Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Board of Selectman
August 6, 2018 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by William I. Curless, Chair; Present at the meeting was William I. Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor; Cory Cochran, Fire Chief; Wendy Grimes, Rescue Chief; Robert DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair;  Gail Guertin, Budget Committee; Kelly Gale, KLG Architecture, pllc; Pete and Marne Thompson, Doug Suitor and Elly Phillips, Recording Secretary.



At 4:00 p.m. Selectman Wright made a motion to enter into Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II in order to conduct personnel evaluation for Diego Solimine, Solid Waste Supervisor, The motion was seconded by Selectman Headley.  The Board was polled.  The motion passed with Selectman Curless, Selectman Headley and Selectman Wright voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 4:33.  The minutes from the non-public session were not sealed.

At 5:00 p.m. Kelly Gale, Architect KLG Architecture, pllc, Cory Cochran, Fire Chief, and Wendy Grimes met with the Board to discuss the site visit for the Fire Department Addition.    Selectman Curless explained that the purpose of the meeting was to review observations resulting from the July 19, 2018 architectural/engineering site visit to review structural elements for the fire department addition project.  Selectman Curless advised that biggest concern that was brought out from the review was that the existing roof structure had a 40 lb. snow load.  The new portion of the addition that would be built over the existing roof structure will have a 90 lb. snow load capacity which poses a risk to the structure.  In addition, valleys in the roof trap snow, thus increasing the snow load potential even further.  Ms. Gale advised that she, Selectman Curless, and a structural engineer met at the site to look at the existing building and inspect the addition site.  The following items were reviewed at the site meeting:

·         The original RFP was minimal and did not include boilerplate liability language.

·         The insulation is not adequate to meet current codes

·         Adding insulation to the existing building would increase the snowload and further stress the roof (added insulation would reduce snow melting).

·         The structural engineer may need to do analysis of the existing truss system to verify and analyze the load on the structure.  Due to the age of the building, truss data does not appear to be available.

·         Engineering for the addition could be done and cantilevered loading could be designed to handle the snow load on the existing structure.  If this is done without engineering analysis, the town would hold full liability for the existing structure as the engineer would require waivers from liability.

·         The engineer will provide the town with a written report regarding his observations.

·         End walls need to be stiffened.

·         The wall in between the meeting space and bays goes to the bottom of the trusses.  However, it is not designed as a bearing point on the trusses which is keeping the building from flexing the way it is supposed to flex.

The effect of increasing the insulation of the existing building was discussed at length.  In addition, there would be increased load on the building with the addition of a sprinkler system because of the cast iron piping.   Ms. Gale recommended that a code review of the plans been done to ascertain the scope of the project.  Ms. Gale recommended designing for future needs.   For instance, if the second floor storage area may be used as a bunk/day room in the future, that should be considered in the design.  Occupied spaces have a different code standard.  Public safety/first response buildings are held to a higher standard than residential or commercial buildings.

Selectman Headley asked Mr. DeFelice, Budget Committee Chair, whether he recommended looking at future needs.  Mr. DeFelice responded in the affirmative.

Selectman Curless recommended considering a design build approach.  He suggested North Branch be approached for a design build as they Town worked with them successfully on the Highway Facility.    Selectman Curless also felt that the Board/Fire/Rescue should consider retaining Ms. Gale to oversee the project.

Selectman Wright asked that Phillips research the use of approved funding for feasibility studies.  It was noted that minimal funds have been expended for the project to date.  Chief Cochran expressed concerns regarding the cost for the architectural/engineering services.  Selectman Wright emphasized the need for working closely with the fire department.  Chief Cochran expressed frustration regarding the potential for going to the Town for additional funding and that this was just coming up now after two years of work by the building committee.  It was noted that minimal funds have been expended for the project to date.  The Board of Selectmen took complete responsibility for reconsidering the approach of the project.  However, upon receiving additional information, it was clear that the Town has insufficient data to proceed.   If the issue is do it now or do it right.  It is clear that it should be done right.  Selectman Headley observed that the fire/rescue hold the town together through their services and felt that the townspeople would understand the need for additional funding. It was agreed that the Town will explore the Design/Build approach. At the next Fire Department Meeting, Chief Cochran will report on the engineering/architectural site visit and seek feedback from the firefighters regarding the design/build approach.  Phillips will follow up with counsel regarding funding and next steps for the project.

The minutes from July 30, 2018 were approved as corrected.  A period was added after the word substantial, the remainder of the sentence was deleted.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:   $   10,315.33

VENDOR MANIFEST:     $  42,354.62



The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Andrew & Jennifer Helfrich, Map 06-041-322, for a deck

Megan & John Haaland, 06-462-254, floor repairs and HVAC


A building permit application for David Burnham, Map 06-208-196, Route 114 for a shed was withdrawn.  Mr. Burnham will raze and replace with an in-kind shed.



The Board issued DRA Form PA-16 for Federal and State Forest Land Reimbursement

The Board reviewed the annual DES inspection report for the Septage lagoons.

Fuel Bid Selection – for 2018-19 Heating Season – Huckleberry at $2.538

Upon recommendation of the Budget Committee the Select Board made the follow appointments to Budget Committee:  Samantha Gordon and Sue Esposito for a term until March 2019



Phillips reported that both zoning issues regarding travel trailers have been resolved.



The Board noted the following items of correspondence:

Strut in Sutton event 9/23/2018

Highway Block Grant notification Abutter notification

Application for a Conditional Use Permit 06-750-420, Chalk Pond Road


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:16 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator