Town of Sutton


Planning Board

Regular Meeting of Tuesday, March 27, 2018 (7:00 p.m.)

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221





Board Members Present: Roger Wells, Chair; Debbie Lang, Vice-Chair; David Angeli; Jim Lowe; Diane Lander, Alternate; and Julie McCarthy, Alternate.


Ex-Officio Board Member Present: Bill Curless


Staff Present: No staff members were present


Others Present: Cynthia and Edward Canane, Sutton Residents; Dorothy and Robert Andrew K. Jeffrey; Sutton, NH and Andover, MA Residents; Jennifer McCourt, PE Manager, McCourt Engineering Associates; and Shannon Storm, Sutton Resident.


7:00 p.m. – Call to Order Regular Meeting

Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

~ Roll Call

~ Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 13, 2018

Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2018 regular meeting.  Alternate Board Member Julie McCarthy seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.



Minor subdivision of a 28.65 acre lot owned by the Jeffrey Family Trust of 2011, located at 81 Lovett Road, Sutton, NH, Sutton Tax Map 02, Lot 478-356.  The applicant, Deborah Lang, proposes to subdivide a 4.6 acre parcel with frontage on Camp Kemah Road from the subject property.

  • Board Member Debbie Lang stepped down as a member of the Planning Board and moved to the public seating area. Alternate Board Member Julie McCarthy was designated to take her place.
  • Chairman Wells outlined the process that would be followed:

o After a presentation from Jennifer McCourt, PE Manager, McCourt Engineering Associates, the public hearing will be opened.

o Once public discussion has concluded, the public hearing will be closed.

o The Board then will discuss the proposed subdivision and vote to approve or not approve the submitted plan.

  • Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to consider the application complete as submitted. Board Member Jim Lowe seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
  • Ms. McCourt presented the proposed subdivision, reviewed the plan diagrams, and responded to questions from the Planning Board. She also noted that the Sutton Zoning Board of Adjustment had approved a variance allowing for the construction of the proposed garage.

ZBA: November 15, 2017.  Deborah Lang, 87 Lovett Road, South Sutton.  Tax Map 02 Lot Number 478-356.  Zoning District Residential.  Variance requested, in accordance with Article X, Section B.2 and D.1 of the Sutton Zoning Ordinance, in order to permit the construction of a garage (28′ x 36′).  The variance was approved with the understanding that the footprint of the garage is moved approximately 2.5′ towards the roadway, thereby being in violation of road setback, but meeting the 75′ setback requirement from the wetlands.

  • Chairman Wells opened the public meeting.

o Mr. Canane spoke against the proposed subdivision.  He is concerned with development of the Sutton community and the Sutton lot gerrymandering that has occurred over time.  He expressed his opinions that Sutton building permits are not for “tiny” or small houses and that this particular proposed subdivision does not meet Sutton regulations, yet, if approved, this 4.6 acre parcel will become a building lot of record.

o Ms. McCourt responded to some of Mr. Canane’s concerns and comments.

o Ms. Storm asked two clarifying questions.  First, are the 2 acres of buildable land all to the west of the wetland or is some on the east side as well.  Answer: the 2 acres of buildable land is on both sides of the wetland.  Second: is the garage for business or residential use.  Answer: residential.

  • Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to close the public hearing. Alternate Board Member Julie McCarthy seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the public hearing was closed.
  • The board then discussed the proposed subdivision. Chairman Wells provided a summary:

o   There is nothing in the current subdivision regulations to prevent subdividing out the specified 4.6 acre parcel.

o   The garage can be constructed, and could be converted into a dwelling, as it meets the requirements, given the approved zoning variance.

  • Motion: Board Member David Angeli moved to approve the proposed subdivision plan. Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless seconded the motion. With no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken.  The motion carried unanimously and the subdivision plan is approved.
  • The mylar was signed by Board Members David Angeli, Jim Lowe, Julie McCarthy, and Roger Wells; Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless; Robert Andrew K. Jeffrey; and Jennifer McCourt. Ms. McCourt will submit the mylar to the town to be recorded.
  • Chairman Wells recognized the value of Mr. Canane’s concern of where Sutton community development may be going and suggested a future task of the Planning Board might be to consider modifying the subdivision regulations to take into account Mr. Canane’s concerns. Ms. McCourt suggested the Planning Board could look at other NH town regulations and provided examples from the Bow, NH regulations.
  • Board Member Debbie Lang resumed her position as a member of the Planning Board and Alternate Board Member Julie McCarthy stepped down.


New Business

24th Annual Planning & Zoning Conference Registration

This looks to be a valuable conference to attend.  Chairman Wells will coordinate with Elly Phillips, Town Administrator, to register those board members who choose to attend.


Old Business

Proposed Subdivision regulations

Chairman Wells hopes to have a final version to discuss and approve at the next meeting.


Correspondence/Final Comments

No Correspondence was brought before the Board.


~ Reminder: The next regular Planning Board meeting is Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.


7:30 p.m. – Adjournment


Motion: Board Member Jim Lowe moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.  Ex-Officio Member Bill Curless seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M. Lander

Planning Board Alternate Member