April 12, 2012 | Town Admin APPROVED 05/09/2012 Sutton Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes Wednesday April 11, 2012 @ 6:30 p.m. Present: Betsy Forsham; Chair, Ron Murray, Ben Dobrowski, Garrett Evans, Jean LaChance, Gerry Putnam and Ricia McMahon. Rachel Rupple arrived late. (Don Davis was absent.) 6:30 p.m. Tom Carr of Meridian Land Services met with the Board regarding an expedited wetlands application for a wetlands permit and septic system expansion at the I-89 rest area. Betsy, Don and Garrett visited the site on April 5th. A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ron to approve and sign the permit. Unanimously approved. Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Jean to approve the minutes of March 7, 2012 as written. Unanimously approved. Financial: The Town account, as of the end of March, was $2,475.82, which is 85.08% of the budget. Expenditures were for secretarial services and membership dues. The Conservation Account was $92,327.47. This included a $450.02 deposit for $358.60 in interest for the Love Trust and $91.42 for a LUCT from the past. The KHR Fund was $10,201.7. The total in the Conservation Fund was $102,529.18. Correspondence: There were three monitoring reports for Ausbon Sargent for the King Hill Reservation properties as well Russell Pond, Maple Leaf Natural Area and the Enroth gift. It was noted there is a nice new trail on the Enroth gift property. Formal approval and seminar notice for the NH Association of Natural Resource Scientists (NHANRS). The seminar will be May 18th in Henniker. The subject is Vernal Pools and Small Streams. Ausbon Sargent for their 25th anniversary has established a recognition ribbon project. They are placing a highly visible ribbon on selected properties that are forever protected. They have chosen Russell Pond in Sutton. The ribbon will be on display August 24-27. The Board had no objections. Misc. Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits: An Expedited Wetlands Application for wetlands permit and septic system expansion at the I-89 rest area. Two permits for Routine Maintenance on Route 114 near Russell Pond. One is for cleaning the inlet and outlet of a culvert and the other is for replacing the culvert. Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues: There is nothing formally received but there will be a cut by the Mannings on Nelson Hill Road and one by Breuler on Baker Hill Road. Old Business: On March 26th Garrett and Betsy met with the Board of Selectmen regarding the Patten easements. The Board of Selectmen agreed there was no need for the Town to assume liability for these orphaned easements. Betsy composed a letter relating the decision, which will be sent to Terry Knowles at the AG’s office tomorrow. The Board has received all the emails Betsy forwarded from Paul Bohn regarding the Japanese Knotweed eradication on Route 114. Doug Cygan told Bohn that he has been re-certified as a sprayer, so they will be trying some herbicides a well as the heavy fabric put down over one section of knotweed by DOT. New Business: Betsy shared an ad from the Kearsarge Shopper in which Ed Canane, of Cascade Brook Farm, N. Sutton and Star Lake Farm, Springfield, have teamed up and are seeking hay and grazing lands in the New London area for their cattle. Betsy noted the request for old telephone poles to use on the Webb/ Crowell bridge was denied by PSNH as their policy doesn’t allow it. They suggested a check with the local telephone company. Betsy has put in a call to TDS but has not heard back yet. Betsy will also call a local TDS employee in the hopes she can assist. Betsy reported she received a call on clearing the view to the falls in the Mills. She referred the person to the Board of Selectmen. The Board discussed a public education program for 2012. It will be a forestry theme promoting good timber practices. Betsy will contact forester Eric Johnson to see if he is interested in speaking. The Board will plan on September for the event with more details to come. SCC Properties: Betsy reported that she, along with Garrett and abutters Tom and Kathi Brown, monitored the third Wells property on April 1st. The lines need to be redefined. Garrett will establish the lines with tape. The Board will then need to paint or blaze, using the plastic blazes we purchased. Tom and Kathi offered to take over the monitoring,, and it was agreed it would be helpful to have them do so with one Board representative. The Board decided the monitoring of the Wells lots only needs to be done every two years unless activity on abutting properties is noted. Regarding the Maple Leaf Natural Area parking area, Betsy left a message with Chipper Rowe but hasn’t heard back from him. Chipper did talk with Garrett who relayed that Chip needs to check with Don and Wally before starting the job. Betsy walked the area and no work has been started. Betsy will call Wally. There was discussion of forest management of the tree farm on Wadleigh Hill Road. Garrett reported he had visited the site and now thinks it might be beneficial to do some cutting. There was discussion as to whether it was the intent of the person who gifted the land to leave the land for wildlife in its natural state or whether a forest management plan was acceptable. The Board discussed utilizing a forestry management plan on the Webb/Crowell forest, which is much bigger and more productive for timber, and to utilize some of the revenues to improve the Wadleigh Hill tree farm for wildlife management. Betsy will invite Anita Blakeman, forester, to come to the next meeting, to discuss the cost and viability of updating the tree farm’s current management plan. Other Business: Jennifer asked about the requested updating of the NH GRANIT maps database regarding conservation lands. All the added properties since 2009 have already been updated by the other organizations that are working jointly with Sutton. Jennifer reported she is volunteering to help with a GPS project for the Upper Valley Regional Planning department for their Broad Band coverage and that there is opportunity afterwards to utilize the GPS unit for personal use. Jennifer is developing GIS mapping for the Town and asked the Board if they would be interested in the plotting of current trails, to which they agreed. A motion was made by Garrett and seconded by Ricia to elect Betsy as the Chair. Unanimously approved. Betsy suggested the Board consider adding a vice chair for succession planning. 8:50 p.m. A motion was made by Jean and seconded by Ron to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Swett Secretary