APPROVED 11/09/2011
Sutton Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m.

Present: Betsy Forsham:Chair, Don Davis, Garrett Evans, Jean LaChance and Ricia McMahon. Ron Murray arrived late. (Leslie Ward and Rachel Ruppel were absent).

6:30 p.m. Chair Betsy Forsham opened the meeting.

Previous Minutes:
A motion was made by Jean, seconded by Ricia, to accept the minutes of September 14, 2011 as written. Unanimously approved.

Ron Murray arrived. He was appointed to sit for Leslie.

A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Don to unseal the sealed, non-public minutes from: May 14, 2003; June 11, 2003; December 8, 2004; September 12, 2006; January 10, 2007 and November 14, 2007. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. The minutes will all become part of the public record.

Financial Reports:
Betsy reported that the Town account balance, as of the end of September, was $1,667.59, which is 57.31% of the budget. There were expenditures for secretarial services, dues and a reimbursement. The Conservation Fund account total was $86,069.78, with $75,675.71 in the Conservation Fund and $10,394.07 in the KHR sub-account.

The 2012 budget was discussed.
A motion was made by Jean and seconded by Garrett to approve a level funded budget in the amount of $2,910.00. Unanimously approved.

The Capital Reserve Fund was discussed. Rachel has agreed to rewrite the report for the budget committee to amend the use. This will be discussed more, including the amount to be requested, next month.
A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Jean to amend the Captial Reserve Fund to include maintenance of conservation properties. Unanimously approved.

– Invitation to the Sutton Ridge Runners annual raffle and turkey dinner, October 22nd from 5-7p.m. Ricia will be attending.
– Ausbon Sargent annual meeting October 30th at 4 p.m. at the NL Historical Society.
– Annual meeting of the NH Association of Conservation Commissions(NHACC), November 5th from 8-3:30p.m. at the Rundlett Middle School in Concord. Betsy is planning on attending the workshops and encouraged other members to attend.
– Proposed changes to the NHACC by-laws.
– A copy of “The State of NH Birds” from the NH Audubon Association.
– Misc.

Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits:
Betsy noted that on 9/27, she received a phone call from a property owner asking her to review a site on Old Blaisdell Rd/Billings Pond for possible wetlands violations. She visited the site and referred the landowner to the Selectmen’s office, as it was determined that it was not an SCC issue.

Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues:
There were none.

Old Business:
Betsy updated the Board on the ASLPT program with Matt Tarr and Tim Fleury, scheduled for October 15th. Rachael, Jean, Betsy and maybe Garrett and Don will bake something. Jean and Betsy are attending.

New Business:
The annual beaver trapping permit for Wadleigh Hill Road was discussed. Paul Parker asks for the permit to control the beavers to reduce the spring high water on the road. The significance of the beavers to this issue was debated.
A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ron to approve the beaver permit. The vote was a tie at 3:3 and therefore did not pass.

Betsy indicated that the Town’s attorney had sent a sample Voluntary Indemnity form for review. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Review of SCC Properties and S-R-K Greenway Reports:
The Maple Leaf parking area was discussed. Garrett spoke with Kevin Rowe and who established a rough verbal estimate of $3,000. This was for driveway access with a culvert and parking for several cars, but less than the originally figured parking lot size. Kevin had said he could supply a written estimate. It was agreed the Board should have several estimates and visit the site to clarify the specifications with the contractors. Kevin Rowe, Chipper Rowe and Matt Ordway will be contacted. Garrett will contact Kevin and Chipper and Don will contact Matt. Betsy and Don will meet with the contractors on site. Don will ask Wally if he can attend. Tentative dates are Tuesday October 25th or Wednesday October 26th; both days at 4:30 p.m. Ron and Garrett are also interested in attending and Betsy will keep them informed.

Betsy reported she reviewed the 1978 conveyance deed and found six restrictions on the Town property on Wadleigh Hill Road and that there was nothing mentioned specifically regarding forestry practices. She added one of the restrictions specified no vehicles or roads which might indicate forestry practices were not even possible.
A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ricia to not reapply for the Tree Farm Permit due to the limitations of the deed. Unanimously approved.

The Board briefly discussed a possible candidate to fill one of the Alternate member slots. The Board gave Betsy authority to pursue it.

Garrett left.

Betsy reported the Meadow View Lot Owners Associations proposed amendments to the covenants were approved by the Planning Board with the addition of a sentence limiting plantings to non-invasive native species.

The Webb/Crowell bridge will be discussed at the next meeting.

Don reported he opened the trail on the Lefferts/Enroth property. He also put up some more flagging. He would like to trim around the Lefferts sign. Trimming also needs to be done on the north side of the Enroth entrance to improve visibility on Rte. 114. Don will call Gerry Gagnon to do the work. Don will write up a press release and submit it to the InterTown Record. Betsy will check with Andy Deegan about walking the property first.

Jean announced the annual Historical Society meeting will be October 16th at 2 p.m. at the First Free Will Baptist Church.

9:05 p.m. A motion was made by Jean, seconded by Ron to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Swett
