January 5, 2011 | Town Admin APPROVED 02/09/2011 Sutton Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes January 13, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m. Present: Betsy Forsham: Chair, Jean LaChance, Don Davis, Ron Murray, Walter Baker, Rachel Ruppel, and Leslie Ward (arrived late). (Gerry Putnam, Garrett Evans and Leon Malan were absent.) 6:30 p.m. Chair Betsy Forsham opened the meeting. She appointed Ron to sit for Gerry and Leslie to sit for Garrett. 6:30 p.m. – Alison Jones spoke to the Board about her thesis for her Masters degree. The project involves a feasibility study for reopening some part of King Hill Reservation as a community ski hill. There was discussion regarding the ASLPT conservation easement and the use restrictions on the property. Numerous factors need to be considered such as access, parking, finances, liability issues and community support. The Board gave Alison some contacts to help inform the project and encouraged her to speak with the Planning Board. Previous Minutes: A Motion was made by Jean and seconded by Garrett to accept the minutes of December 8, 2010 as corrected. Unanimously approved. Financial Reports: Betsy reported the final statement for 2010 was in for the Town account. The balance, as of the end of December, was $1,268.48 which is 42.85% of the budget. The Conservation Fund Account total was $132,923.95 with $122,543.87 in the Conservation Fund and $10,380.08 in the KHR Fund. Betsy noted $50,000 will be going to the Black Mountain project to purchase a conservation easement by Fish & Game. The Public Budget Hearing will be February 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Correspondence: The most recent newsletter from NRCS noted that Mike Lynch is leaving his current post as District Conservationist for another position within the NRCS network. He will no longer be working directly with individuals, towns, etc. on projects such as the ones he did with us at the KHR. Miscellaneous Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits: There were none. Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues: There were none. Old Business: Betsy gave an update on the Bower project. The closing was December 29, 2010. $28,500 was released from the Capital Reserve Fund, as per the vote at the last Town Meeting. Betsy gave an update on the Black Mountain Forest project. . The closing was December 17, 2010. The conservation easement should be done in January or February. The Board discussed covenant #30 for the Meadow View Lot Owners’ Association. There had been voting on the amended covenant by email. Betsy has not seen the results and will call Tom Paul to inquire. Betsy emailed Elly the language for the SB381 warrant article which she will have the Select Board review at their next meeting. The December visit to Ed Canane’s farm, canceled due to bad weather, was postponed until springtime. The 2010 annual report submission is due January 21st. Don will email a draft to members when done. New Business: Betsy reported she had received a letter of request for the SCC to co-sponsor a petition warrant article making Birch Hill Road a scenic road. She read a letter, dated 12/21/10, she sent to Eric Derleth in response, stating she would present this to the Board and noting that the SCC has no statutory authority to endorse warrant articles. The commission members concurred but noted that folks can sign the petition as individuals if so desired. Betsy will convey this in another letter to Mr. Derleth. Review of SCC Properties and S-R-K Greenway Reports: Betsy reported Charlie Ash had requested the rocks at the end of Harvey Road be replaced with a gate. This is a decision for the Select Board, and Wally indicated it would be discussed by them. Betsy gave Charlie Ash the combination to the locks for the KHR and he has opened the gates. It was unsure as to whether the gates were locked open. Betsy will call Charlie and check. Charlie asked if he could have the old gate from the Penacook Path entrance. The Board will take this under consideration. Betsy reported she has not heard back from Charlie Ash or any other snowmobile club members regarding the warming hut on KHR. Other: Betsy announced the Greenway report of trail work had been received. Parking at Maple leaf Natural Area and the Webb/Crowell bridge will be revisited at the next meeting. Jean announced the SKR Greenway Annual Meeting will be at the Lady of Fatima on March 27th. Bob Tate will be speaking on bobcats. 8:50 p.m. A motion was made by Don to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Ron and unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Swett Secretary