Kearsarge Regional School District 

Municipal Budget Committee 

Meeting Calendar 

For Review of the 2018-19 Budget 

All meetings now at Kearsarge Learning Campus 

114 Cougar Court, New London 

Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. 

Approved minutes are posted on the District’s website. 

 The public is encouraged to attend! 

Meeting Date  Topics 


September 7, 2017 

* Joint School Board 

KRES at Bradford 

KRES at New London 

Sutton Central School 

Simonds Elementary 

Kearsarge Regional High School 

Kearsarge Regional Middle School 

Principal James Spadaro 

Principal Kelly Collins 

Principal Steve Potoczak 

Principal Laura Stoneking 

Principal Robert Bennett 

Principal Steve Paterson 

September 14, 2017 

* Joint School Board 



Special Education 

Food Service 

Mr. Todd Fleury 

Mr. Mark Schaub 

Mr. Larry Elliott 

Mr. Larry LeBoeuf 

October 17, 2017  School Board Overview 

Executive Summary /Goals Discussion 

Budget Data Structure and Charts 

SB Representative 

Supt. Feneberg 

Mr. Larry LeBoeuf 

October 24, 2017  SAU 

Revenue Ins/Outs 

Mr. Larry LeBoeuf 
November 14, 2017  Warrant Article Discussion 
November 28, 2017  Warrant Article Discussion 
December 5, 2017  Budget Hearing / Warrant Article Discussion  Chair 
December 12, 2017  Budget Hearing (Snow Date) /Tentative Citizen Petition  Chair 
January 6, 2018  KRSD Annual Meeting 9:00 AM at KRHS  School Board 
March 13, 2018  ELECTION DAY 


Procedural Deadlines 

Wednesday, December 7, 2017 Deadline for submission of Petition Warrant Articles 

(30 days before the Annual Meeting) 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Last date for the Budget Committee to hold budget hearing. 

(25 days before the Annual Meeting) 

Approved 8/29/17