April 14, 2011 | Town Admin APPROVED May 11, 2011 Sutton Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes April 13, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m. Present: Betsy Forsham: Chair, Don Davis, Ron Murray, Jean LaChance, Garrett Evans, Rachel Ruppel and Leslie Ward. Ricia McMahon arrived late. 6:30 p.m. Chair Betsy Forsham opened the meeting and passed out the new member roster. Betsy reminded the members that were reappointed that they will need to get sworn in with the Town clerk. Previous Minutes: A Motion was made by Leslie and seconded by Don to accept the minutes of March 2, 2011 as written. Unanimously approved. Financial Reports: Betsy reported the Town account balance, as of the end of March, was $2,525.87 which is 86.8% of the budget. The Conservation Fund Account total was $132,989.52 with $122,604.33 in the Conservation Fund and $10,385.19 in the KHR Fund. Correspondence: – The SCC received a notice for the ZBA McClay hearing on 4/18 @ 7:00 p.m. – ASLPT Conservation Options Workshop, 4/26 in Grantham – Local Government Center Workshops, 5/17 in New London – Letter from the Ridgerunners, Charlie Ash and Bob Preston, yearly report – Colby Sawyer College student presentations on natural resources and conservation values in the surrounding towns, 4/21 @ 7:00 p.m. at the college – ASLPT monitoring reports for: one on King Hill, Enroth and Maple Leaf Natural Area. Everything looks good. – Reminder of stone wall talk, Wilmot Library, 4/14 @ 7:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits: A Shoreline Impact Permit # 2011-00505, issued 3/23/11 to D. Southard, T/L # 2-598,367; on Lovett Road, to replace exterior siding and foundation. Approved. Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues: Reviewed letter requesting extension of a cut until June 1st on Ken Brown property, Dodge Hill and Brown Roads. Some of the property abuts one of the Wells easement parcels. Betsy and Garrett will check on the cut in warmer weather. Also discussed bonding roads, as Betsy had asked Elly if the Town still did this. Old Business: Betsy gave an update on the Black Mountain Forest project. Betsy saw Brian Hotz. He is still awaiting the review from Fish and Game. He said he may just ask for the funds and put them in an escrow account. Betsy reported there was nothing new on the Meadowview Land Owner’s Association covenants. The Board discussed visiting Ed Canane’s farm. Betsy will ask if Wednesday, June 1st or Thursday, June 2nd, at 5:00 p.m. will work. The Board is looking for an hour to hour and a half tour. Betsy commented on the assessment cards for SCC/Town owned properties, regarding the perceived discrepancy in the inventory values in the Town report. She discussed them with Elly, who has given them to the assessors to review. New Business: There was discussion regarding the starting time of the SCC meetings. It was decided to keep the 6:30 time. There was discussion regarding the two vacant alternate positions. Betsy and Don will check on some possibilities. Betsy reported she sent an email to Professor Laura Alexandra inquiring if she had a student who might be interested in updating the Sutton Walks trail map. Betsy reported on various offers of land. One is no longer available. The other property will be viewed by the Board when the weather improves. Review of SCC Properties and S-R-K Greenway Reports: Betsy passed out “Hay Field” signs to Don to put up at Russell Pond. Regarding the warming hut on King Hill Reservation, Betsy asked for volunteers to view the site, along with Andy Deegan of ASLPT. Betsy will also call Dave Brazier to let him know we will be parking on Summit Rd., near his property. The date is Tuesday 4/26 at 3:00 p.m. The tentative meeting spot will be the North Sutton Church, but Betsy will email. Betsy reported on ideas, gleaned from one of the Saving Special Places workshops, for creating wildlife habitat on farmlands. If there is interest, the SCC could host a public presentation on the subject by UNH Cooperative Extension Wildlife Specialist Matt Tarr, in September. Betsy will check on Matt’s availability. Don said he could make some posters. The parking at the Maple Leaf Natural Area was discussed. Don or Garrett will talk to Kevin Rowe for advice. Then there will be solicitations for the work. Don reported Wally, who started the process, said he would be happy to continue helping. Betsy reported on the Webb/Crowell property bridge project. There were several known bridges mentioned that the members will view for ideas. More to come. The Enroth/Leffert’s trail will be flagged on Tuesday 4/19 at 11:00 a.m. All will meet at the North Sutton Post Office. Ricia and Betsy reported on the Special Places Workshops they attended. Betsy reported on the meeting Alison Jones hosted regarding pursuing the idea of a ski area on KHR. It was a facilitated discussion of advantages, disadvantages and questions. Jen, Don and Betsy attended. There will be a meeting 4/19 for anyone interested in pursuing the idea further. Rachel reported typos were found on her erosion control brochure so she is reworking it. Betsy reported she is working on updating Gene Aubert’s SCC properties inventory list. 9:20 p.m. A motion was made by Leslie to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Ron and unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Swett Secretary