Regular Meeting of Tuesday, October 10, 2017 (7:00 p.m.)

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221

 Approved on November 14, 2017


Board Members Present:  Roger Wells, Chair; Jim Lowe; David Angeli; Dennis O’Connor; and Debbie Lang

Board Members Absent:  Julie McCarthy

 Ex-Officio Present:  Bill Curless


  1. Call to Order by Chair

Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call of Members
  2. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 22, 2017.

MOTION:  Ex-Officio Curless moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2017, as written.  It was seconded by Board Member Lang.  The motion carried unanimously. 

  1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 26, 2017.

MOTION:  Board Member Lang moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2017, as written.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously. 

  1. Old Business
  •  Subdivision Regulations Review


 The Board Members received copies of both Ms. Jennifer McCourt’s AutoCAD drawings, as well as Chairperson Wells’ drawings.  Chairperson Wells indicated that, in order to finalize the drawings, the Board would have to meet with both the Fire Chief and the Road Agent to receive their input.

MOTION:  Board Member Curless moved to invite the Fire Chief and the Road Agent to meet with the Board in order to provide input on their drawings.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

Chairperson Wells noted that the biggest issue that may arise is the fact that the Board is allowing 14′ wide roads, because we have existing 14′ wide roads.  He indicated his anticipation to finalize the Regulations would be December 2017, and subsequently hold the Public Hearing.


  • 90-Day Clause

 The Board Members received correspondence between former LUC and Jae Whitelaw of Mitchell Municipal Group, indicating that 90 days would not be sufficient, and that there are steps that should be taken in order to collect and retain a bond amount, should any issues arise, for a period of time after completion.  Chairperson Wells indicated that he would draft revised language reflecting one year, rather than 90 days.

  • Other


      6. New Planning Board Meeting Format Discussion

  •  Meeting Frequency

The Board Members received correspondence between former LUC and Chairperson Wells, which laid out ideas on improving the Planning Board experience.  Chairperson Wells indicated that there has been a difficulty getting quorums for meetings, due to the lack of members.  He requested that each member come up with one or two nominations for the Planning Board.  Discussion was held regarding the questions posed in the email.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to adopt proposed schedule of one meeting per month, which would be the second Tuesday of the month, reserving the fourth Tuesday for special circumstances and/or emergencies, effective immediately.  It was seconded by Ex-Officio Curless.  The motion carried unanimously.

 Board Member Angeli conveyed his sentiments regarding the ability to gather a quorum.  Discussion was held regarding reasons why members aren’t attending meetings.  The issue of earlier notification was brought up.

  • Meeting Information

 Chairperson Wells raised the issue of disseminating informational packets prior to the meeting, so that the members could review them, pose any questions, visit any sites, etc. in order to have a more productive meeting.

MOTION:  Ex-Officio Curless moved to approve informational packet dissemination process, in which the LUC, or whoever is in their stead, will meet with the Chairperson one week prior to the meeting, go over the material to be discussed at the meeting, and receive approvals from the Chairperson to disseminate it to Board Members, via email.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

 Board Member Lang inquired as to the procedure, should the Chairperson be unavailable.

  • Meeting Agenda

Chairperson Wells suggested modifying the Agendas in order to accommodate members of the public who are in attendance regarding Applications.  He inquired of the Board Members as to their opinion regarding assigning time slots to each participant (i.e. 30 to 45 minutes).  Discussion was held regarding the best way to do it, as well as the rationale behind it, including utilizing the fourth Tuesday to spend additional time on applicants that may need further inquiry/discussion.

 MOTION:  Ex-Officio Curless moved to recommend allocated time slots on the second Tuesday of the month for Applicants; and, if necessary, to reserve the fourth Tuesday of the month to address the applications further.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously. 

  • Subcommittee Meetings

Chairperson Wells suggested creating subcommittees for smaller tasks to meet on fourth Tuesday of each month.  He outlined what this subcommittee’s tasks would include.  Discussion was held regarding the necessity of this subcommittee, should you have a qualified LUC in the position.  The Board concluded that this would not be necessary.

  • Other Ideas

Chairperson Wells suggested electing a Vice Chairperson to take the Chairperson’s place in their absence.  He discussed details of the position, and the reasons for this person to be elected.  The Board concluded that this position would be voted on in January, along with the Chairperson position, as is required.

Chairperson Wells inquired regarding having presentations made to the Board regarding important issues.  He gave some examples of issues that could be discussed, and indicated that a line item may be needed in the budget to cover the expenses of such an event.  He requested the Board Members to come up with other topics they would like to have presented.  Discussion was had regarding the possibility of State-funded workshops available.

  1. New Business
  2. Old Business

Chairperson Wells revisited Ms. McCourt’s upcoming driveway application, wherein a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) may be necessary, due to the fact that it is a long, steep driveway and that it is crossing wetlands.  He noted that there currently is no CUP Application available for applicants.  He went on to define the CUP, its purpose, as well as how it compares to a Variance Application or Special Exception Application.  After researching, the final outcome of the CUP Application would be similar to a Site Plan submission.

He indicated that he would draft a form to present to the Board at the next meeting so that they could vote on it, for future applicants, and that it would include the tests that the Applicants would have to be met, as per the Zoning Ordinance.  He further requested that the Board consider what fees should be applied to these applications.  Much discussion was had amongst the Board Members regarding CUPs and what would be important to include in both the application, as well as the process.

Board Member Lang inquired as to why Ms. McCourt is approaching the Conservation Commission with her driveway plans.  Chairperson Wells replied that, in order to receive approval on the CUP, the Board has to receive recommendations or opinions from the Conservation Commission.  Ex-Officio Curless went on to indicate that, due to the fact that the plans call for going through some wetlands, it now needs to be brought to the Conservation Commission for review and comment.

  1. Correspondence
  2. Final Comments

Chairperson Wells informed the Board that he had met with Chairperson Lick of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to discuss the LUC position.  Discussion was held regarding the challenges that this potential consultant may face, and what, if any, benefit there would be in sharing this consultant amongst the different Townships.

The Board Members discussed the necessity of a Master Plan.

  1. Adjournment

MOTION:  Ex-Officio Curless moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m.  It was seconded by Board Member Lang.  The motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,


Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary