July 29, 2019 | Town Admin Town of Sutton Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 26 Grist Mill Street Committee Meeting Minutes of July 29, 2019 Members present: Dane Headley, Chair; Bob DeFelice, Don Davis, Glenn Pogust, Cindy Johnson, Andy Jeffrey and Betsy Forsham. Absent: Wally Baker. Call to order: Chair Dane Headley called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m. Previous meeting minutes: It was moved by Glenn, seconded by Don and unanimously approved to accept the minutes of July 15, 2019 as written. Old Business: Don reported that Andrew Cushing of the NH Preservation Alliance will be coming to view the buildings tomorrow (Tuesday) around 6:00 p.m. Betsy will post the “meeting”. Betsy reported that she had finally heard from Geddes Moving Company. The email received on 7/19 is as follows: “To Raise and Dig only: approximately $20-25,000”. “To raise, dig, backfill, and the foundation with floor: $45-$50,000”. A brief discussion ensued, noting that moving the building would be expensive! Bob reviewed the computer generated visuals he had created, showing the site both with and without the buildings. Bob handed out a proposed budget schedule which also showed 26 GMS committee meetings including a public information session (9/23) and public hearing dates (11/4 and 11/18 (if necessary)). Discussion ensued and some changes made. The schedule showed the committee meeting every week going forward. This was discussed, and it was agreed that it would be helpful to meet every week if there is a quorum and a specific need. New Business: Don discussed the various websites he recently sent members regarding parking space requirements, layouts and possible grants to create a park/public green space. Bob noted that the town having a parks and recreation department might be helpful in obtaining grants. It was reiterated that for 25 parking spaces, one accessible space is required. We should also have 1 space for a van, which requires more room. Members reviewed and discussed “as completed” site plans created by Bob. Glenn made some suggestions which Bob will try to recreate in additional plans. Andy suggested creating one other plan showing all the buildings and the reduction in parking spaces and green space which would result. Going forward, in presenting our scenarios, it would be important to show maintenance costs for buildings for which the town has little use and that the committee explored all possible options for the lot. Bob was thanked for creating these plans– they are very helpful! 3:15 – Appointment with road agent, Adam Hurst. The meeting was continued across the street, on the lot, in order to discuss parking layout, plowing and snow removal, and issues which the road agent might encounter regarding maintenance. Adam recommended paving the parking area, but the committee is not in favor of that. Alternative surfaces were discussed with crushed stone being favored over bluestone. In discussing the best way to plow the area, Adam said he needs about 18 feet to maneuver between trees which probably means removing the two trees in the yard. He also needs to be clear of the septic tank and leach field and proposed area for a “carriage shed”. Bob agreed to modify his site plans to reflect some of what was discussed. Adam thanked for coming – his comments were most helpful. Committee Members’ Comments: Dane said he will not be here next week (Aug. 5th), so Bob will chair that meeting. Dane asked that our minutes be placed on the Town’s website. He will direct Elly Phillips, town administrator, to do. Betsy will email her all the minutes to date. Adjournment: There being no further business to conduct, it was moved by Andy, seconded by Bob and unanimously approved to adjourn at 3:55 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Betsy Forsham, Recording Secretary