December 13, 2016 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Planning Board Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2016 Meeting Convened at 7:00 p.m. by Chair, Carrie Thomas. Roll Call (Present): Carrie Thomas (Chair) Roger Wells Deb Lang Bob DeFelice David Angeli Bill Curless. Other Attendees: Ed Canane – Land Use Coordinator David Crane – Applicant on behalf of Eversource, Steve Enroth – Citizen, Leslie Enroth – Citizen and Jane Williamson – Citizen. Debbie Lang submitted a motion to approve the minutes of 11/15/2016. Chair, Carrie Thomas 2nd the motion. All members voted to approve the minutes. Chair opened the public hearing for Eversource (Energy Company) Tree Trimming. Chair asked David Crane, the Eversource representative to describe what they wanted to do. Mr. Crane spoke to trimming and the process. He provided a detailed hard copy list of all the trees impacted. When Eversource performs line work like this, they need to plan for growth of the trees. The contractor selected by Eversource to perform the tree work is ASPLUNH Roger Wells asked “Are trees all marked?” Mr. Crane answered “Yes, all but one. That tree is rubbing on a neutral wire. Keyser Street.”. The Chair then opened the hearing for public comment. Steve Enroth, a resident of Keyser Street asked “Will Dave be on scene?” Mr. Crane replied he has marked or seen every tree on Keyser Street. Steve Enroth asked Mr. Crane “if the Keyser crew could get a guided tour from Mr. Crane?” Mr. Crane said “yes, we will make arrangements.” Leslie Enroth noted that dead trees do not necessarily fall over. Mr. Crane agreed and said “there is one that does not threaten line. We may be able to leave that tree standing.” Leslie Enroth asked “if Eversource can take the chips away.” “A forester said chips are bad for forest and re-growth.” Mr. Crane disputed this premise. “If the chips are not placed too deeply, they are good for trees.” Jane Williamson Keyser St asked about specific trees, a tree that is centuries old. “Are the any options to not taking it down? Can you move wires? The tree could stand another few decades.” Mr. Crane described that when a tree brushes line, causes spark, potential forest fire, safety. Moving wires results in many other things – pole height, etc. Can the decay in tree be determined before cutting it down? Roger Wells asked if a core sample could be performed to determine the level of decay. Mr. Crane said “a tree never heals, so breaking the barrier could result in further decay. Mr. Crane mentioned this test would not help in determining any decay in the roots. No method to tell decay in roots. Roger Wells motioned to close the public input portion of the hearing. Bob DeFelice 2nd the motion. Board discussion ensued. Bill Curless – Safety big issue. All dead trees need to go Bob de Felice: Safety for Fire Department a concern. Roger Wells made motion to approve the application. Bob DeFelice 2nd the motion. Discussion: Both Roger Wells and Bill Curless talked about how Mr. Enroth could work with Mr. Crane independently and set up a site walk for their group. If anyone has objections, they can utilize the appeal process. Call for a Vote: All members voted and in favor of granting the application. Mr. Crane and Steve Enroth they could set something up between themselves for a tour. Hearing closed. Derek Lick, Chair of the Town of Sutton ZBA, presented to the PB the results of the work the ZBA had done regarding Zoning Ordinance changes needed because of the new State of NH Statute going into effect 6/1/2017 regarding “Accessory Dwelling Units”. Mr. Lick explained the Statue says “shall allow accessory dwelling units as a matter of right or by either conditional use permit pursuant to RSA 674:21 or by special exception, in all zoning districts that permit single family dwellings. Mr. Lick noted attached and detached have different wetland restrictions. Roger Wells brought up that SF requirements for attached and detached ADU. It was agreed the statement “Contains living space of nor more than 750 SF put in both definitions (Attached and Detached). Also the “Subordinate to” language should exist in both definitions. Roger Wells asked about Two Family (Duplex) on the 2 different lots. Mr. Lick felt 2 different lots is not an issue for this matter. It was discussed if attached and detached should be separated in the warrant or combined into one article. It was agreed it should be one article referencing both. Roger Wells motioned to approve the language as amended. The amendments being “Contains living space of nor more than 750 SF be put in both definitions (Attached and Detached) and “Subordinate to” language should exist in both definitions. Bob Defelice 2nd the motion. Call for a Vote: All members voted and in favor of the motion. Chair opened the Work Session for revisions to the Site Plan and Subdivision Regulations. It was determined the review would be postponed to the January 10, 2017 and members were requested to read the revisions and come with their comments. It will be a work session to complete revisions to the Site Plan and Subdivision Regulations. Roger Wells motioned to adjourn the meeting. Bob DeFelice 2nd the motion. Call for a Vote: All members voted and in favor of the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ed Canane Land Use Coordinator Town of Sutton, NH