February 9, 2012 | Town Admin APPROVED 03/07/2012 Sutton Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday February 8, 2012 @ 6:30 p.m. Present: Betsy Forsham; Chair, Rachel Rupple, Ron Murray, Don Davis, Garrett Evans, Jean LaChance and Ricia McMahon. (Leslie Ward and Ben Dobrowski were absent.) 6:30p.m. Betsy opened the meeting. The Board welcomed Paul Bohn who came in to discuss grants for eradication of Japanese Knotweed on Rte 114. Bohn stated he was looking for support from the SCC and the Selectmen before considering pursuing grants. Bohn showed the Board a map with the Japanese Knotweed locations along Rte 114. There was discussion of forms of eradication. Bohn asked for help with filling out forms. If necessary, he will be contacting landowners along the route. The eradication would be done under the supervision of Doug King, NH DOT. Several possible sources of help were discussed including the NH Association of Natural Resource Scientists, UNH, Regional Planning and a related legislative committee. A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Don to support Bohn in the effort to eradicate Japanese Knotweed from Rte 114. Unanimously approved. Don will check to see if the grant is a matching grant. The deadline of the grant is not known. Bohn will get more information and email Betsy, who will pass it on to the Board members. Garrett offered to help with mapping and Rachel will look at the grant application. Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ricia to approve the minutes of January 11, 2012 as written. Unanimously approved. Financial: The SCC is requesting the same amount for the 2012 budget and the Town Account. There will be no actual figures for the account until after the Town meeting in March. The Conservation Account was $75,713.96, the KHR Fund $10,199.27, for a total in the Conservation Fund of $ 85,913.23.There was a payment of $16,500 for a LUCT (from 2006) that is not yet reflected. Correspondence: Misc. Wetlands: There were none. Intents to Cut: There were none. Old Business: Garrett reported that on January 28th he and Betsy viewed the parcels on Kearsarge Valley Road that are part of two conservation easements held by the now defunct Patten Environmental Trust Inc. This was in response to the letter received from the attorney General’s office, discussed at the last meeting, in which the Town was asked if it would be interested in being the successor holder to the orphaned conservation easements. There were no apparent violations, as all but three of the lots have been developed. The three undeveloped properties all have driveways roughed in. Garrett added the Town’s current wetland setbacks would protect the properties at the same level as the easements. Both Garrett and Betsy recommended the Board vote to not accept the easements. Betsy added, in a conversation she had with Town attorney Jae Whitelaw, Jae had opined that there seemed to be no compelling reason to accept the easements, and they could cost the Town money down the road. A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ron not to become the successor holder of the easements. Unanimously approved. Garrett and Betsy will meet with the Selectmen after Town Meeting to discuss their findings and the SCC’s recommendation. Betsy gave an update on the current Legislative Bills that could impact Conservation Commissions and conservation in general. The Board discussed a representative for the ASLPT Outreach Committee. A motion was made by Betsy and seconded by Jean to nominate Don, as all communication is through email. Unanimously approved. New Business: The Board discussed rescheduling the March meeting. It will be on the 7th. The terms coming due were discussed. Don, Jean and Ron have agreed to stay on. Betsy will send a letter to the Selectmen. SCC Properties: Jean has not spoken to Charlie yet regarding the cutting of mature trees at Russell Pond. The Board discussed the January 31st email from Gerry Gold regarding SRK Greenway signage and his proposal for two new signs on Penacook Road, one by the entrance to the ball field, the other at the road’s intersection with Kings Hill Road. A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Jean to support the two signs as proposed by Gerry Gold of the SRK Greenway. Unanimously approved. There is no update on the Webb/Crowell Bridge. The Wells easement and monitoring were discussed. Members will walk the land on Sunday February 19th at 9:30 a.m. and will meet at the post office in South Sutton. Betsy will call Jodi Wells, and abutters Tom and Kathy Brown, for permission to park by their barn. Betsy will also call Ausbon Sargent to let them know the SCC will keep the easements. Other Business: Don reported he may have a source for some old docks and that they may be useful as bridges. He will have more information soon. 9:15 p.m. A motion was made by Jean and seconded by Ron to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Swett Secretary