May 9, 2022 | Town Admin Regional Housing Needs Assessment to be Completed Click here to take the General Housing Needs Survey now Has the shortage of housing impacted our community? What successes and difficulties do you face when looking for housing, retaining a workforce, ensuring our community has a variety of housing options, building new housing, or buying and selling homes? To better understand what “housing needs” mean for Central New Hampshire communities, the Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC) is launching its 2022 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) project. This is an important opportunity for you to comment on the housing issues we know are affecting New Hampshire and enables you to be part of a framework for positive change. To tell the full story of housing in our Region, we need to hear from you! Please complete this important housing survey -choose the survey(s) most relevant to you: General Housing Needs Survey Encuesta para el Público General an Español Employers/ Businesses Surveyon Housing Needs Thank you for your input! The information you share with us remains anonymous and helps CNHRPC develop tools, strategies, and recommendations that local decision-makers can use to address housing problems. Survey responses are due by May 31, 2022. Please share this email and the above survey links with appropriate colleagues, neighbors, family, and friends. For more information, visit the CNHRPC website at or call 603-226-6020. Visit the State RHNA project webpage to learn more about the state’s housing needs assessments and to find additional ways to get involved.