Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

April 12, 2021 @ 4:30 p.m.



Selectman William I. Curless, Chair, opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were William Curless, Chair; Dane Headley, Selectman; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Christopher Stotler and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.



At 4:45 p.m. the Board met with Christopher Stotler regarding cleanup of his property.  Mr. Stotler explained the many reasons that he was not able to make progress with the clean up of his property.  Selectman Curless advised that there was a court order to clean up the property and that it has been over a year.   Phillips recommended that Mr. Stotler be given 30-days to engage a picker to sell items with value after which the Town will come and complete the clean up.  Mr. Stotler stated that he would clean the property by himself.  Mr. Stotler was advised that he had 30-days from April 12, 2021 after that the Town will be on site to clean the property up.  Mr. Stotler assured the Board that he would have it cleaned within 30-days and that he wanted it clean.  Selectman Headley emphasized that is the absolute deadline.


The minutes from April 5, 2021 were approved as corrected.   “Selectman Curless recollected that there was a hold on accepting septage materials” was corrected to read:   Selectman Curless recollected that the Select Board “voted” that there was a “hold or close” on accepting septage materials.   Selectman Curless reiterated his strong recollection and reasoning for closing the lagoons.  Selectman Baker discussed the lagoon operation procedure.  Selectman Curless remembered that the Board was going to let the lagoons dry out for several months, noting that PFAS was a concern as well as the potential for evolving requirements from the DES.  Selectman Curless made a motion that the Town not accept any more septage until further notice.  A lengthy discussion ensued.


Selectman Headley recollected that they had made the decision to defer action.  Selectman Curless felt the Board should explore the cost for closure.  Selectman Headley expressed concern about where the septage would go and was advised it would go to Franklin or Concord.  The Board discussed the fact that citizens were not receiving a discount for disposal of septage in Sutton.  Selectman Curless discussed the potential for expensive closure costs.  Selectman Baker felt the maintenance program that was established was working and asked what was different.  He was advised of the PFAS results, additional monitoring requirements, and revisions to the permit relating to septage lagoon maintenance.  Selectman Headley recommended discussing the matter with the Solid Waste Supervisor.  It was noted that the revenue offset was not a good reason to keep the lagoons open in balance with potential closure costs.


Selectman Baker seconded the motion.  Selectman Curless amended the motion as follows:  The Town will not accept septage in lagoons until further information is reviewed regarding testing and overall benefits to the Town.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion the motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.  The Board noted that an expendable capital reserve was available for maintenance and closure of the lagoons.


The non-public, unsealed minutes regarding personnel were approved as written.  Salary increases for highway personnel are effective for the pay period beginning 4/9/2021.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

                Vendor Manifest:  $42,801.84

Payroll Manifest:  $10,197.70



A demolition for a permit for Rodney and JoAnn Sigua, 08-135-049, Penacook Road, was approved.  The Sigua’s question regarding permitting for a walkway should be directed to the Department of Environmental Services, Shoreland Division.



The Board discussed a potential hazard tree on Wadleigh Hill Road located across from Horse Beach.  The tree is dead and has a major hollow spot at the bottom and branching are dropping. The tree will be marked, and Selectman Baker will verify with the road agent that it is within the right-away.  The Board noted that they were the agents to expend from the tree maintenance capital reserve.  Selectman Baker made a motion to have the hazardous tree removed.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.


The Board instructed Phillips to schedule a public hearing for a proposed OHRV ordinance that would allow property owners to access their property via a Class VI road.


There was no discussion regarding the March 2021 Expenditure Report.



The Board issued a Yield Tax, for Sherry and William Farley, Map 08-651-044, in the amount of $2,393.78.


The Board reviewed and approved a proposed Addendum to Building Permit Application regarding wetlands inspections.


The Board noted that the town’s Travel Policy expired on December 31, 2020.  The Board adopted the NHSEOC Travel Guidance that was issued March 31, 2021 which allows domestic travel.  Staff will be provided with a copy of the policy.


The Board approved an Intent to Excavate for Christopher and Rebecca Rowe, 08-270-222, for 1 acre out of 1.5.



The Board noted correspondence from Pete Blakeman regarding the test pits on 07-210-378 (cemetery land).



The Board discussed competitive wages for the Town.  Selectman Curless recommended that the Department Heads be charged with doing a compensation/benefits analysis of neighboring towns and peers.  The Budget process for the upcoming year and ex-officio interaction was also discussed.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips

Town Administrator