Currently, the Conservation Commission is responsible for the protection, utilization, monitoring and management of fourteen properties including:

75 acres of mixed woods and fresh water wetland along Wadleigh Hill Road, extending from the outflow from Kezar Lake of the Lane River to beyond the Pressey Bridge, known as the “Town Forest/Tree Farm.”

5.2 wooded acres without streams but with many erratics, located along Keyser Street, with some frontage on Kezar Lake, known as the “Mildred T. Lefferts Natural Area.”

One-half acre in East Sutton west of North Road and east of Stevens Brook, known as the “Redington Dam area.”

25 acres along the west side of Route 114 between North Sutton residences and Gile Brook, known as the “Town Wetland/Smiley Property” or “Aqua Villa.”

4.1 acres including marsh-land, intermittent streams and mixed woods, located in South Sutton between Eaton Grange Road and Roby Road, west of the Lane River, known as the “Sprout Lot.”

1.23 acres located on Southfield Road in North Sutton, known as the “Settlers Oven Site.”

23.6 acres of forested land, with one-half mile of shore along Stevens Brook in North Sutton, known as the “Stevens Brook-Cloues Natural Area.”

3.9 landlocked acres accessible by canoe from Kezar Lake, near the Lyon Brook inlet, including marsh-land, known as the “Seymour Natural Area.”

3.8 acres of woodland and a small area of mown grassland, on Keyser Street, known as the “Walden and Loys Sundell Property.”

9 acres of mixed woods, field, and shore along Russell Pond in South Sutton, known as the “Russell Pond Property.”

7.75 acres of mixed woodland abutting the Lefferts Natural Area and Route 114 in North Sutton, known as the “Enroth Gift.”

The following properties are protected by conservation easements which designate Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust as primary grantee and Sutton Conservation Commission as back-up grantee:

31.5 acres of open field, forest and some wetlands, in North Sutton, known as the “Emerson Conservation Easement.”

38.86 acres of both wetland, upland field, and wooded high ground, located on Keyser Street and Penacook Road in North Sutton, known as the “Enroth Conservation Easement.”


In 1999, 441 acres of mixed woodlands and open fields including the former King Ridge ski trails, historic stonewalls and cellar holes, vernal pools and .25 mile of Lyon Brook, was granted to the Town of Sutton by owner Frank Stewart, with the Sutton Conservation Commission assuming management responsibility and ASLPT serving as grantee to the conservation easement. This parcel is known as “King Hill Reservation.”

With much volunteer effort, the Commission has designed and continues to maintain a town wide system of hiking trails, and has published a Trails Map available for purchase at the Town Office, as well as a separate trail map for the King Hill Reservation which is available at each of the two trail heads. The 2004 trail work schedule will appear here soon, and we are always looking for new volunteers.

All conservation properties are accessible to the public for permitted uses. Please note that due to erosion concerns, wheeled vehicles, including mountain bikes are not permitted.