APPROVED 03/02/2011
Sutton Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m.

Present: Betsy Forsham: Chair, Jean LaChance, Don Davis, Rachel Ruppel, Leon Malan, Gerry Putnam and Garrett Evans. (Ron Murray, Walter Baker and Leslie Ward were absent.)

6:30 p.m. Chair Betsy Forsham opened the meeting. She appointed Leon to sit for Leslie.

Previous Minutes:
A Motion was made by Don and seconded by Rachel to accept the minutes of January 13, 2010 as written. Unanimously approved.

Financial Reports:
There is no report until March for the Town account. The Conservation Fund Account total was $132,946.53 with $122,564.69 in the Conservation Fund and $10,381.84 in the KHR Fund.

Betsy reported she attended the Budget Hearing which went very well and it sounded like the Committee would include the requested $20,000 for the Capital Reserve Fund.

The ASLPT Fall of 2010 monitoring reports for Russell Pond and Enroth/Lefferts have been received. No changes were noted.


Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits:
A complaint on Old Blaisdell Road was discussed. It is in the jurisdiction of DES.

Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues:
– T. Brown, Dodge Hill Road, T/L# 08-311-348. 2 of 85 acres. They do a cut every year. No issues.
– J. Evans, Pound Road, T/L # 04-033-482. 5 of 11.4 acres. There are two stream crossings.
– Complete Forestry Notification, File #2011-00155, for the Evans, cut received 01/21/11.
– Ken and Diane Brown, Dodge Hill Road, T/L # 04-512-212. 100 of 157 acres. The logger is Barry Wheeler. This was applied for last year and apparently never cut. No wetlands issues.

Old Business:
Betsy gave an update on the Bower project. All the documents have been received.

Betsy gave an update on the Black Mountain Forest project. Work is starting on the conservation easement and Brian Hotz has emailed it and other documents to the attorney for her review.

Betsy gave an update on covenant #30 for the Meadow View Lot Owners’ Association. Roger Wells is away until April. Tom Paul needs to verify all members have voted.

Betsy mentioned for any members coming to the Town Meeting that the Town Report has a nice write up by Don that covers the issues for the SB381 warrant article.

Betsy reported she sent a letter to Eric Derleth on January 14th in response to the request for the SCC to co-sponsor a petition warrant article making Birch Hill Road a scenic road.

New Business:
The SCC’s March meeting will be on Wednesday the 2nd so as not to conflict with the Town Meeting.

Gerry Putnam announced he will be resigning from the Board. The Board members said they were sorry to hear this and would miss him. He will write a formal letter to the Select Board

There was discussion regarding an alternative site to store the mower used for KHR.

Betsy said she would be emailing Laura Alexander at Colby-Sawyer College regarding students helping the SCC with the map of walking places/points of interest in Sutton..

Review of SCC Properties and S-R-K Greenway Reports:
Betsy reported the gate on Kings Hill Road is locked open and the gate on Hominy Pot Road is frozen open, so secure for now, but as the snow melts this will need a new lock on it. It was requested that a combination style lock be used, which Betsy will purchase.

The warming hut on KHR has a tree that has fallen on it. The Snowmobile Club is not interested in resurrecting the hut. Suggestions for getting rid of the building were discussed and it was decided it should be knocked down. There will be a site visit in April and then a final decision will be made.

Charlie Ash wants to know if the Snowmobile Club can remove trees using a 4-wheeler for hauling the chainsaws. The Board said they would consider this as it is helping to maintain the access road and trails but want to be notified in advance of when and where the work will take place. SCC members may want to join the work party as well.

Betsy reported Peter Stanley offered to meet with Board members on KHR to talk about the problem areas for accessing the land with the mower. It was suggested members of the snowmobile club be invited.

Betsy will contact Charlie Ash about these various matters.

No report for the Webb/Crowell bridge.

Estimates need to be solicited for the Maple Leaf parking area. The Board will revisit this in the spring.

The Board discussed the reappointment of members whose terms are up. Betsy and Garrett will be returning and Leon is undecided.

Don mentioned an educational meeting he had attended regarding stone walls and he said he thought it was a subject the SCC and the Sutton Historical Society may be interested in. Garrett mentioned Edna Feighner at DHR might also be interested.

Don reported on an invitational meeting he had with the Middle School. They received a grant to do a Quest. They already have several outdoor educational programs working with the 6th graders and are hoping to expand to the 7th and 8th grades. They are considering making a field guide.

Betsy announced Matt Tarr will be at the Tracy Library, February 11th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the important role beavers serve in creating ponds that benefit a large diversity of wildlife species. Matt is a professor and wildlife specialist with the UNH Cooperative Extension.

Rachel handed out a draft of the brochure for erosion control. This will be to place at Town Hall and could be given out with Building Permits. Betsy thanked Rachel for her work and asked members to review it for any needed changes. Rachel added there is space for a few pictures if anyone has some.

8:20 p.m. A motion was made by Garrett to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Jean and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Swett