Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

May 1, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m.


Dane Headley opened the meeting at 5:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Present at the meeting were:  Dane Headley, Chair; Walter Baker, Jr., Selectman; Michael McManus, Selectman; Robert DeFelice, Trustees of the Trust Funds and David Grinsell, Town Administrator; Michael Cornelio, Beth Renzulli, Trustees of the Trust Funds and Tom Schamberg, State Representative.


A motion to approve the April 24, 2023, minutes was made by Selectman McManus and Selectman Baker seconded the motion. The motion passed.





The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Vendor Manifest: $23,295.52

Payroll Manifest:  $ 17,846.21



The Board approved the following building permits.

Building Permits: Chris and Sharon Froio, Map 09-040-226 (Parent Parcel), Baker/French Road for a home.

Rachel and John Carney, 05-831-532, Gile Pond Road for a solar array.



Intent to Cut:  Granite State Forest Trust, Map 02-190-373, Bum Carter Road, 25 acres out of 167.

A question arose about the location of Bum Carter Road and if the road is a Class 6 road that requires special bonding provisions.  Chair Headley requests Road Agent Adam Hurst verify the road’s status.

Alan and Teri Gauntt, 04-194-527 and 06-311-012, Route 114 for 55 acres out of 89



The Board approved a solar exemption for Ronald and Brenda Cooper, Map 08-799-239, in the amount of $10,920.

Trustee Defelice asked if the Town receives any financial benefit from the federal government which was the incentive to provide the exemption?  The Board requested the matter be researched and addressed at the 05/08/23 meeting.



In reference to the appointment of Elly Phillips to Deputy Treasurer made 04/24/236, Select McManus made a motion that the stipend for the Deputy Treasurer does not include a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).  The motion was made by Selectman McManus and was unanimously approved.


The Board reviewed correspondence from Dan Rahilly inquiring about purchasing Tax Deeded Land located on Baker Hill Map 06-653-513.  It was mentioned that the Board should research selling the property through a sealed bid or auction rather than a private sale.  Selectman McManus noted that a sealed-bid and auction are a more equitable method to sell tax deeded property.  Chair Headley asked what the timeframe is to provide notice and hold an auction. Selectman McManus asked for the Town’s cost incurred for 73 Baker Hill Road.  Selectman McManus then asked if the owner of the property was Phyllis DiMaggio and if she is still alive as she or her estate will need to be paid.


The Board received Budget Expenditure Reports through April 30, 2023, for review at their next meeting.  Select McManus asked if anything came to Town Admin Grinsell’s attention while printing off the report.  It was noted that our attorney provided the town with a $1,300 bill for attending the town meeting.  Chair Headley mentioned that not having our attorney at the Town meeting is not a good idea.  Selectman Baker asked what the practice in prior years was.  Town Administrator Grinsell is to report back to the Board at the 5/8/23 Board Meeting.




Selectman Baker reported that Wet Basement Solutions prepared a revised proposal that included a more powerful pump and battery backup system with an increase in cost.  The Board discussed if a larger pump and battery backup were necessary and if the cost proposed was worth the additional money.  Selectman Baker will research the cost of increasing the pump capacity and report back to the board at the 5/8/23 meeting.


Selectman Baker inquired if a picture of the lighting fixtures in town wall was provided to Irish Electric.  Photographs were sent with a request for recommendations and an estimate for LED light bulbs suited for the meeting room.



At 5:30 P.M. the Board conducted a joint meeting with Michael Cornelio, Robert DeFelice and Beth Renzulli, Trustees of the Trust Funds to discuss administrative matters.


Trustee DeFelice mentioned the change in trustee responsibilities from investing to account management and the

increase in interest rates has created an opportunity to generate income for the Town trust funds.  Trustee

DeFelice questioned why it required three weeks for a $588,000 check from the general fund to the trustees of

the trust funds to be received, processed, and deposited into the trust funds. Trustee Cornelio replied that the

process of moving funds by check through the mail is archaic. Trustee Defelice recommended using electronic

transfers to move funds expeditiously, but a cost is involved. The issue is that the funds need to be sent to the

trustees before being invested.  Chairman Headley asked Trustee Cornelio to approach the investment agent on

using electronic transfers to move funds. Selectman McManus noted that there are very few transfers and the cost.

for the transfer is minor.  Trustee DeFelice noted the estimated loss of interest on the delay of depositing the

$588,000 check is $2,000. Trustee Cornelio Pointed out that the money from NHPDIP to the town is transferred electronically; therefore, funds should also be able to be sent from the town to NHPDIP.  Trustee DeFelice inquired

about how NHPDIP makes their money.  Trustee Cornelio mentioned that they are probably entitled to a management

fee that is well established across the industry.  Chair Headley asked to find out about how the Town is charged

by NHPDIP and if we have a contract with them.  Trustee Renzulli noted that we are required to use NHPDIP so there

may not be a contract.  All NH towns are required to use NHPDIP.  Selectman McManus asked that Trustee Cornelio

research these matters and report back to the Board with his findings.


Trustee DeFelice complained that the Cemetery Fund has 126 separate accounts and that he must manually

calculate and assign the interest earned to each account.  He also noted that no funds come out of the $32,000

balance in the cemetery fund.  Selectman McManus inquired if the purpose of each fund is for perpetual care for

individual plots or for the over or the overall upkeep of the entire cemetery.  McManus indicated that if

no funds have come out of the Cemetery account then the interest should have accumulated so that some

services could be paid for, tree trimming, fixing gates and fences etc.  Trustee DeFelice agreed as long as the principal is not touched.  Chair Headley asked how much interest the fund is generating.  Trustee Defelice estimated that fund earned $200 in 2021 and $800 last year. Chair Headley mentioned that Tim Hayes, the newly appointed cemetery sexton, should be made aware of the funds available to maintain the cemeteries.



Trustee Cornelio raised the issue of expendable funds.  He does not have a list of which funds are

expendable and which are not.  Trustee Defelice believes he has such a list that he created previously and will

check is records to find the list.   Trustee Cornelio noted the ideal account title would include the Year,

Account Name and EX. Town administrator Grinsell offered that if Trustee Cornelio could provide a list of

accounts with the titles he wanted then we could change our in-house account titles to agree with Trustee

Cornelio’s list.  Chair Headley requested that we move forward with this process.   Mr. DeFelice discussed the Capital Improvement Plan and schedule.


Investment Opportunities – TA Grinsell stated that after some negotiating Bar Harbor Bank has provided the Town with a 1.5% interest rate on the collected balance kept in our general fund checking account.  Also, a 13-week CD with a 4.10% interest rate.  Selectman McManus inquired about the Town’s liquidity of the funds we have available to invest.  TA Grinsell explained that a quick cash flow projection was calculated based on current funds available, weekly operating expenses and known large uses and sources of funds over the next 8 weeks.  It was determined that $100,000 was a safe amount to invest in a 13-week CD to get the process started.  He continued that after the June tax warrant and July payment to the school system has occurred a CD laddering strategy will be established to maximize the return on available funds and provide better management of our cashflow.  Selectman McManus inquired about the FDC insurance requirement limit of $250,000.  The town has an agreement with Bar Harbor Bank guaranteeing town funds are insured up to $4,300,000.


Municipal Resources Inc – Position Analysis Questionnaire Review:  TA Grinsell stated the questionnaire is comprehensive and will require employees to take their time to complete it.  He expressed concern that there may be some reluctance and Board encouragement may be required to support this process.  A meeting is planned for Wednesday, 5/24 to have all employees review the questionnaire with MRI.  Select McManus stated if this is what MRI needs to prepare their report and we have spent $20,000 then this is exactly what employees need to do. Chair Headley stated that the report is due on Friday, June 9 and that he will look over the questionnaire.  Selectman McManus indicated that he will also fill out the questionnaire as if he was an employee to see how long it takes to complete.  Chair Headley indicated that he would review the format to see if the questions are reasonable.


Library MOU – TA Grinsell indicated that he reached out to Naomi Butterfield, Town Counsel, for an update on her effort to contact Chair Glynn at the library to discuss the MOU. Attorney Butterfield has advised that the library is entitled to the appropriated funds in the budget and the Town should pay the library.  The amount owed to the library has been determined to be $24,226.  The Board inquired what was included in the $24,000 and TA Grinsell explained the calculation made based on the total wages for the year, plus the one payment of $8,000 less the total appropriation due of $106,000 = $24,000.  Trustee Defelice stated he is hoping for Chair Glynn to request the remaining appropriation payment and the request would be reduced by the $8,000 balance in the library’s account at the end of last year (2022 budgeted funds that were not used.)


Peacock Hill Update – Mr. Pogust reported that the contractor continues to disregard the town’s cease and desist order.  Counsel prepared a complaint over the weekend, and it is ready to go.  Counsel requested that the Select Board approve to proceed with the filing of the complaint that seeks an injunction, attorneys’ fees and costs.  The town’s cease and desist order is not enforceable.  An injunction authorizes law enforcement to shut down the project.  If the contractor continues to work after the injunction is filed, then he will be in violation and in contempt of court.  The injunction will be filed once the board is aware that the Town may incur attorney’s fees that may not be paid by the defendant and provides the attorney with authorization to proceed.  Chair Headley made a motion to approve the injunction with penalties and if necessary, attorney’s fees and to file the injunction as soon as possible.  Selectman McManus seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


An email from Lillian Parks listing her concerns with the situation involving Peacock Hill LLC, the developer of subdivision on East Sutton Road, was provided to the Board.  Ms. Parks requests that she please be advised on the effort to enforce the cease-and-desist order by getting an injunction as soon as possible.  Selectman McManus instructed TA Grinsell to respond to Ms. Parks email stating that an injunction is being filed to enforce the cease and desist order this week.


TA Grinsell informed the board that Chippers Tree Service has been contacted to examine the Sugar maple located in the front of town hall to determine if the tree can be saved or if it needs to be taken down. Chippers will provide a proposal for the work necessary to either save or remove the tree. Chair Headley requested a life expectancy estimate for the tree if it is determined that the tree can be saved.


Angie Addison sent an email inquiring on the petition process regarding her concern with the increase in truck traffic on Kearsarge Valley Road.  She stated the trucks are causing damage to the road surface and culverts.  She is particularly worried about the vehicles speeding on the road and the safety of people walking, biking and walking with their children and pets.  Ms. Addison would like to know the proper process for petitioning to have Kearsarge Valley Road posted for no Trucking.  Recording Secretary Phillips did respond to Mrs. Addisons email indicating the process necessary to file a petition.  Chairman Headley suggested that Chief Korbet conduct directed patrols on Kearsarge Valley Road.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



David Grinsell

Town Administrator