February 28, 2023 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 PLANNING BOARD Draft Meeting Minutes for Tuesday February 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Chair Pogust called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. He called roll and found there was a quorum. In the absence of Peter Blakeman, Chair Pogust asked Jason Teaster, alternate, to step in as a voting member of the Board. ROLL: Glenn Pogust (Chair), Jason Teaster, Christine Fletcher, Roger Wells ABSENT: Peter Blakeman, Kristin Angeli (alternate), David Hill, Dane Headley, Chuck Bolduc ALSO PRESENT: Robert Stewart, John R. Davis, Matthew Taylor ADMINISTRATIVE: Hearing PB-2023-01 Review of Minor Subdivision for John R. Davis, Morse Lane Peter said that he had just been informed that the applicant plans to install concrete bounds. Therefore, no waivers were required. He opined that the application was complete. It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Roger Wells to approve the application as complete. The motion was approved unanimously. Bob Stewart from RCS Designs was present to represent John Davis. He noted that he was also the wetland scientist for the project. This application is for a two-lot subdivision on Morse Lane. A map of the property was shown. The proposal is to subdivide the lots, accounting for the appropriate wetland overlay setbacks, into a 2.39-acre property (taking into consideration 1.13 acres of setbacks) and a second lot that is 2.08 acres (taking into consideration1.25 acres of setbacks). Bob said that this application first went to the ZBA to determine the setbacks. Bob said that he and his client would like to ask for approval, with conditions, to correct the bounds, correct the mylar (reflecting the bounds), and adding a signature block with his stamp and provision for Planning Board signatures. He also said they would need State subdivision approval once the Town approves the plan and it is recorded. During discussion, the Planning Board was advised that the ZBA granted the administrative appeal from the decision of the Land Use Administrator and permitted a 25’ setback from the wetland buffer instead of a 125’ setback as determined by the Land Use Administrator. It was explained that the Zoning Ordinance on this issue is ambiguous and that the Land Use Administrator was instructed by Town Counsel to take the most restrictive approach. The Planning Board will be addressing a revision to this Ordinance provision to be presented at Town Meeting next year. It was moved by Roger Wells and seconded by Christine Fletcher to approve the application for John Davis with the condition that the bounds be corrected and properly reflected on the mylar, that the plan be stamped, that a signature block be added for approval and signatures by the Planning Board and that State Subdivision Approval is obtained. The motion was approved unanimously. Review of Minutes of January 10, 2023 It was moved by Christine Fletcher and seconded by Jason Teaster to approve the minutes of January 10, 2023 as written. The motion was approved unanimously. Discussion – Matt Taylor, Regional Planning Commission Matt was present to discuss questions that were posed to him about village districts and zoning. There was discussion about ordinances in other towns that help keep the character of villages, which are present in Sutton. Village zones can sometimes take the form of a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Peter said he thought they were talking about a zoned district, not a separately governed district. Matt agreed. Chair Pogust said they are trying to find a way to encourage livable village districts within the town. Matt talked about other towns and how they address specific village district issues. Issues included septic systems, setbacks, incentives for developers, and design. Eventually, maps would be created to show people the proposed concept for the zoning and design of the villages in Sutton. Jason thought they should include the ability to have businesses in the villages. Although today there may not be the population to sustain commerce in Sutton, some day that may be a need and a want. Matt said the town of Salem has a one-page ordinance that explains how a PUD acts. A parcel would have an ordinance and master plan. There is a “Tuscan Village” in Salem that was used as a model for this type of development. The Board members reviewed a map of the properties in Sutton Mills as an example of how a Village District could be implemented. It was agreed that in formulating a proposal it will be important to show graphically how a village ordinance would play out. Chair Pogust said that an architect, possibly Sheldon Pennoyer, could come to illustrate what the villages would look like. Mr. Pennoyer gave an informative presentation in New London not long ago. Chair Pogust thanked Matt for coming to start the discussion of the village districts. It was moved by Jason Teaster and seconded by Christine Fletcher to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. Respectfully submitted, Kristy Heath, Recording Secretary Town of Sutton