December 19, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE Regular Meeting of Monday, December 4, 2017 (6:00 p.m.) Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Not official until approved by the Committee. Committee Members Present: Robert DeFelice, Chairperson; Andrew Palmer; Julia Jones; Gail Guertin; and Steven Hamilton Committee Members Absent: ; Victoria O’Connor Ex-Officio Present: Robert Wright, Jr. Others Present: Elly Phillips, Town Administrator Call to Order Regular Meeting Chairperson DeFelice called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 27th, 2017 MOTION: Committee Member Palmer moved to approve the Minutes, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Guertin. The motion carried. (5-0) Discussion was held regarding the Capital Reserve requested by the Welfare Department, and under whose purview it fell, which would be the Board of Selectmen. Meeting(s) – 6:15 p.m. – Town Administrator Ms. Phillips distributed her answers to the questions submitted from the Budget Committee. Chairperson DeFelice asked about future plans for the Pillsbury Memorial Hall. Ms. Phillips pointed out that the major item to consider improvements on is parking. Further discussion was had regarding possible improvements. Committee Member Guertin inquired regarding a maintenance plan for the building. Ms. Phillips responded that there is a maintenance schedule for the building to ensure that all safety measures are met, and that the building is in sound condition. Committee Member Guertin requested a list of items that are not meeting Code, in order to structure a budget to address them, should any interior modifications to the building be desired. Discussion continued regarding this topic. Chairperson DeFelice asked about the mapping budget requested on the wish list. Ms. Phillips went into a brief description of the procedures currently taking place and the challenges that have arisen. She explained the necessity of having maps that show accurate boundary lines, topography, etc. and obtaining such maps could be accomplished. Chairperson DeFelice inquired regarding the current workload and whether another employee is becoming more of a necessity. Ms. Phillips answered that, as she outlined in the proposed budget, she has requested more hours, as there is a greater need for assistance to accomplish duties. She explained the challenges that they are currently facing. Discussion was had regarding the Salary Study requested. Ms. Phillips presented information regarding the budget. Ms. Phillips touched on every line item that was her Department’ responsibility. However, the following line items were discussed in more detail, due to the fact that there is a proposed change to the figure: Executive Office: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4130-102 EX Town Administrator Salary $52.245 $52,565 1-01-4130-103 EX Secretary & Clerk Wages $24,500 $35,000 1-01-4130-104 EX Accrued Vacation Time 1-01-4130-110 EX Financial Manager $2,500 1-01-4130-210 EX Health Insurance $47,912 1-01-4130-390 EX Other Professional Services $3,500 $4,500 1-01-4130-391 EX Computer $14,000 $32,000 1-01-4130-560 EX Dues/Conf/Publications $2,200 $3,000 1-01-4130-620 EX Office Supplies $1,250 $1,500 1-01-4130-740 EX Office Equipment $250 $1,000 TOTAL $148,357 $129,565 Line Item 1-01-4130-102: It’s budgeted for 11 weeks at the old rate and 41 weeks at the new rate. After Town Meeting, there was a 3% COL raise. Line Item 1-01-4130-103: The number of hours per week has been raised to an average of 33 hours/week, putting them into fulltime status, at $19.00/hour. There’s $2,400 included for staff to come in and do projects. Line Item 1-01-4130-104: New line to remind everyone that all employees can, in lieu of vacation, take the money. You’re allowed to have 240 hours on the books. Line Item 1-01-4130-110: Payment for someone to come in and discuss financial matters. Line Item 1-01-4130-210: Moved to another line item. Line Item 1-01-4130-390: This includes recording fees, Special Code Enforcement Services, timber monitoring, and consulting. This line item is varies, depending on the needs of the town, and it’s been increased based on actual usage. Line Item 1-01-4130-391: There’s going to be a new methodology for computer services, which is Complete Care Managed System. This includes offsite backup, replacement of computer units if they fail within a certain time, onsite repairs. There’s also $4,000/year of software update expenses. Website is $200/year. Digital mapping is $3,900/year. Email accounts are $1,000. There’s an additional $1700 budgeted for PCs: (1) Lorri; (1) Elly. Line Items 1-01-4130-560: Biggest thing paid out of this is the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) dues, which is $1300/year. It also include training and conferences. With possibly having two new Selectmen, they will need training. Line Item 1-01-4130-620: That’s based on actual, and is up a little if they need laser cartridges for printers. Line Item 1-01-4130-625: Discussion was held regarding the usefulness of a postage meter. Line Item 1-01-4130-740: A desired purchase is a digital recorder. Financial/Executive: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4151-105 FA Budget Comm Sec Wages $750 $1,000 1-01-4151-190 FA Budget Committee $200 $500 TOTAL $950 $1,500 Line Item 1-01-4151-105: This is for minute-taking, based on projected actual. Line Item 1-01-4151-190: This is for advertising, i.e. public hearings. Revaluation of Property: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4152-100 RP Appraisal Services $12,000 $14,000 Line Item 1-01-4152-100: This is a contingent line item, that includes: Assessing services, which costs $57/visit Consulting services, which costs $90/hour Appeals, which costs $109/hour Committee of Tax and Land Appeals (BTLA), which costs $90/hour Summit, which costs $1,500/year Judicial & Legal Expenses: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4153-200 JL Expenses & Services $15,000 $13,000 1-01-4153-300 JL Claims/Deductions $2,500 $2,000 TOTAL $17,500 $15,000 Line Item 1-01-4153-200: $1,000/month stipend to contact Legal, and $1,000 for extra incidentals included. Line Item 1-01-4153-300: This is for costs over and above the $1,000/month stipend, including in-person visits. Personnel Administration: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4155-100 HA Health Insurance Executive $65,796 1-01-4155-101 HA Health Insurance Police $90,782 1-01-4155-102 HA Health Insurance Highway $98,871 1-01-4155-216 PA Group Ins – Dental $7,397 $8,216 1-01-4155-220 PA FICA $39,073 $39,640 1-01-4155-225 PA Medicare $12,520 $12,216 1-01-4155-230 PA Police Retirement Contrib $66,652 $59,800 1-01-4155-231 PA Highway Retirement Contrib $12,603 $12,750 1-01-4155-232 PA Executive Retirement Contri $2,613 $2,628 1-01-4155-233 PA Financial Retirement Contri $1,775 $2,275 1-01-4155-234 Administrative Retirement $2,943 $3,050 TOTAL $145,576 $396,024 Line Item 1-01-4155-100: Last year was $47,912. The increase would include a newly qualified employee. Line Item 1-01-4155-101: Last year was $106,782. The decrease is that we’re not budgeting for a Resource Officer. Line Item 1-01-4155-102: Last year was $105,390. Line Item 1-01-4155-216: There’s a rate increase of 2.3%, and there’s an additional employee in there. Line Item 1-01-4155-220: This is based on salary line items as proposed by the Department Heads. Line Item 1-01-4155-225: This is based on salaries submitted right now, including the Police. Line Item 1-01-4155-230: This is based on salary over time, special duty, etc. of a fulltime Police Officer. (29.43%) Line Item 1-01-4155-231: 5% of regular wages, not including overtime. Line Item 1-01-4155-232: 5% of wages. Line Item 1-01-4155-233: 5% of wages. Line Item 1-01-4155-243: This is for the Police Department Administrative Assistant and the Executive Assistant, along with Land Use. General Gov’t Buildings: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4194-430 GG Repairs & Maintenance $8,000 $14,000 1-01-4194-600 GG Supplies $1,000 $1,200 TOTAL $9,000 $15,200 1-01-4194-430: There are additional expenses currently that were not paid for in the past. Also, there are some roof repairs that need to be done, around $3,500, as well as masonry work that needs to be done. Insurance: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4196-250 IN Unemployment Insurance $1,500 $1,000 1-01-4196-260 IN Workers Compensation $35,000 $34,000 1-01-4196-300 IN Property/Liability $29,500 $27,000 1-01-4196-301 IN Insurance Expense – Misc. $1,000 TOTAL $67,000 $62,000 MOTION: Chairperson DeFelice moved to maintain the $1,000 for Line Item 1-01-4196-301. It was seconded by Committee Member Guertin. The motion carried. Ads & Regional Associations: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-01-4197-100 AR CNH Reg. Planning Assoc Dues $2,033 $2,126 1-01-4197-100: This is a per capita annual charge of $1.15/person, based on 1,849 people. Ambulance: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-02-4215-003 AM New London Ambulance $60,518 $62,334 1-02-4215-003: They provide emergency ambulance services. Building Inspection: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-02-4240-101 Wetlands Inspections $1,300 $2,000 1-02-4240-101: We get billed $50/hour. We get revenue back from the Building Permit people of $50/hour except when there’s a problem. Dispatching Services: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-02-4299-100 DS Dispatching Services $22,842 $24,848 1-01-4299-100: This is done out of New London. Debt Service: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-12-4711-980 DS Principal LT Bonds/Notes $43,364 $44,650 1-12-4721-981 DS Interest LT Bonds/Notes $19,928 $18,644 1-12-4723-981 DS Interest on Tan $1,750 $2,000 TOTAL $65,042 $65,294 1-12-4711-980: Currently there are two long-term bonds and notes: Highway Garage – will be paid off in 2030 Firetruck – will be paid off in 2019 Capital Reserves: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-14-4914-968 Septage Lagoon Decommission $5,000 1-14-4914-969 Library Modifications $5,000 1-14-4914-970 CR Highway Heavy Equipment $5,000 $10,100 1-14-4914-971 CR Cruisers $16,000 $12,000 1-14-4914-972 CR Police Computer Equipment $5,000 $7,875 1-14-4914-974 CR Cemetery Fence and Tombstone $3,500 $5,000 1-14-4914-982 CR Town Bridges $100,000 $50,000 1-14-4914-987 CR Property Revaluation $22,000 $25,000 TOTAL $151,500 $119,975 1-14-4914-968: There are two lagoons (one to pump into and one as overflow). This will be saved yearly until it gets to $20,000. Warrant Articles: Account # Account Name 2017 Budget Next Year Requested 1-20-2018-103 CR Computer Equipment/Software $8,000 1-20-2018-108 Tractor – Tri Town $40,000 TOTAL $0 $48,000 Old Business New Business Final Comments Committee Member Jones inquired regarding the Fire Department Building information, and when they could anticipate receiving that, as it would be beneficial to review it prior to the next meeting with the Department Head. Chairperson DeFelice explained the next steps in the budget process to the Committee. Adjournment MOTION: Committee Member Jones moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (5-0) Respectfully Submitted, Victoria O’Connor Recording Secretary