Town of Sutton Selectmen Meeting Minutes


Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221



Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting

May 8, 2018

These Minutes Are Not Official Until Approved

by the Board at its Next Regular Meeting


Board Members Present: Roger Wells, Chair; Debbie Lang, Vice-Chair; David Angeli; Jim Lowe; and Julie McCarthy, Alternate

Ex-Officio Board Member Present: Bill Curless

Staff Present: Diane Lander, Land Use Coordinator

Others Present: Maurice Saunders, Sutton Resident; Thomas Schamberg, Wilmot Selectman; and Priscilla and Alan West, New London Residents and Sutton Property Owners

Meetings Scheduled

Priscilla West, West Revocable Trust: non-binding consultation for site plan review. Map 6-416-245.

Maurice Saunders: non-binding consultation.  Chalk Pond Road, Map 6-733-421.


Call to Order Regular Meeting

Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 10, 2018
  • Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2018 regular meeting as submitted.  Board Member David Angeli seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.


Priscilla West, West Revocable Trust: non-binding consultation for site plan review.  Map 6-416-245.

  • Mrs. West provided a brief history of the building, including previous restoration work and variances.  The long standing non-conforming use (commercial use in a residential zoning district) has lapsed and the Wests also now want to change the 1st floor use from office/retail to apartment.  After discussion with the Board, Chairman Wells said the Wests need to start by going before the Zoning Board of Adjustments.  He also suggested that, in the meantime, they have DES review the septic plan.

Maurice Saunders: non-binding consultation.  Chalk Pond Road, Map 6-733-421.

  • Mr. Saunders had come to the Planning Board on November 14, 2017.  He briefly summarized that discussion and said that, since, then, he had the land resurveyed.  He showed the Board the new survey and said he wants to pursue moving a lot line.  Chairman Wells suggested he fill out the application form posted on the web and meet with the Land Use Coordinator.  Once his application is deemed complete, he can then come back to the Planning Board to get approval.

New Business

No New Business was brought before the Board.

Old Business

Status of Deborah Lang subdivision approved at the March 27, 2018 regular meeting

  • The mylar was filed on April 27th.  A building permit was approved on Monday May 7, 2018.  Ms. Lang is now waiting the 30 days before starting construction.

Proposed subdivision regulations

  • The Board again discussed the proposed subdivision regulations.  After discussion among all Board members, a motion was made, as follows:
  • Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to approve the proposed Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations as submitted.   Board member Jim Lowe seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Proposed subdivision submission checklists

  • The Board discussed the proposed subdivision application checklists and how and when they will be used.  After discussion among all Board members, a motion was made, as follows:
  • Motion: Ex-Officio Board Member Bill Curless moved to approve the proposed subdivision submission checklists as submitted.  Board member Debbie Lang seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Other business that may legally come before the Board

Eversource may be coming before the Board to discuss pruning or removing trees on Blasdell Hill Road and Keyser Street, both of which are scenic roads, in order to replace a few poles.  As Board Members would like to do a site visit, the Land Use Coordinator was asked to see if Eversource would mark the trees.

Chairman Wells also mentioned that having a checklist for scenic road maintenance would be helpful.  The Land Use Coordinator will prepare one.

Correspondence/Final Comments

Proposed 2018 meeting calendar


  • Review, revise, and Board vote on the proposed subdivision regulations
  • Review subdivision submission checklists

Before next meeting

  • Notice Public Hearing on proposed subdivision regulations
  • When the Public Hearing for the proposed subdivision regulations is noticed, three (3) copies of the proposed regulations are to be available at Town Hall and the proposed subdivision regulations document is also to be posted on the Town website.
  • The Land Use Coordinator will verify the RSA references in the subdivision submission checklists
  • The Land Use Coordinator will email all Board Members the url for the current Planning Board Handbook.
  • May 17th workshop from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Merrimack, NH

June 12th meeting

  • Public Hearing on proposed subdivision regulations
  • Discuss Site Plan Review regulations: purpose and possible areas of change


  • Motion: There being no further business, Ex-Officio Member Bill Curless moved to adjourn the meeting.  Board Member Debbie Lang seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Lander, Land Use Coordinator