November 7, 2022 | Town Admin Town of Sutton Sutton Budget Committee Draft Meeting Minutes for Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. Present – Bob Wright, Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Bob DeFelice, Mike McManus Absent – Bruce Kozikowski (excused) Call to Order – Meeting commenced at 6:20. Agenda Discussion Previous Minutes · Discussion of the 10/31 minutes is tabled until next meeting. Elections Budget · There is a reduction in this budget because we do not have as many elections next year. Line Item 2022 2023 101 | Supervisor’s Wages $1,589 $677.25 102 | Ballot Clerks Wages $2,118 $1,280.16 505 | Maintenance – – 555 | Advertising $650 $650 556 | Training $200 $200 600 | Supplies $200 $200 625 | Postage $200 $200 Totals $4,957 $3,207.41 Town Clerk/Tax Collector Budget · There are increases in this budget due to additional hours needed for the Deputy Town Clerk, computer expenses, increased dues and conference expenses, and office supplies needed. Line Item 2022 2023 Notes 101 | Town Clerk Wages $42,360 $42,360 102 | Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector $15,885 $22,464 Increase hours from 15/week to 24/week 313 | Recording Fees $500 $500 341 | Telephone $1,800 $1,800 391 | Mortgage Research $1,500 $1,500 392 | Computer Expenses $3,900 $4,500 Increase due to Avitar costs 393 | Credit/Debit Card Payment $1,500 $1,500 505 | Equipment Maintenance $100 $100 560 | Dues/Conf/Publications $1,500 $2,500 Association dues and conference attendance 620 | Office Supplies $750 $1,000 Ink and misc. office supplies 625 | Postage & Envelopes $5,000 $5,000 630 | Professional Services $200 $200 631 | Mileage Reimbursement $500 $500 Total $76,245 $84,674 · Regarding the 392 | Computer Expenses line, they will be following up with Avitar to see what the increase is, and to receive cost forecasts for the future. For historical context, this line item was previously: 392 | Computer Expenses 2018 Actual $0 2019 Actual $2,631 2020 Budget $2,500 2020 Actual $400 2021 Budget $2,000 2022 Budget $3,900 2023 Budget $4,500 · The Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office has been catching up on many new processes. There are some staffing issues that require the additional hours and the support of a third person to manage the workload. Once things are running smoothly, the third person will no longer be needed. Other Business · The Selectboard has decided on a 5% Cost of Living Adjustment this year. The social security administration was 8.7% this year. They have not yet discussed other changes to salaries. · At the end of the year, when monies have been raised and appropriated, but not spent, they roll back into the general fund. This year, the Selectboard took an additional $100,000 from the general fund to offset the increase in school and county taxes this year, so that the tax rate in Sutton remained level for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 tax bills. · Mike previously sold lease vehicles to municipalities. The state had an agreement for 7 year leases with maintenance contracts, with guaranteed estimated residual value at the end of the lease – and at the end of the lease they could buy it for $1. This gave them lower upfront costs, 7 years of predictable expenses, and at the end of the lease they could keep the vehicle for the rest of its lifespan or roll the residual value into the next lease or purchase. Municipalities also had access to this opportunity, and this may be an avenue to level vehicle expenses if needed. Upcoming Schedule · 11/14/22 – Next week we will discuss the Library Next Meeting – The next meeting of the budget committee will be on 11/14/22 at 6:15 at the fire station. Adjournment – Gail motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. Bob W. seconded. Unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Samantha Gordon