Regular Meeting of Tuesday, August 22,  2017 (7:00 p.m.)
Pillsbury Memorial Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Not Official Until Approved by Board at its Next Regular Meeting

Board Members Present:  Roger Wells, Chair; Jim Lowe; David Angeli; Debbie Lang; Dennis O’Connor; and Julie McCarthy

Ex-Officio Absent:  Bill Curless

Staff Present:  Ed Canane, Land Use Coordinator


1. Call to Order by Chair

Chairperson Wells called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


2. Roll Call of Members


3. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 27, 2017.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to approve the June 27, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes, as submitted.  It was seconded by Board Member Angeli.  The motion carried unanimously.


4. Correspondence

The Board received a packet containing all of the correspondence.

  •  Town Counsel, USPS and RSA for Abutter Notification Mailings

LUC informed the Board that all that is required “Verified Mail”, as per the RSA.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to remove the requirement of Return-Receipt.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was had regarding the legal standing of any appellants.

  • Ms. Begin, Stonehouse Road

LUC described the concerns of Ms. Begin, in terms of Subdivision Regulation violations.  He informed the Board that he contacted the State regarding the situation to confirm that what they were doing were not in violation of any conditions, which he had subsequently relayed to

Ms. Begin.

LUC received a call regarding cutting in the area, and noted that, if the cutting is not due to land conversion, it’s a 150-foot buffer and you can only cut 50% of the basal area.

  • Mr. Rogers, Birch Hill Road

LUC informed the Board the Mr. Rogers was requesting to subdivide again, to which

Chairperson Wells had previously pointed out the four-year waiting period.  He noted that he will be responding to Mr. Rogers regarding the waiting period, informing him that he cannot currently subdivide until four years from January 13th, 2015.


5. New Business

  • Driveway Regulations

The Board received the current Driveway Regulations, which do not correlate with the current Driveway Permit Application.  Chairperson Wells would like to table this until the next hearing, so that he could read all the documentation he’s received and be better prepared to discuss it

in-depth.  LUC requested if he could change Special Exception to Special Use Condition Permit.

  • Rules and Procedures for Planning Board

Tabled until the next meeting.

  • Workshop for Plan Reading

Tabled until the next meeting.


6. Old Business

Subdivision Regulations

Chairperson Wells informed the Board that he had received the changes made at the last meeting, and that he sat down and compared those to what he had.  He noted a few minor things that needed to be adjusted, which are now included in the packet that was distributed to the Board.  The Board went through the changes.  Chairperson Wells brought up the following, which he feels still needs to be addressed:

    •  Article 6, Section B – Clarify with Legal Counsel regarding the 90 days, if that is an ample period of time.
    •  Winter Construction – If there is a minimum of 4″ of frost in the ground, road construction cannot occur.  And in order for an Applicant to confirm that it’s only up to 4″, the Planning Board’s Designee has to so approve.

MOTION:  Board Member Lang moved to approve the guidelines for Winter Construction, as described above.  It was seconded by Board Member Angeli.  The motion carried unanimously.

    •  Section C, Road Construction Standards, Number 22 – Rules on driveways was moved to Section D, Driveway Standards.
    •  Exhibit A – Small lots drawn for R and RA would disappear.  Under RA would be “typical”, which would show the configuration of the width to the length to demonstrate what lots ought to look like.  Label it Lot Configuration Guidelines.

MOTION:  Board Member McCarthy moved to simplify the lot standard, and rename them Lot Configuration Guidelines.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

    • Exhibit C – Remove Fiscal Impact Requirements Exhibit.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to remove Exhibit C, Fiscal Impact Requirements from the text and the Appendix for lack of need.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.

    • Exhibit E changes to Exhibits D (table) and E (section); and Exhibit D changes to Exhibit C.  All references within the Plan to the exhibits need to be recalibrated.

MOTION:  Board Member Lowe moved to rename the exhibits, as described above.  It was seconded by Board Member O’Connor.  The motion carried unanimously.

    • Exhibit F – This should be referenced in the text, under Road Construction.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to keep Exhibit F in the Plan and to locate a place where it should be properly referenced in the text, for future utilization.  It was seconded by Board Member McCarthy.  The motion carried unanimously.

    • Definitions, Abutters – Original text was from the RSA, and that’s what should be maintained.  Add the definition of Land Use Board, under L, which follows the language of the RSA.

MOTION:  Board Member McCarthy moved to make the following above changes, regarding the Definitions.  It was seconded by Board Member Lang.  The motion carried unanimously.

Chairperson Wells mentioned that he would like to see the new Subdivision Regulations in place before the end of the year, which would entail holding a public hearing and making any necessary subsequent changes.

    •  Responses for Drawings

The Board received proposals from two Engineers and Licensed Surveyor.  Discussion was had regarding the documents received, and their recommendations.

MOTION:  Board Member O’Connor moved to accept the Proposal made by McCourt Engineering Associates to finish the seven drawings, based on Chairperson Wells’ originals, as amended at this meeting, for use in the Subdivision Regulations.  It was seconded by Board Member Lang.  The motion carried unanimously.

    • Checklist for Subdivision Submission

Tabled until next meeting.

7. Other


8. Adjournment

MOTION:  Board Member Angeli moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m.  It was seconded by Board Member Lowe.  The motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully Submitted,

Victoria O’Connor, Recording Secretary
Town of Sutton
Planning Board