Regular Meeting of Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 (7:00 p.m.)
Pillsbury Memorial Hall
93 Main Street
Sutton Mills, NH 03221


Meeting Convened at 7:00 p.m. by Chair, Carrie Thomas.

Roll Call (Present):
Carrie Thomas (Chair)
Roger Wells
Deb Lang
Jim Lowe.
Absent: David Angeli, Bob De Felice, Julie McCarthy.

Other Attendees:
Ed Canane – Land Use Coordinator
Betsy Forsham – Citizen.

Roger Wells motioned to approve the minutes of December 13, 2016.
Jim Lowe 2nd the motion.
All members voted to approve the minutes as amended.

The LUC mentioned professional recording services provider, Victoria O’Conner, is expected to support the board on the minute taking capacity.  Victoria is expected to start after Town Meeting if the budget is approved.

The Chair opened the discussion on the Voluntary Merger Application submitted by Betsy Forsham on behalf of Sutton Conservation Commission.

Betsy Forsham described the parcels and history of the property.
Roger Wells asked the LUC “Does a public hearing need to be had for this?”
LUC replied no.
Roger Wells motioned that the Voluntary Merger Application submitted by Betsy Forsham on behalf of Sutton Conservation Commission be approved.
Debbie Lang 2nd the motion.
All members voted to approve the application.
Members signed the Voluntary Merger application and the LUC shall get it recorded at the MCRD.

LUC requested that he be permitted to add verbiage to the application regarding mortgages to be added to the application for Voluntary Mergers. The LUC provided members with the RSA as a reference. The PB authorized the LUC to change the form.
Chair opened the public hearing on proposed change to the Zoning Ordinance for “Accessory Dwelling Units” (ADU).
Roger Wells motioned the warrant be approved as submitted.
Chair 2nd the motion.

All members voted and in favor of the motion.

Discussion: Roger Wells did not understand the requirement for an inside door. Betsy Forsham said, it does not have to be locked. Discussion continued about doors.

Chair asked “Is there any reason we do not want to put this on the warrant article?”
Hearing no replies. Jim Lowe said “Since there are no objections there must not be any objections.”
Chair asked is this OK with everyone? And then called for a vote.

All members voted to approve the submission as a Warrant Article on ADU as written.

Chair opened discussion on Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations modifications.
Some members did not have the draft of the documents with them.
Roger Wells recommended the LUC asked Pete Blakeman to review the drawings. Ask for pro-bono. If it needs to be fee based, the LUC may need to send out it for bid.

Roger Wells briefly described each drawing and exhibit. The packet had been emailed to all members.  Some members did not have portions of the packet that was emailed to them.
Roger Wells asked that all items be USPS mailed to members. Members that are not at the meeting will know they should provide the LUC with their USPS mailing address from the minutes that will be emailed to them. If by the next mailing, the USPS mailing addresses are not received by the LUC, the LUC will call the member(s).

Roger Wells thought Article 6 and 7 have not been done. Roger Wells said “Article 8 is gone”, no longer needed.

The LUC printed all the attachments (Drawings and description) and provided each member at the table with copies.

Roger Wells mentioned again to get a “licensed Civil Engineer”.  Roger got the information he is providing from specifications as outlined by the State of VT, NH New London.
Chair asked if “we should go back to drawings”. The PB discussed drawings.

Debbie Lang asked if “more words could be added to explain the drawings”.  Chair said “a developer would probably understand.”.

The Chair asked “are we trying to make the lots compact?”
Roger Wells stated he is recommending a size that is a ratio of the depth of 4 times the width (4:1).  But the members of the PB can change the size or configuration method if desired.

Continued general discussion and explanation on drawings.

The necessity to advance the drawings and specifications for sidewalks and their implementation was discussed. Sutton does not currently have any sidewalks as best as the board can determine. However, there may be situations in the future where sidewalks could apply.

Discussion on driveways, the specifications, and so on.  The LUC asked if the PB has jurisdiction over a landowner’s private drive. Particularly when specifying what type of materials must be applied on private land. Roger Wells suggested the LUC contact the Town Counsel on this matter for resolution.

The table Roger provided is to allow for narrower roads.  Hammerhead, Circular, turnarounds are described in words in the current regulations and provide drawings, pictures along with words. All agreed the drawings and pictures support the verbiage and are very helpful.

Next meeting to be held on February 14, 2017.

Roger Wells Motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Jim Lowe Seconded the motion.
All members voted and in favor of the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ed Canane
Land Use Coordinator
Town of Sutton, NH