideration” at its regular meeting.  There will, therefore, not be much back and forth.

– Some discussion about what we might do if someone offered to buy the house and/or barn and move them.

– Bob spoke about how he envisions a shed/pavilion, using lumber from the old barn.  It would site on the earth (grass), with one wall in the rear which could be enclosed to house the hearse and a roof overhead.  It would be maybe 10” high.  Roofing material would be either asphalt singles or metal, depending on the cost.  Betsy noted that in discussion with Peter Stanley, he opined that the costs of repurposing the barn for a pavilion would be prohibitive. More on this as we get further along in our discussions with builders.

New Business:

–  Dane asked if members would be willing to move to a different day and time for our meetings, as one hour does not seem to be long enough to cover everything.  It was agreed to move to Thursdays, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.  We will begin the new schedule on Thursday, Sept. 19th and decide then on a schedule going forward.

– Dane discussed an email received from town counsel, dated 9-6-19, regarding ADA requirements, and wondered what “alteration” of a building means.  Does going from a residence to a storage building constitute an alteration?  He will contact counsel for clarification. Members also discussed coming up with costs associated with ADA requirements should they be required in the future but it was pointed out that there will be maintenance cost to consider as well, all of which could be determined once the fate of the building has been decided.  There will most likely be questions from the public about letting the house sit for aesthetic reasons and the maintenance costs associated with that.  At some point, the committee will probably have to come up some rough cost figures for insurance, utilities, etc.

Bob shared his new drawings, scenarios 1A and 3A, which show the inclusion of a larger “pavilion” which would replace a shed and change the parking configuration some.  Discussion about having a van parking space nearby and where one could be placed.

Next Meeting date: 

 The next meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 19th @ 4:00 p.m.


There being no further business to conduct, it was moved by Don, seconded by Dane and unanimously approved to adjourn at 3:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Betsy Forsham

Recording Secretary