October 18, 2021 | Town Admin SUTTON BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 10-18-2021 The chair, Robert DeFelice, opened the meeting @ 6:00 PM @ the Fire Station. Present was Gail Guertin, Samantha Gordon, Mark Peterson, Pete Thompson and Walter Baker, BOS liaison. Excused was John Mock. It was moved by Thompson and 2nd by Guertin to accept the minutes of 10-3-21 as presented. The motion was accepted without dissent. Selectman Baker, reported that a review of the 2022 town budget would be very much in line with the 2021 budget, but the projection would be further refined as additional information was available. The chair and vice-chair (Guertin) met with the BOS on 10-11-21. An additional discussion with the BOS will be @ 6:45 PM on 11-15-21 @ the Fire Station. @ 6:15 PM the budget committee will be meeting with Welfare and the budget of 2022 is expected to remain the same as the welfare budget for 2021. Passed out was 10-18-21 Actual & Budgeted Expenses & Encumbrance and a 4 year history of the Sutton Cemetery budget along with cemetery fund balances. Tim Hayes was invited to present the cemetery budget. There is only one item #100 cemeteries which appears to be unchanged from the 2021 budget request of $14,000. There was discussion of on going maintenance (lawn mowing) and repairs fence and stone repair, and further discussion the need for space. While cemetery land was purchased in 2021, that area will need to be upgraded to cemetery quality, which may require an additional CR for a 3 year $60,000 annual cost. The committee was concerned with the cost of this upgrade, the time line and scope of the work required. Further data will be forthcoming, which will include project cost, design, scope of excavation and further costs, if any, beyond the three years. The cemetery CR funding has 4 items: 974 Cemetery Fence & Tombstone current value $15,732 Cemetery General Trust – not a town funded CR, but funded by the purchase of cemetery lots. The current value of the fund is $16,441 and only the interest on the fund may be expended. 988 Cemetery Land. This fund was of $50,000 was depleted to purchase the land for a new cemetery location off Kearsarge Valley Road 126 Cemetery Trusts – not a CR, but a fund for perpetual care limited to the North Sutton Cemetery abutting the North Sutton Freewill Baptist Church. The value of this fund is $29.775.81 of which $1,960.49 may be used. Mr. Hayes left @ 6:52 PM. It was moved by Guertin and 2nd by Peterson to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned @ 7:00 PM. The next meeting of the Budget Committee will be @ 6:00 PM, Monday, 10-25-2021 with the Conservation Commission @ the Fire Station. Respectfully submitted, Robert W Wright Jr. Scribe