October 6, 2024 | Bonnie Hill Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC) DRAFT Meeting Minutes Non-Public Session Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Present: Henry Howell, Chair; Chuck Bolduc; Don Davis; Lynn Wittman; Yvonne Howard; Jim Morris and Bonnie Hill. Absent: Debbie Lang; Joanna Murphy. Call to order: Henry Howell called the meeting to order around 8:15 pm. Property Reviews Camp Wabasso – Chuck reported on the status of this land. A committee with reps from SCC, the Planning Board, ASLPT, the BLPA, abutters, and other interested parties is putting together a proposal to present to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA). The proposal has two parts. The first is for the protection of the undeveloped properties west of Rt 114. The ASLPT is interested in these. The second is for the parcels that comprise the Girl Scout camp. Andy Jeffrey is the committee chair. He is hoping to get an organization such as the Kearsarge Food Hub or the Kawasiwajo Community Land Trust to take ownership of the property, which would be used for farming and for running a camp for farm work and education. Eventually, this might include longer term housing for employees. This would present a zoning conflict, however. Chuck said he spoke to Peter Stanley about this, Peter said a camp is fine, but workforce housing would require a variance, which would be a tough sell. The proposal is due by August 31st, and if the GSEMA likes it, the next step is to find financial donors. There is a possibility that an abutter will purchase the Billings Pond parcel for conservation. The idea of splitting off two house lots to sell to raise money has been floated. This would require a subdivision, which is costly. Bonnie expressed surprise that ASLPT would be interested in a landlocked parcel with such a high price ($570K for 159 acres). Chuck said that appraisal was done for development purposes, and the ASLPT would need to have its own appraisal done for conservation purposes. In the opinion of all the members present for this discussion, including Henry Howell, Chuck Bolduc, Jim Morris, Don Davis, Bonnie Hill, Lynn Wittman, and Yvonne Howard, per RSA 91-A:3,III., divulgence of the information would likely adversely render the proposed action ineffective. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 8:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Hill, Secretary