May 28, 2021 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD CLUSTER SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO ABUTTERS & PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Tuesday June 22, 2021 You are hereby notified of a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 7:00p.m. at the Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH*, concerning a request by Peacock Hill Road LLC, 15 Constitution Drive, Suite 1A, Bedford, NH 03110, for a 7 lot Cluster Subdivision, as permitted by the terms of Article IX of the Sutton Zoning and Building Ordinance, on Map/Lot 01-173-097, an approximately 100acre parcel of land on the West Side of East Sutton Road in Sutton, NH. You are invited to appear in person or be represented by agent or counsel and provide reasons why the application should or should not be approved. Please address written responses to Sutton Planning and Zoning, 93 Main Street, Sutton Mills, NH 03221. All responses will be read into the record. Plans are available for your review at the Sutton Town Office. *Due to the COVID 19/Coronavirus Pandemic and in accordance with Governor Sununu’s Emergency Order #12, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04, this Board is authorized to meet electronically. The public has access to contemporaneously listen and participate in this meeting through Zoom video conferencing at; If you already have the Zoom App on your computer you can join the meeting using the Meeting ID 850 7464 3387 and Password 921155, or you may participate by telephone by calling 1-301-715-8592 and using the same Meeting ID and password. For technical difficulties call Peter at 1-603-630-0017. PLEASE NOTE – IF THE GOVERNOR’S COVID STATE OF EMERGENCY IS EXTENDED THROUGH THE DATE OF THIS MEETING WE WILL MEET ELECTRONICALLY VIA ZOOM. IF NOT, WE WILL MEET IN PERSON AT THE TOWN HALL AT 93 MAIN STREET. PLEASE WATCH THE SUTTON WEBSITE REGARDING CHANGES. Note: This hearing was rescheduled due to an error in the first notice.