APPROVED 06/08/2011
Sutton Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m.

Present: Betsy Forsham: Chair, Don Davis, Ron Murray, Jean LaChance, Garrett Evans, Rachel Ruppel and Leslie Ward. (Ricia McMahon was absent.)

6:30 p.m. Chair Betsy Forsham opened the meeting.

Previous Minutes:
A Motion was made by Leslie and seconded by Jean to accept the minutes of April 13, 2011 as amended. Unanimously approved.

Financial Reports:
Betsy reported the Town account balance, as of the end of April, was $2,422.12 which is 83.23% of the budget. There were expenditures totaling $103.75. The Conservation Fund Account total was $133,011.38 with $122,624.48 in the Conservation Fund and $10,386.90 in the KHR Fund. The $50,000 for Black Mountain has been expended but is not reflected in the budget this month. There is $3,000 change in use tax that will be coming in.

– The SCC received a notice for the ZBA St. Cyr hearing on 5/18 @ 7:00 p.m.
– ASLPT monitoring reports for Putnam, Enroth and Emerson. All are on private land and all are fine.
– A resignation letter from Gerry Putnam.
– Miscellaneous

Review of Wetlands Applications and Permits:
There were no wetlands issues.

Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues:
The Board talked about the Ken Brown cut, Dodge Hill and Brown Roads. The Selectmen’s office has been in touch with him, and he stated that he did not wish to continue the timber harvest and therefore did not intend to sign a current intent to cut form.

Don Hurd, Chalk Pond Road, 20 of 68 acres, T/M # 06-440,249. Warren Wesoja is the logger.

B. Meyers and G. Coverly, Blaisdell Hill Road, 3.8 of 4 acres, T/M # 02-421,203. The logger is Matt Michie.

Old Business:
Betsy gave an update on the Black Mountain Forest project. Betsy and Brian Hotz met with the Board of Selectmen on Monday and signed the conservation easement. Fish and Game stated everything was fine. The $50,000 is now in an escrow account. The signing should be within the next two weeks. There may be some abutter interest in also conserving land.

The Board finalized the date for visiting Ed Canane’s farm. It will be Wednesday, June 1 at 5:00 p.m. Betsy will email the Board on the meeting place.

Betsy reported on the Colby Sawyer College student presentation she attended stating it was short but interesting.

Rachel is still working on the photos for the erosion control brochure.

New Business:
The Board discussed an offer of land for sale. Betsy will call to inquire further. Betsy has already viewed the land and Garrett will walk the land in the future. It was suggested that Tim Fleury, a UNH Cooperative Extension forester, might be able to advise us.

Betsy updated the Board on a public presentation by Matt Tarr, the UNH Cooperative Extension Wildlife Specialist. The presentation will be September 28th at 7:00 p.m. The topic will be creating wildlife habitat in fields and farmlands. Jean has offered to provide refreshments and to help with the mailing.
Review of SCC Properties and S-R-K Greenway Reports:
Betsy reported she signed a work permission slip for the snowmobile club for King Hill Reservation. She made it clear that no work will be started without first getting the SCC’s review and okay. She reiterated that the SCC, a snowmabile club member, and Peter Stanley will walk the trouble spots at KHR sometime this summer.

The Board needs to decide what work needs doing this year and to set a date for the KHR.

The date of the viewing of the warming hut on King Hill Reservation was changed to Thursday, May 26th at 3:00 p.m. The meeting spot will be the North Sutton Church.

The Enroth/Leffert’s trail was flagged by Don, Leslie and Betsy. Cutting will be starting soon. Betsy said the snow fence is in great shape. The Board would like to try to finish the trail in time for the NH Trails Day, which is July 16th, and to have an opening celebration on that date.

Betsy reported on the Webb/Crowell property bridge project. She emailed Gerry Gold who mentioned Ralph Spofford as an area resident who has built several bridges. Betsy will contact Spofford.

The parking at the Maple Leaf Natural Area was discussed. Garrett spoke with Kevin Rowe. Kevin needs the specifics of the location and size. Don will check with Wally Baker for the drawing and coordinate with Garrett.

Don said the work on KHR will be decided in June. The equipment at Gerry Putnam’s still needs to be moved. Leslie will call Gerry to find out when to do it. Betsy will call the Enroth’s to let them know the move will be happening soon.
Jean reported on the following dates:
– June 4th is National Trails Day.
– July 16th is NH Trails Day
– November will be the 25th anniversary of ASLPT
– 2013 will also be the 20th anniversary of the Greenway
– Art Robbins will lead the first Greenway hike on June 25th.
– May 19th is the Sutton Historical Society potluck. Rebecca Courser is the speaker.

Jean also announced the Sutton Old Home Day is looking for a leader for the Greenway walk.

Leslie announced Friday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. there will be a talk on New England cottontail rabbits at the Tracy Library, sponsored by the UNH Cooperative Extension Service.

8:20 p.m. A motion was made by Garrett to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Jean and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Swett