December 19, 2017 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting of Tuesday, December 12, 2017 (7:00 p.m.) Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Not Official Until Approved by Board at its Next Regular Meeting Board Members Present: Roger Wells, Chair; David Angeli; Dennis O’Connor; Diane Lander (Alt.); and Debbie Lang. Board Members Absent: Jim Lowe; and Julie McCarthy. Ex-Officio Absent: Bill Curless Staff Present: Victoria O’Connor, Land Use Coordinator Others Present: Jennifer McCourt, McCourt Engineering Associates; Freeman Boynton III, Applicant; Kevin Carr, Esq., Baker and Hayes; Susan E. Van der Werff, Applicant; Nicholas J. Van der Werff, Applicant. 7:00 p.m. – Call to Order Regular Meeting Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. ~ Roll Call ~ Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 14, 2017 Victoria O’Connor indicated the correction suggestions she received in an email, which included: 2nd paragraph page 3 should read “lots of record” not “lots of records” Page 4 first paragraph, last sentence: “who” (referencing DOT) should be “which” Page 4 first motion: should indicate it’s Applications (plural), rather than Application MOTION: Board Member O’Connor moved to approve the Minutes of November 14, 2017, as amended. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. 7:05 p.m. – Meetings Commence 7:05 – 7:30: Freeman Boynton III, Lot #09-865-299, Sutton Road/NH Route 114; Conditional Use Permit Applications: Jennifer McCourt explained the additional documentation she provided to the LUC on December 11, 2017. She indicated that she received the DES Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permit, the DOT intent to permit letter, dated 12/08/17, the DES Wetlands email dated 12/08/17, and the DES ISDS approval for construction. She described the construction plans to the Board. A. Constructing a driveway within the Steep Slope Overlay District. Ms. McCourt went over the Steep Slope Conditional Use Permit Criteria. The Board posed the following questions: Is there any way to get it to be flatter? o We took a hard look at that, and we’d have to lengthen the road, which would create more erosion possibilities. The first indicates that it’s 40′ long. Is that before the angles or including the angles? o Before the angles; they’re not included in the 40′. Did all of this disturbance trigger an Alternation of Trails? o No. Are we on 25% or greater slopes? o Not directly adjacent to the wetlands, not within 50′ of the surface water. Does the silt fence need to be a certain size? o Yes. What about edge of fire pond? o Erosion’s not going to go down there. You have 1.5 to 1 slopes on the drawing? o Yes, going into the inlet of the pipe, which is a NH DOT standard. What is the surface material? o It’s basically where you’re coming in out of the headwall and then it flattens up there. Is there any reason it can’t be 2 to 1? o It’s just where the headwall is coming in, so you can get the cover around to minimize freezing possibilities of the pipe, itself. Are you going to clear the road, make a pile, and go up? o Create a little pile surrounded by stump grindings, and then use the pond material to be able to fill to the road. You’re not expecting any offsite disposal? o Correct. Why not 12″ packed gravel underneath? o Because I have 3″ of hard pack and 8″ of gravel. What is the radius by the first layby? o 50′. MOTION: Board Member O’Connor moved to open to public hearing. It was seconded by Board Member Lang. The motion carried unanimously. Public hearing opened. Nobody spoke. Public hearing closed. MOTION: Board Member O’Connor moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit Application for constructing a driveway within a Steep Slope Overlay District, with the following condition: Additional language concerning stump grinding rather than silt fence. It was seconded by Board Member Lang. The motion carried unanimously. B. Constructing a driveway within a Wetland Overlay District. Ms. McCourt went over the Steep Slope Conditional Use Permit Criteria. She also read an email from Dan Sundquist, Chairperson of the Conservation Commission, received on November 7, 2017. The Board posed the following questions: Did you do a calculation on the amount of runoff? o Yes. MOTION: O’Connor moved to open to public hearing. It was seconded by Lang. The motion carried unanimously. Public hearing opened. Nobody spoke. Public hearing closed. MOTION: Board Member O’Connor moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit Application for constructing a driveway within a Wetland Overlay District, as presented. It was seconded by Board Member Lang The motion carried unanimously. II. 7:30 – 8:00: Susan E. and Nicholas J. Van der Werff, Lot #06-932-133, 78 Nelson Hill Road; Subdivision Application: Subdivision of lot into 2 parcels, 9.07 acres and 2.27 acres. Kevin Carr presented the Application to the Board. The Board posed the following questions: Unless this applies directly, this does not meet the requirements for current use. o If it’s contiguous, it does. It is contiguous. Is there a reason why you didn’t include the sliver? o It’s a State-approved lot. We wanted to keep it the same size. Have you been through the process with Newbury? o That’s next week, on the 19th. MOTION: Board Member O’Connor moved to open to public hearing. It was seconded by Board Member Lang. The motion carried unanimously. Public hearing opened. Nobody spoke. Public hearing closed. MOTION: Board Member Lang moved to approve the Subdivision Application for Lot #06-932-133, 78 Nelson Hill Road, with the following conditions: Boundary adjustment to eliminate as much of the sliver of land that cannot be developed in the future. Approval by Newbury. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held regarding the first condition, including the importance of the existing trail. 8:00 p.m. – New Business 8:15 p.m. – Old Business ~ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Board Member Lander inquired as to the necessity of CDs versus flash drives. Ms. O’Connor responded that it’s easier to affix to files for applications, as well as label. MOTION: Board Member Lang moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit Application, as presented. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. ~ Subdivision Regulations 1. Driveway Requirements (Drawings) MOTION: Board Member Lang moved to approve the Driveway Standards drawings, with the condition of including the language of the Subdivision Regulations. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Exhibit E1 – Header – Existing Roads with a footnote #1 moving to that section (Neighborhood and Local A); Footnote #2 would disappear 8:45 p.m. – Correspondence/Final Comments ~ Conference – Getting to Know ArcGIS Online – January 17, 2018 – Durham, NH Chairperson Wells insists that Ms. O’Connor attend, as well as any Planning Board Member that is interested in attending. ~ Chairperson Wells indicated that he would like to see all Applications submitted with a PDF version on a disc, so that the Board can review it digitally. ~ The next meeting is Tuesday, January 9, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. – Adjournment MOTION: Board Member Lang moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. It was seconded by Board Member Angeli. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Victoria O’Connor, Land Use Coordinator Town of Sutton