Town of Sutton


Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street

Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Draft Minutes of the Keyser Street site walk

September 18, 2018


These Minutes Are Not Official Until Approved by the Board


Board Members Present: Roger Wells, Chair; David Angeli; Jim Lowe; Glenn Pogust; and Julie McCarthy, Alternate

Board Members Absent: Debbie Lang, Vice-Chair

Ex-Officio Board Member Present: Bill Curless

Staff Present: Diane Lander, Land Use Coordinator

Others Present: Sutton Residents Steve Enroth, Betty Ann Giles, John Herbert, John W. Jones, Cathy Popkin, Sandy Reilein, Jane Williamson, and Sarah Woolverton; Laurel Boivin, Eversource Community Relations & Economic Development; Dane D’Arcangelo, Eversource Western Regional Arborist; Rich Little, TDS; Dustin Ryan, Eversource Supervisor Operations Team; and Scott Whitcomb, Eversource Field Engineer

Chairperson Wells started the site walk at 5:30 p.m.  He advised the Board Members that the site walk was for information gathering purposes and not for discussion on the merits of Eversource’s application.  He advised the residents that, although they were welcome to walk along, they were not allowed to ask questions.

Laurel Boivin, Eversource Community Relations & Economic Development, reviewed Eversource’s original and alternative proposals.  The Board then presented its two (2) alternative proposals.

Along the walk, the Board Members asked questions of Eversource and TDS.

Chairman Wells asked Eversource to bring to the next meeting cost estimates for Eversource’s original proposal, Eversource’s alternative proposal, and the Board’s preferred proposal.  His sense is that the Board’s preferred proposal is less costly than Eversource’s alternative proposal.

After the Board Members, Eversource and TDS representatives, and residents returned to the where the site walk had started, Chairman Wells asked if any Board Members had additional questions.  Hearing none, he ended the site walk at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Lander, Land Use Coordinator