Sutton Conservation Commission (SCC)

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Present: Dan Sundquist, Chair; Don Davis; Jane Williamson; Henry Howell; Debbie Lang; and Bonnie Hill, secretary.   Absent:  Chris Ashton, Chuck Bolduc, Barbara Hoffman, Wally Baker.  Debbie sat in for Chuck.

Members of the public present: Diane Landon.


Call to order: Dan Sundquist called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Previous Meeting’s Minutes: A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Deb to approve the minutes of October 11th, 2017, and they were approved unanimously.

Financial Report:

The town budget report shows about 63% of the money left in the town account, as of October 30th. Henry has been reimbursed for his expenses for the KHR work. Membership dues are due from a few organizations. TD Bank showed $116,355.11 in the conservation account and $5691.05 in the King Hill Reservation account, as of September 30th. This reflects the last LUCT amount received. There is new LUCT money coming in from the Carrier property, for $2700.  Don asked about the mowing, and Dan said he has been too busy to look into it. Don said we try to mow 1/3 of the fields every year, and it is not too late to do it, as long as it is not too wet. He will talk to Betsy and find out whom to contact. He said the cost usually runs around $300 per year. The town budget committee will be meeting with department heads on December 11th, and Dan will bring them our budget request.


  • Invitation from ASLPT to their annual holiday party on December 4th, at the New London Inn.
  • Membership renewal notice from ASLPT for $100 annual dues.
  • Membership renewal notice from NHCAA for $266 annual dues.
  • The Forest Society’s Forest Notes magazine, autumn 2017 issue.
  • Brochure from the Loon Preservation Committee, in Moultonborough, NH.

Review of Wetland Applications and Issues:

A recent cut on Birch Hill Rd has some wetlands violations, as the logger did not lay down platforms or stone when crossing streams. There was also a violation of Current Use, as some of the logged land was designated unproductive. Dan said our town’s consulting forester, Anita Blakeman, needs to get out and keep an eye on these things. He told Elly to go after the logger since he didn’t follow the rules.

Several of the members expressed concern about how to keep this from happening again. Deb asked if the Intent to Cut application asks about wetlands on the property, and the answer was no. It is a statewide form. She asked if Sutton could add its own page asking about wetlands. Henry asked if we should check for wetlands or current use issues on future Intents to Cut. Dan said Current Use is the responsibility of Lorri and Elly, and we have no police power.

We have to be very careful with loggers to avoid a “restraint of trade” suit being brought against the town. Jane said we can look in Google Earth to see whether there are wetlands on property. Dan said there is a wetlands overlay in the town’s mapping system that will show them. Deb suggested looking at the overlay on the map and adding it to the card. Dan said we need to use the consulting forester.

Once the stream crossings have been identified, she can ask the logger what the plan is for handling them. Since she is a forester she would have more clout than SCC would. There is also the state forester, Doug Minor, but he is stretched very thin. Don said sometimes, because of the meeting cycle, cuts take place before we even see the ITC. He asked if we should check whether there is a wetland permit to go along with the cut.

Review of Intents to Cut and Logging Issues:


  • C. McLean, T/L# 6-610,001, Nelson Hill Rd. 85 of 92.5 acres. Arthur Mountain and GH Evarts, logger.
  • R. and M. Cloutier, T/L#5-698,411, Shadow Hill Rd. 10 of 50 acres. Robert Cloutier, logger.
  • A Complete Forestry Notification was received, File # 2017-02816, for R. Bower, T/L# 3-012,486, Gore Rd. No action needed.

Old Business

New trails expenses—Henry has identified some needs. The trail in KHR needs further development, including 10 sections of ramps. There are also areas needed to be trimmed, and with larger logs to be cut. Henry will go out there this Saturday for a re-con and to start the work. He will buy about $350 worth of lumber and screws for it. He also plans to mark the trail on the KHR map. Anyone who can will come and help, and the volunteers list may be consulted. Henry wants to make the trail as user-friendly as possible. On December 6th he will be leading a hike there with a group of older folks.

New Business

NHCAA Conference—Jane attended it and said it was very good. She thought the man who spoke about bats, Jesse Mohr, would make a great speaker if SCC wanted to do a winter program.

Updating Sutton Strategic Conservation Plan—Phase 1 will happen after the first of the year.

Kezar Lake Natural Area: Update– Regarding the title issue, Bob DeFelice’s attorney, Mike Chiarella, did the title search, and our town attorney looked at it and declared that we do not own the shoreland. We saved money in not having to do the title search. Ownership of the land is unclear, as the trail grows muddy after 1931. We do know that DOT does not own it, and that we do have shore privileges. Dan has not had time to arrange meetings with DOT and DES as yet.

SCC Properties and SRK Greenway Reports

Russell Pond – Alice Perry of ASLPT did the easement monitoring this week, accompanied by Dan, Deb, and Bonnie. They walked the perimeter and found nothing awry. Henry asked about the adjoining 9.9 acre lot that is for sale. Several members expressed interest in being able to conserve that land.


ASLPT Program– Don reminded everyone about the program on Thursday, November 16th at the Red Barn, in Wilmot, on the 2015 Wildlife Action Plan.  He said if people are planning to attend they should RSVP.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 13th, 2017, at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Hill, Secretary