June 2, 2023 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board June 5, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPOINTMENTS: 5:30 Adam Hurst, Road Agent, Department Update TBD Jennifer Call Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) MINUTES: May 30, 2023 CONSENT AGENDA: REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: Vendor Manifest: $45,321.26 Payroll Manifest: $18,450.29 BUILDING PERMITS: John R. Davis, 01-590-128, Morse Lane, for repair/replacement LAND USE CHANGE TAX: Robert and Rebecca Harrington, Map 04-597-495 in the amount of $4,700.00. NEW BUSINESS: Zoning Enforcement Issue Map 07-794-090 OLD BUSINESS: Library – door Cemetery Mowing Pillsbury Memorial Hall Maple Tree REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: DOT Abutter list notifying residents of their culvert repair replacement project and that crew members will need to enter onto property to locate buildings, drainage and landscaping as well as to visually review natural and cultural resource impacts. Clean Water State Revolving Fund – PreApp deemed complete PUBLIC INPUT: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: