Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH  03221

Sutton Budget Committee 

Regular Meeting of Monday, September 25, 2017 (6:30 p.m.)


Not official until approved by the Committee at its next meeting



Committee Members Present:  Robert DeFelice, Chair; Victoria O’Connor; Andrew Palmer; Gail Guertin; and Julia Jones


Committee Members Absent: Steven Hamilton (excused)


Ex-Officio Present:  Robert Wright, Jr.


Not official until approved by the Committee at its next meeting

Call to Order Regular Meeting


Chairperson DeFelice called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 14, 2017 


MOTION: Committee Member Palmer moved to approve the May 15th, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Jones. The motion carried. (6-0)

New Business

Proposed Questions for Department Heads


The Committee Members shared the questions they had brought in for discussion. The Committee spoke about the pros and cons of the questions, as well as to which Board the questions would be better appropriate for (i.e. Selectman vs. Budget).  Major points that were discussed were:

  • Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
  • Line Item Analysis
  • Wish List vs. Need List

The Committee collaborated on a joint Budget Committee Questionnaire.

MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to accept the questions, as created.  It was seconded by Committee Member Guertin.  The motion carried. (6-0).

  • Final Comments


Chairperson DeFelice distributed the 2018 Budget Proposed Schedule.




Victoria O’Connor


Respectfully Submitted,

MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. It was seconded by Committee Member Palmer. The motion carried. (6-0)