October 24, 2022 | Town Admin Town of Sutton Sutton Budget Committee Meeting Minutes for Monday, October 24, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. Present – Bob Wright, John Mock, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Bob DeFelice, Walter Baker Absent – Bruce Kozikowski (excused) In Audience – Mike McManus Call to Order – Meeting commenced at 6:20. Agenda Discussion Previous Minutes · It was moved by Bob W. to approve the Oct. 17 meeting minutes. Gail seconded. The motion was unanimously approved. Conservation Budget · This budget is remaining the same next year. · The only thing that may change is 902 | Special Projects. There is a new line item now for 430 | Mowing & Plowing, so that these expenses can be separate from “special projects.” Prior to our final review, the budget may be updated to reflect the amount to be moved from Special Projects to Mowing & Plowing, while the bottom line remains the same. · 430 is used for items such as mowing King Hill Reservation, of which 1/3 is mowed each year to keep this available for hiking and recreational purposes. 902 special project funds are intended for other improvements and initiatives, such as the Turtle Crossing signs near the roads or the QR code donation signs on the trails. · Their Capital Reserve (CR) 980 | Conservation Land will be reduced to $5,000 this year, as part of the town-wide initiative to lower the CR budget. · There are also trust funds available to the conservation committee separate from their budget & CR funds. They are agents to expend these trust funds, meaning that these monies are completely self-managed and owned and can be used as they wish. Other Business · The budget committee members are elected, independent of the selectboard. We do however fall under the Secretary of State. If a violation occurs by a member of our board, it must be addressed in a public meeting. Because we are elected members, the only option the disciplinary power the board has is to ask if that member is willing to step down. They are not obligated to do so. · Around the 5 of June, John Mock left his place of residence in Sutton and moved to his son’s farm in Bradford. This was the case until he purchased his new home in Sutton on September 15. It was brought to the chair’s attention that John voted in Sutton on September 13, though he was domiciled in Bradford. Technically voting in Sutton without domicile here is against the elected official’s oath of office to the state of New Hampshire. · At this point, due to the infraction, the chair has to ask if John is willing to step down from the board. · John said, “I am a strict constitutionalist, and I will follow the law.” He chooses to step down. · The budget committee thanks John for his dedicated service. Upcoming Schedule · 10/31/22 – Next week we will discuss the Planning & Zoning and Cemetery budgets. Next Meeting – The next meeting of the budget committee will be on 10/31/22 at 6:30 at the fire station. Adjournment – Bob W. motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Samantha seconded. Unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Samantha Gordon