Town of Sutton 




Regular Meeting of Tuesday, January 9, 2018 (7:00 p.m.)

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Board Members Present:  Roger Wells, Chair; Debbie Lang, Vice Chair; David Angeli; Dennis O’Connor;  Jim Lowe; Diane Lander (Alt.); and Julie McCarthy (Alt.).

Ex-Officio Present:  Bill Curless

Staff Present:  Victoria O’Connor, Land Use Coordinator, via conference call

Others Present:  Patrick Dombroski, Surveyor


7:00 p.m. – Call to Order Regular Meeting

Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

~ Roll Call

~ Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 12, 2017

Board Member Lander and Board Member Lang suggested the following changes:

  • Susan and Nicholas Freeman were not present, but rather the Surveyor was present.
  • Bottom of page 2, it’s alteration of terrain, rather than “alternation of trails”
  • Indicate “via conference call” on the first page, for LUC
  • On page 3, under motion, make “grinding” plural.
  • On page 4, for the Motions, include Board Member.
  • On page 4, change “necessity of CDs versus flash drives” to “necessity of CDs versus also allowing flash drives”

MOTION:  Board Member Angeli moved to approve the Minutes of December 12, 2017, as amended.  It was seconded by Board Member Lang.  The motion carried unanimously.

7:05 p.m. – Meetings

            None scheduled.

7:10 p.m. – New Business

~ Vice Chair Nominations/Election

Chairperson Wells nominated Deb Lang as Vice Chair.

MOTION:  Board Member Angeli moved to appoint Deb Lang as Vice Chair of the Planning Board.  It was seconded by Ex-Officio Curless.  The motion carried unanimously.

7:15 p.m. – Old Business

~ Subdivision Regulations

Ms. Victoria O’Connor gave an update as to the status of the Subdivision Regulations.  She indicated that she is hopeful that they will be completed by the February meeting, with any revisions to be made by March, and the potential to subsequently hold a public hearing.

~ Van der Werff Lot Line Adjustment – Sign Mylar

Mr. Patrick Dombroski appeared on behalf of the Van der Werff application with the revised Mylar, showing the adjusted lot line, which was a condition of approval made at the last meeting.   Board Members David Angeli, Debbie Lang, Jim Lowe, and Roger Wells signed the Mylar, and it will be recorded.


7:45 p.m. – Correspondence/Final Comments

~ Eversource – Scott Whitcomb – Trees

Ms. O’Connor gave a summary over the correspondence she has had with Mr. Whitcomb.  Chairperson Wells gave an overview of the issue at-hand.  Discussion ensued regarding the options that can be taken to alleviate the situation.

~ Getting to Know ArcGIS Online – Durham, NH – January 17, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Ms. O’Connor reminded the Board that the meeting is next Wednesday, and invited the members to participate.

~ Chairperson Wells inquired if any correspondence has been received from Franco, from CAI Technologies, regarding the meeting that was had between himself, Elly Phillips, and

Ms. O’Connor.  Ms. O’Connor indicated in the negative.  Chairperson Wells gave the Board a brief overview of the meeting that was held, and requested further follow-up be done by Ms. O’Connor.

~ The next meeting is Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m. – Adjournment

MOTION:  Ex-Officio Curless moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Victoria O’Connor, Land Use Coordinator

Town of Sutton