December 19, 2016 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Budget Committee Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2016 6:00 p.m. Committee Members Present: John Silverberg, Chairperson; Andrew Palmer; Steven Hamilton; Robert DeFelice; Richard Benson Ex-Officio Present: Robert Wright, Jr. Others Present: Steve Bagley, Road Agent; Jonathan Korbet, Police Chief 1. Call to Order Regular Meeting Chairman Silverberg called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Prior to commencement of Agenda items, Chairman Silverberg distributed to the Committee Members the 2017 Revised Budget Schedule, which reflected the change in meetings on this evening, December 12, 2016, with the removal of Selectman/Administration/Revenue at 6:45 p.m., to replace it with Police at 6:45 p.m.; the addition of Selectman/Administration/Revenue to the meeting on January 9, 2017, at 6:45 p.m.; and the rescheduling of the public hearing to Monday, February 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 12th, 2016 The Minutes were discussed. The following corrections need to be made: Under Section C, replace “Linda Fort” with “Linda Ford” Page 5, paragraph 6, replace “Silverman” with “Silverberg” Page 6, Section B, on the Motion, replace “Planning & Zoning” to “Fire Department” Page 9, Section 4, on the Motion, add the words “to recommend” MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the December 12th, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes, as amended. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) A. Meetings Highway Department – 6:15 p.m. Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-03-4312-101 HD Wages $228,494 $244,725 $229,900 $244,725 1-03-4312-102 HD Part Time Labor $1,500 $1,500 1-03-4312-103 HD Part Time Mechanic $500 $500 $500 Mr. Steve Bagley presented information regarding the budget. The following line items were discussed: Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-03-4312-104 HD Overtime Wages $18,615 $25,000 $12,389 $33,000 1-03-4312-105 HD Part Time Secretary $1,019 $1,500 $812 $1,500 1-03-4312-210 HD Health Insurance $80,369 $105,390 $108,066 $105,390 1-03-4312-341 HD Telephone $1,940 $2,200 $2,214 $2,700 1-03-4312-390 HD Other Professional Services $32,762 $14,000 $11,610 $14,000 1-03-4312-391 HD Radio Repairs/Purch/ Lease $800 $160 $200 1-03-4312-410 HD Electricity $3,192 $3,500 $3,122 $3,500 1-03-4312-411 HD Heating Oil $10,991 $14,000 $5,909 $14,000 1-03-4312-414 HD LP Gas 1-03-4312-430 HD Bldg Repairs/ Maintenance $3,905 $3,200 $2,402 $3,300 1-03-4312-560 HD Dues/Conf/ Publications & AD $53 $150 $115 $150 1-03-4312-570 HD Equipment Rental $13,805 $14,000 $17,075 $14,000 1-03-4312-631 HD Mileage Reimbursement $130 $200 $113 $200 1-03-4312-636 HD Vehicle Fuel $35,757 $45,000 $22,538 $45,000 1-03-4312-660 HD Vehicle Repair/ Maintenance $16,043 $16,000 $11,529 $16,000 1-03-4312-661 HD Oil & Filters $3,485 $5,000 $1,190 $5,000 1-03-4312-662 HD Tires $5,725 $6,000 $5,416 $6,000 1-03-4312-680 HD Materials & Supplies $2,734 $4,000 $2,079 $4,000 1-03-4312-681 HD Cutting Edges $4,555 $6,000 $1,249 $6,000 1-03-4312-682 HD Equip Repair/ Maintenance $6,574 $13,000 $6,471 $13,000 1-03-4312-683 HD Chains $3,604 $5,000 $1,730 $5,000 1-03-4312-730 HD Culverts $1,356 $6,000 $3,680 $6,000 1-03-4312-741 HD Hand Tools $533 $1,000 $106 $1,000 1-03-4312-742 HD Shop Equipment $803 $1,000 $40 $1,000 1-03-4312-801 HD Sand & Salt $67,782 $70,000 $34,291 $70,000 Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-03-4312-802 HD Gravel $13,252 $20,000 $7,553 $20,000 1-03-4312-803 HD Asphalt Products $3,395 $4,000 $1,709 $4,000 1-03-4312-804 HD Signs $677 $1,000 $270 $1,000 1-03-4312-805 HD Liquid Calcium Chloride $100 $100 TOTAL $562,049 $633,765 $493,740 $641,765 Ex-Officio Wright explained to Mr. Bagley the background regarding merit versus non-merit increases, and what the Committee’s purview is, versus the Board of Selectman. He went further to detail that Mr. Bagley’s overall budget numbers may not correlate with the Committee’s, due to the fact that the Committee’s numbers reflect spending as of 12/5/16. Committee Member DeFelice laid out for Mr. Bagley what would be proposed during the public hearing in February, what the Committee would recommend, and what the public would be put on notice for, regarding any wage increases. Much discussion was had among the Committee Members and Mr. Bagley regarding the newly constructed sand shed. Mr. Bagley brought up Line Item 1-03-4312-104, HD Overtime Wages, and indicated that it was a best-guess figure, wholly dependent on weather and surrounding circumstances. The following line items were then discussed: Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-20-2013-100 Gravel Road Upgrad 1-20-2013-101 Blacktop Upgrade 1-20-2013-107 HD Road Striping 1-20-2014-102 Blacktop Upgrade 1-20-2014-112 Grader 1-20-2015-104 HD Gravel Upgrade $29,954 Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-20-2015-105 HD Blacktop Upgrade 1-20-2015-106 HD Hominy Pot Bridge 1-20-2015-107 HD Fox Chase Road $38,872 1-20-2015-108 HD Truck Equipped $79,035 1-20-2016-101 HD Gravel Upgrade $30,000 $22,698 1-20-2016-102 HD Blacktop Upgrade $50,000 1-20-2016-104 HD Highway Loader $140,000 $110,000 1-20-2016-105 HD Highway Sand Shed $100,000 $121,413 1-20-2016-106 HD Corporation Hill $111,805 $112,450 1-20-2016-107 HD Hominy Pot Bridge Project $128,500 $83,802 1-20-2017-100 Blacktop Upgrade $100,000 1-20-2017-101 Gravel Upgrade $30,000 1-20-2017-102 Dump Truck $140,000 1-20-2017-103 Back Hoe $140,000 1-20-2017-104 Grist Milll Foot Bridge $30,000 Committee Member inquired regarding the difference between Line Item 1-20-2014-101, Gravel Upgrade, and Line Item 1-03-4312-802, HD Gravel. Mr. Bagley explained that the upgrade covers everything, including aggregates and stone. Committee Member DeFelice asked about Line Item 1-03-4312-411, HD Heating Oil, and if any savings had been observed. Mr. Bagley stated that heating oil expenses remain the same. Committee Member Hamilton requested information regarding Line Item 1-03-4312-390, HD Other Professional Services. Mr. Bagley responded that that Line Item covered expenses for plumbers, engineers, and other extra contractors that may be needed by the Highway Department. Ex-Officio Wright clarified that Line Item 1-03-4312-636, HD Vehicle Fuel, is a reasonable figure. Mr. Bagley restated that everything is dependent on surrounding circumstances, but that he’s hopeful there shouldn’t be a problem with the amount. Chairman Silverberg rounded out the discussion stating that the Highway Department budget needed to have some “fat” in order to accommodate for harsher winter conditions. MOTION: Chairman Silverberg moved to approve the budget for Highway Department, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) The following line items were then discussed: Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-14-4914-970 CR Highway Heavy Equipment 1-14-4914-978 CR Highway Emergency 1-14-4914-981 CR Highway Equip/Trucks $85,000 $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 1-14-4914-982 CR Town Bridges $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 1-14-4914-990 CR Sand Shed $10,000 $50,000 $50,000 1-14-4914-991 CR Highway Pickup Truck $5,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 1-14-4914-995 CR Highway Backhoe $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 1-14-4914-996 CR Highway Grader 1-14-4914-997 CR Highway Loader Much discussion was had among the Committee Members and Mr. Bagley regarding Line Items 1-14-4914-970, CR Highway Heavy Equipment, 1-14-4914-981, CR Highway Equip/Trucks, 1-14-4914-995, CR Highway Backhoe, 1-14-4914-996, CR Highway Grader, and 1-14-4914-997, CR Highway Loader. The roles that each line item played, and the reason for creating an all-encompassing Line Item 1-14-4914-970, CR Highway Heavy Equipment, was extensively hashed out. The past and future truck purchases were also included in the conversation. MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the capital reserve for Highway Department, as presented, without Line Item 1-14-4914-982, CR Town Bridges. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. Committee Member DeFelice inquired as to the increase of Line Item 1-14-4914-982, from $50,000 to $100,000. Mr. Bagley explained that a lot of money was spent on Hominy Pot, due to its condition, and that the job was still in progress. He assured the Committee that there was still money in the Capital Reserve fund. MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to approve the capital reserve for Highway Department, as presented. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0) Mr. Bagley pointed out that Line Item 1-20-2017-104, Grist Milll Foot Bridge, is something that would be voted on by the public, as to whether or not it would be rebuilt. Committee Member DeFelice inquired regarding any foreseeable purchases taking place within the next five years. Mr. Bagley responded that the Highway Department would like to purchase a sealing unit for doing road sealing, which would be approximately $36,000. He believed that this would reduce spending of the Department, as it currently spends $3600/day to rent the same piece of equipment. Committee Member DeFelice asked Mr. Bagley about the road striping in front of the middle school. Mr. Bagley indicated that he’s just waiting on the contractor who completed the rest of the roadways to complete those lines, but that they are going to be done. Committee Member Hamilton requested information regarding Line Item 1-20-2017-100, Blacktop Upgrade. Mr. Bagley indicated that that amount was to go towards finishing up Roby Road, which in total would be around $500,000. B. Police – 6:45 p.m. Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-02-4210-101 PD Full Time Wages $90,959 $143,831 $86,177 $97,000 1-02-4210-102 PD Part Time Wages $8,703 $18,000 $2,560 $18,000 1-02-4210-103 PD Special Duty Wages $5,460 $8,000 $2,590 $1 Chief Jonathan Korbet presented information regarding the budget. The following line items were discussed: Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-02-4210-104 PD Building & Grounds $1,755 $2,000 $1,685 $2,000 1-02-4210-106 PD On Call Wages $5,746 $6,000 $4,447 $6,000 1-02-4210-107 PD Overtime Wages $10,698 $10,000 $12,969 $11,000 1-02-4210-108 PD Police Chief Salary $56,539 $57,865 $54,845 $61,736 1-02-4210-109 PD Part Time Secretary $25,354 $25,949 $23,999 $26,690 1-02-4210-210 PD Health Insurance $96,259 $137,028 $108,123 $96,782 1-02-4210-320 PD Court Representation $1,046 $1,200 $1,200 1-02-4210-321 PD Court Witness Fees $100 $243 $100 1-02-4210-341 PD Telephone $6,758 $7,000 $6,479 $7,000 1-02-4210-390 PD Computer Services $6,185 $5,500 $912 $5,500 1-02-4210-391 PD Animal Control Expenses $350 $273 $350 1-02-4210-410 PD Electric $1,756 $2,000 $1,774 $2,000 1-02-4210-414 PD LP Gas $2,571 $3,000 $1,731 $3,000 1-02-4210-430 PD Bldg Maintenance $1,483 $2,500 $4,729 $3,000 1-02-4210-560 PD Dues/Conf/ Publications $4,081 $5,000 $5,675 $5,000 1-02-4210-561 PD Training $1,985 $3,500 $744 $4,000 1-02-4210-563 PD Calea 1-02-4210-620 PD Office Supplies $4,762 $4,000 $3,598 $4,000 1-02-4210-621 PD Investigative Supplies $3,213 $8,000 $2,247 $8,000 1-02-4210-625 PD Postage $249 $400 $219 $400 1-02-4210-631 PD Mileage $255 $500 $513 $500 1-02-4210-632 PD Cruiser Lease/Equip $7,828 $7,950 $26,887 $7,950 1-02-4210-635 PD Cruiser Fuel $6,905 $9,000 $5,389 $10,000 1-02-4210-660 PD Crusier Repair/ Maintenance $6,832 $6,500 $3,525 $6,500 1-02-4210-692 PD Uniforms $7,334 $3,000 $55 $3,000 TOTAL $364,716 $478,173 $362,388 $390,709 Ex-Officio Wright explained to Chief Korbet the background regarding merit versus non-merit increases, and what the Committee’s purview is, versus the Board of Selectman. He went further to detail that Chief Korbet overall budget numbers may not correlate with the Committee’s, due to the fact that the Committee’s numbers reflect spending as of 12/5/16. Chief Korbet indicated that Line Item 1-02-4210-104, PD Building & Grounds, needed to be changed from $2,000 to $4,750 to cover cleaning expenses. He went on to say that Line Item 1-02-4210-109, PD Part Time Secretary, could be decreased from $26,690 to $24,901. Ex-Officio Wright inquired regarding the relationship between Line Items 1-02-4210-560, PD Dues/Conf/Publications, and 1-02-4210-561, PD Training. Chief Korbet indicated that Line Item 1-02-4210-560 has to get bumped up from $5,000 to $5,500, due to the fact that trainings and re-certifications are due for all Officers this year. In terms of Line Item 1-02-4210-561, he explained that the Sergeant will be attending a next-level management course, which would cost $1200, although he believed that the tuition could be reimbursed upon completion of the course. Ex-Officio Wright suggested that with the increase of Line Item 1-02-4210-560, if it would be reasonable to decrease Line Item 1-02-4210-561 from $4,000 to $3,500. Chief Korbet saw no problem with that. Committee Member DeFelice pointed out that Line Item 1-02-4210-635, PD Cruiser Fuel, was up from last year, to $10,000. Chief Korbet admitted that it could actually decrease down to $9,000, which would be the same as last year’s requested amount. Chief Korbet indicated that Line Item 1-02-4210-660, PD Crusier Repair/Maintenance, could be decreased from $6,500 to $5,500, due to the fact that the Department had two new cruisers and one older one, and that due to the age of the vehicles, he didn’t foresee repairs to be as extensive. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to approve the budget for the Police Department, as amended. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-14-4914-971 CR Cruisers $38,250 1-14-4914-972 CR Computer Equipment $7,875 The following line items were then discussed: Capital Reserve Funds Warrant Articles Account # Account Name Last Year Actual This Year Budget This Year Actual (as of 12/5) Next Year Requested 1-20-2015-115 Pet Police Cruiser $16,981 1-20-2016-108 CR Police Cruiser $38,250 $38,250 1-20-2016-109 CR PD Computer Equipment $7,575 $7,575 Chief Korbet indicated that Line Item 1-14-4914-971, CR Cruisers, could be decreased, due to the fact that a new cruiser was purchased this year. After much discussion among the Committee and Chief Korbet, it was contemplated that the line item could be reduced from $38,250 to $16,000, to ensure that when a replacement cruiser is needed, the funds are available. Chief Korbet also stated that Line Item 1-14-4914-972, CR Computer Equipment, could be decreased from $7,875 to $5,000. MOTION: Ex-Officio Wright moved to recommend the decrease of Line Items 1-14-4914-971, CR Cruisers, from $38,250 to $16,000, and 1-14-4914-972, CR Computer Equipment from $7,875 to $5,000, as recommended by Chief Korbet. It was seconded by Committee Member DeFelice. The motion carried. (6-0) Committee Member DeFelice inquired regarding any foreseeable purchases to take place within the next five years. Chief Korbet admitted he needs more assistance, in terms of part-time Officers. Committee Member DeFelice suggested the idea of a new Safety Service Building, to encompass the Police Department and the Fire Department. Much discussion was had among the Committee and Chief Korbet regarding this issue, including how it would go about being structured and who would oversee it. Chairman Silverberg asked about the School Resource Officer position. Much discussion was had among the Committee and Chief Korbet regarding the vitality of the position, efforts that have been exercised to fill the position, as well as its current status. Further discussion ensued regarding Department revenue, to include dance fees and school appearances. 4. Final Comments Ex-Officio Wright indicated that the Committee should expect to see a revised, more up-to-date budget at the January 9, 2017 meeting, although wage changes would not be reflected in it. Committee Member DeFelice requested a history of when pay increases were given and how much the increase was. 5. Adjournment MOTION: Committee Member DeFelice moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. It was seconded by Committee Member Hamilton. The motion carried. (6-0) Respectfully Submitted, Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary