Town Meeting March 14, 2017


To the inhabitants of the Town of Sutton in the County of Merrimack in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs.

You are hereby notified to meet at Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall in said Sutton on Tuesday, the 14th day of March, 2017 next at eight of the clock in the forenoon (Polls to be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) to act on Article 1 and 2. You are further notified to meet at the Kearsarge Regional High School, North Road in said Sutton on Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 2017 at seven of the clock (7:00 p.m.) in the evening, to act upon the remaining Articles.

On March 14, 2017, The Sutton Town Moderator, Greg Gill, opened the doors at 7:00 a.m. and announced to the public that voting was in session.

Moderator Greg Gill closed the polls at 7:00 p.m. There were 1596 already registered voters. 201 ballots were cast, which included 8 absentee ballots and 2 same day newly registered voter(s) to choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year as well as voting on the Zoning Board of Adjustment Amendment and the KRSD ballot articles.

Article 1: To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing.

Selectmen – 3 Years – vote for 1
Walter Baker, Jr., – 118

Moderator – 2 Years – vote for 1
Derek Lick – 178

Trustees, Sutton Free Library – 3 Years – vote for 1
Maria Caccavo – 176

*Trustees of the Trust Funds – 3 Years – vote for 1

*Budget Committee – 3 Years – vote for 2
Victoria O’Connor – 158

*Budget Committee – 1 year – vote for 1

Overseer of Public Welfare – 1 Year
Alison D. Jones – 172

*Cemetery Commission – 3 Years – vote for 1

Those offices with an “*” were decided by write-in vote. Once the Selectmen’s office has contacted the write-in with the most votes, a decision will be made. Please refer to the end of these minutes for a full list of write-in’s for each office on the 2017 Ballot.

Are you in favor of Amendment 1 of the Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board? This amendment is to define and permit, by Special Exception, an attached or detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). An ADU provides (a) independent living facilities for one or more persons, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies, (b) contains no more than 750 square feet for attached, or contains no more than 750 square feet or forty percent (40%) of the square footage of the principal dwelling unit, whichever is less, for detached, (c) has no more than two bedrooms, and (d) in which the owner occupies either the principal dwelling unit or the accessory dwelling unit. This amendment is recommended by the Planning Board.
YES  = 150 NO  = 33

School Ballot results were not released to the public as one town in the district had yet to hold their election/town meeting due to the Nor’easter on March 14, 2017.

School Ballots Results are:

Question 1 – To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the Municipal Budget Committee’s recommended amount of $42,492,091 for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents, and for the payment for the statutory obligations of the District. The School Board recommends $42,492,091. This article does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. This warrant article asks the voters to raise and appropriate for the support of schools, the salaries of School District Officials and Agents and for the statutory obligations of said District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from the State sources, together with other income, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen of each of the Town of Bradford, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot, the amount to be raised by taxation by said towns. (School Board Recommends 7-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 7-0)

A. $42,492,091 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the School Board. A received 49 votes.

B. $42,492,091 for the proposed Operating Budget recommended by the Municipal Budget Committee.
B received 13 votes.

C. $42,142,091 for the proposed Operating Budget (a decrease of $350,000). (MBC proposed Operating Budget as amended at the 1st session).
C received 126 votes.

Question 2 – To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost item included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between the Kearsarge Regional School Board and the Para Educators at Kearsarge which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits:

Year Estimated Increase
2017-18 $57,686
2018-19 $78,354
2019-20 $71,079

And further to raise and appropriate the sum of $57,686 for the 2017-18 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels. (School Board Recommends 7-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 7-0)
YES – 111 NO – 83

Question 3 – To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $25,000 to be placed in the Special Education Expendable Trust Fund, established in 2008 within the provisions of RSA 198:20-c for the purpose of emergency funding of unforeseen Special Education costs incurred by the District, with such amount to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2017.
(School Board Recommends 7-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 7-0)
YES – 139 NO – 56

Question 4 – To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate up to $50,000 to be placed in the School Buildings Maintenance Fund for the purpose of repair, unanticipated utility costs, and maintaining the school buildings and equipment, with such amount to be funded from unassigned fund balance (surplus funds) remaining on hand as of June 30, 2017.
(School Board Recommends 7-0, Municipal Budget Committee Recommends 7-0)
YES – 141 NO – 51

Moderator for 1 Year:
Brackett L. Scheffy – 167

Write-Ins – Richard DeFelice – 1
Greg Gill – 1

Continued meeting from March 14, 2017, Greg Gill, Moderator, opened the meeting at approximately 7:11 p.m. Mr. Gill introduced himself. Mr. Gill discussed how votes would be done either by voice, hand or ballot. He also discussed how the meeting would run.

The Pledge of Allegiance was observed. A moment of silence was observed for those residents that we lost in 2016.

Greg Gill, Moderator reviewed the results from the March 14, 2017 election.

Greg Gill Moderator asked those in attendance who ran for office and were elected to come forward to be sworn in. They were: Walter Baker, Jr., Selectmen; Derek Lick, Moderator; Alison Jones, Overseer of Public Welfare; and Victoria O’Connor, Budget Committee (3-year term).

Greg Gill, Moderator asked that anyone interested in volunteering to be on a board or committee, to contact the Selectmen’s Office.

Greg Gill, Moderator, thanked those who have served and are serving in the military.

At this time, Greg Gill, Moderator, asked if there were any recognitions.

Robert Wright, Jr., stepped forward to recognize Lynn King. A former employee who passed away in 2016.

Walter Baker, Jr., stepped forward to recognize Betsy Forsham who is leaving the Conservation Commission; and; John Silverberg and Richard Benson who retired from the Budget Committee.

Derek Lick stepped forward to recognize Greg Gill who retired as Moderator after 24 years of service.

Jon Korbet, Police Chief stepped forward to recognize Robert “Bud” Nelson and Philip “Phil” Buteau who retired from the Police Department in 2016. The plaques that were given to Mr. Nelson and Mr. Buteau display the badges that they wore while serving the Town of Sutton.

Mr. Gill discussed the rules of the evening.

A motion was made by Charlie Forsberg and seconded by Derek Lick to dispense with the reading of the papers.

Article 3: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Bob DeFelice and seconded by Garrett Evans to accept Article 3 as written. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the Budget Committee’s recommended sum of $2,193,829 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately.

Budget Committee Selectmen
4130 Executive 167,992 167,907
4140 Election Registration 6,500 6,500
4150 Financial Administration 67,117 67,117
4151 Executive Financial Administration 23,350 23,350
4152 Revaluation of Property 12,000 12,000
4153 Legal Expense 17,500 17,500
4155 Personnel Administration 154,247 155,076
4191 Planning Board and Zoning 49,250 49,250
4194 General Government Buildings 26,500 26,500
4195 Cemeteries 14,000 14,000
4196 Insurance 67,800 67,800
4197 Regional Planning Commission 2,033 2,033
4210 Police Department 446,918 447,119
4215 Ambulance 74,718 74,718
4220 Fire Department 56,325 56,325
4240 Building Inspection 7,800 7,800
4290 Emergency Management 1,300 1,300
4299 Dispatching Services 22,842 22,842
4312 Highway Department 646,660 649,106
4313 Bridges 3,000 3,000
4316 Street Lighting 7,500 7,500
4324 Solid Waste Disposal 153,500 153,500
4411 Health Administration 2,250 2,250
4415 Health Agencies 5,095 5,095
4443 Welfare Admin. & Direct Assistance 30,902 30,902
4520 Culture & Recreation 13,963 13,963
4550 Library 41,994 42,249
4583 Patriotic Purposes 1,000 1,000
4611 Conservation Commission 3,232 3,232
4721 Debt Service 66,541 66,541

Walter Baker, Jr. made a motion to amend Article 3 as follows: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the Budget Committee’s recommended sum of $2,197,476 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately.

Moderator read the amended Article 3: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the Budget Committees recommendation as amended to $2,197,476 for general municipal operations. This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately.

Article 3 was passed by voice vote as amended.

Article 4: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Garrett Evans and seconded by Ricia McMahon to accept Article 4 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $350,750 to be added to various Capital Reserve Funds previously established as follows:

Library Modifications 5,000
Police Cruisers 16,000
Police Department Computer Equipment 5,000
Cemetery Fence and Tombstone 3,500
Conservation Land 7,000
Highway Equipment “Plow/Dump Trucks” 100,000
Highway Bridges 100,000
Solid Waste Facility 5,000
Forest Fire Equipment 250
Fire Equipment Replacement 30,000
Rescue Vehicle 10,000
Property Revaluation 22,000
Cemetery Land 5,000
Library Building Maintenance 3,000
Highway Pickup Truck 6,000
Fire Department Addition 25,000
Legal Fees 3,000
Records Preservation 2,000
Pillsbury Memorial Hall 3,000
Recommended by the Budget Committee. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

Article 4 passed by voice vote.

Article 5: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Charlie Ash and seconded by Bud Nelson to accept Article 5 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purpose of upgrading gravel town roads.

Article 5 passed by voice vote.

Article 6: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Garrett Evans and seconded by Bud Nelson to accept Article 6 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of upgrading blacktop town roads.

Article 6 passed by voice vote.

Article 7: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Garrett Evans and seconded by Bud Nelson to accept Article 7 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $140,000 for the purpose of purchasing a 6-wheel dump truck and to withdraw $140,000 from the Highway Equipment (Plow/Dump Truck) Capital Reserve Fund established in 1998 for that purpose. No amount to be raised by general taxation. Recommended by the Budget Committee. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen

Article 7 passed by voice vote.

Article 8: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Victoria O’Connor and seconded by Ricia McMahon to accept Article 8 as written. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $140,000 to purchase a backhoe and to withdraw up to $135,000 from the Highway Backhoe Capital Reserve Fund established in 2011 for that purpose. The remaining $5,000 to be raised by general taxation. Recommended by the Budget Committee. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

Article 8 passed by voice vote.

Article 9: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Garrett Evans and seconded by Betsy Forsham to accept Article 9 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purpose of replacing the Grist Mill/Corporation Hill Foot Bridge.

Article 9 passed by voice vote.

Article 10: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Bud Nelson and seconded by Charlie Ash to accept Article 10 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,000 for the purpose of purchasing a cardboard compactor for the Solid Waste Facility.
Article 10 passed by voice vote.
Article 11: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Victoria O’Connor and seconded by Garrett Evans to accept Article 11 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,667 for the Sutton Volunteer Fire Company, this sum to come from unassigned fund balance, represents proceeds received in 2016 from the sale of equipment at the Old Fire House.
Cory Cochran, Chief, Sutton Volunteer Fireman’s Association made a motion to amend Article 11 as follows: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,667 for the Sutton Volunteer Fireman’s Association, this sum to come from unassigned fund balance, represents proceeds received in 2016 from the sale of equipment at the Old Fire House.
Article 11 was passed by voice vote as amended.
Article 12: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Garrett Evans and seconded by Bob DeFelice to accept Article 12 as written. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for a furnace for the fire department.

Article 12 passed by voice vote.

Article 13: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Victoria O’Connor and seconded by Garrett Evans to accept Article 13 as written. To see if the Town will vote to establish the Septage Lagoon Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of decommissioning the Sutton Septage Lagoons, and further to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 to be added to the Fund, and to appoint the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend from said fund. Recommended by the Budget Committee. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

Article 13 passed by voice vote.

Article 14: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Victoria O’Connor and seconded by Charlie Ash to accept Article 14 as written. To see if the town will raise and appropriate $20,000 for the engineering, permitting and construction of a federally mandated ADA compliant ramp and entry area allowing access to library facilities and materials on the main floor.

Heidi Thoma, Librarian, mad a motion to amend Article 14 as follows: To see if the town will raise and appropriate $20,000 for the engineering, permitting and construction of an ADA compliant library entry.

Shannon Storm further made a motion to amend Article 14 to read as follows:
To see if the town will raise and appropriate an additional $20,000 for the engineering, permitting and construction of a ADA compliant library entry and bathroom. Ms. Storm withdrew her amendment.

Moderator read amended Article 14: To see if the town will raise and appropriate $20,000 for the engineering, permitting and construction of an ADA compliant library entry.

Article 14 was passed by voice vote as amended.

Article 15: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Bob DeFelice and seconded by Garrett Evans to accept Article 15 as written. Shall the Town of Sutton vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 72:28-b, All Veterans Tax Credit? If adopted, the credit will be available to any resident, or the spouse or surviving spouse of any resident, who (1) served not less than 90 days on active service in the armed forces of the United States and was honorably discharged or an officer honorably separated from services and is not eligible for or receiving a credit under RSA 72:28 or RSA 72:35. If adopted, the credit granted will be $500.00, the same amount as the standard or optional veteran’s tax credit voted by the Sutton under RSA 72:28.

Motion was made to amend Article 15 due to typographical errors. Kevin Rowe approved this motion and Garret Evans seconded.

Amended Article 15 to read as follows: Shall the Town of Sutton vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 72:28-b, All Veterans Tax Credit? If adopted, the credit will be available to any resident, or the spouse or surviving spouse of any resident, who (1) served not less than 90 days on active service in the armed forces of the United States and was honorably discharged or (2) an officer honorably separated from services and is not eligible for or receiving a credit under RSA 72:28 or RSA 72:35. If adopted, the credit granted will be $500.00, the same amount as the standard or optional veteran’s tax credit voted by the Town of Sutton under RSA 72:28.

Article 15 passed by voice vote as amended.
Article 16: After the Moderator read the article, a motion was made by Victoria O’Connor and seconded by Garrett Evans to accept Article 16 as written. We, the citizens of the town of Sutton, petition the town to adopt the provisions of RSA 72:62 for property tax purposes for persons owning real property for the property tax exemption on real property equipped with solar energy systems, which exemption shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed value of the solar energy systems.
The intent of the tax exemption is to alleviate the additional tax burden created by installing a solar energy system. Solar energy systems are expensive, and people who make the decision to install are primarily motivated by the larger social issue of energy consumption. Similar tax exemptions already exist in approximately 103 towns in New Hampshire.

We want to show Sutton’s support for the use of renewable energy to the Sutton tax payers who utilize a solar energy system by granting them an exemption for the purpose of a positive tax implication. This is a petitioned Warrant Article. Not Recommended by the Budget Committee. Not Recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

Article 16 passed by hand vote: 51 YES; 46 NO.
Article 17: After the Moderator started to read the article, the Town Clerk/Tax Collector made a motion to Table this article which was seconded by Bob DeFelice. To see if the Town will vote to increase the salary of the Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the next three years at $3,333 per year for 2017, 2018 and 2019. This increase would not include any Cost of Living Adjustments as deemed appropriate by the selectmen and budget committee. Should the voters not approve this salary increase the Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector request that all motor vehicle town clerk fees that are now being deposited into the General Fund be used in place of the increase. The Clerk Fees would be issued at the end of each month and would be payable in the amount to be determined by Motor Vehicle ID number for either the Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector or Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
2015 Town Clerk Fees = $4,482.00
2016 Town Clerk Fees = $8,316.00
This is a petitioned Warrant Article. Not Recommended by the Budget Committee. Not Recommended by the Board of Selectmen.
Article 18: To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.
Motion was made by Bud Nelson and seconded by Garrett Evans to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda D. Ford
Certified Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Town of Sutton, NH
March 14, 2017 Town Election Write-In Results

Selectmen – 3 Years

Write-Ins – Robert DeFelice – 2
Bruce Kozikowski – 3

Moderator – 2 Years

Write-Ins – Linda Ford – 1
Greg Gill – 2
Thom Stowell – 1

Trustees, Sutton Free Library – 3 Years

Write-Ins – Jack Dyer – 1
Linda Ford – 1
Kathy Gill – 1

Trustees of the Trust Funds – 3 Years –

Write-Ins – Julia Jones – 2
Walter Baker, Jr. -1
Jen Call – 1
Bob DeFelice – 1
Larry Ford – 1
Linda Ford – 1
Lori Hains – 1
Robert (Bud) Nelson – 1
Andrew Palmer – 1
Tom Paul – 1
Harold B. Rowe – 1
Dawn Straniero – 1
Gene Swartz – 1

Budget Committee – 3 Years

Write-Ins – Jayne Rayno – 5
Dennis O’Connor – 4
Norman “Keith” Badgley – 2
Paul Bohn – 2
Brenda DiGilio – 2
Nathanial Bifield – 1
Sondra Brake – 1
Sam Dube – 1
Larry Ford – 1
Linda Ford – 1
Karen Heffernan – 1
David Hurst – 1
P. McMann – 1
Fritz Pratt – 1
Brendan Rowe – 1
Harold Rowe, Jr. – 1

Budget Committee – 1 year

Write-Ins – Julia Jones – 2
Andrew Palmer – 2
Daniel Baker – 1
Ernest Brake – 1
Sondra Brake – 1
Sam Dube – 1
Linda Ford – 1
Gail Guertin – 1
David Hurst – 1
Paul Little – 1
Mark Loehr – 1
P. McMann – 1
Kera Pilger – 1
Jayne Rayno – 1
Kevin Rowe – 1
Bruno Steblai

Overseer of Public Welfare – 1 Year

Write-Ins – Linda Ford – 1

Cemetery Commission – 3 Years

Write-Ins – Harold B. Rowe, Jr. – 21
John Jones – 2
Harold B. Rowe, Sr., – 2
Marne Thompson – 2
Charlie Ash – 1
Keith Badgley – 1
Daniel Baker – 1
Michael Cornelio – 1
Bob DeFelice – 1
Larry Ford – 1
Matt Grimes – 1
Jack Noon – 1
Victoria O’Connor – 1
Kevin Rowe – 1
Leiah Stepp – 1
Dawn Straniero – 1