Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221




Meeting Minutes for Tuesday December 27, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.


Chair Pogust called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. He called roll and found there was a quorum.


ROLL: Glenn Pogust (Chair), Kristin Angeli (alternate), David Hill, Christine Fletcher


ABSENT: Jason Teaster (alternate), Peter Blakeman Roger Wells (Vice-Chair), Chuck Bolduc, Dane Headley


ALSO PRESENT: David Grinsell (observer)




  1. Approval of December 6, 2022 Draft Meeting Minutes


It was moved by Christie Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to approve the minutes of December 6, 2022, as circulated.

The motion was approved unanimously.




  1. Second Public Hearing – Proposed revisions to the Cluster Development Ordinance continued from the December 6, 2022 Public Hearing


Chair Pogust said that at the first hearing it was suggested during the public comments that the Planning Board should consider being able to deny an applicant if they have had past violations with state or local regulations with respect to previous projects that have nothing to do with the one being applied for. Town Counsel has said that this should not be done. Another request was that the Town disclose the applicant’s name and business, such as whether or not they are an LLC, who the shareholders are, etc. Town Counsel has said that this is not the purview of the Planning Board; they are there to make judgements on land use. Both of these suggestions that were provided at the last public hearing were therefore, not incorporated into the draft.


Chair Pogust said the only change that was made to the draft revised cluster ordinance was that they changed some of the “mays” to “shalls.” This is the version that has been posted at the town office and on the website. Town Counsel has confirmed that once the proposed ordinance is posted, any application that comes into the Town can be denied on the basis of that pending ordinance.


Chair Pogust said that he would like a motion to open the hearing to public comment.


It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to open the hearing to public comment.

The motion was approved unanimously.


David Grinsell opined that the Planning Board should keep up the good work.


There were no other members of the public present to provide any comments.


It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to close the public comment portion of the hearing.

The motion was approved unanimously.


There was no further discussion of the proposed revised cluster ordinance from the members of the Planning Board.


It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to ask the Select Board to place the posted draft of the cluster ordinance changes on the warrant for the 2023 Town Meeting.

The motion was approved unanimously.


Chair Pogust showed a copy of how the wording would look on the warrant. There will also be a few public meetings to help educate the citizens on why this is an important thing to pass.


It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by David Hill to adjourn the meeting.

The motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 7:13pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary

Town of Sutton