Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

August 25, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was opened by the chair, Bob Wright @ 4:00 PM. Present were: William Curless (selectman), Dane Headley (selectman) and Diego Solimine, solid waste department head. Under RSA 92:A the board immediately went in to non-public for the annual evaluation of the solid waste department head, Mr. Solimine. A 4:16 PM the board moved from non-public to public session. The minutes of the non-public session were not sealed.


The chair read the governors proclamation relating to COVID-19 (EO 12 – Exec. Order 2020-4) Attending online was Robert DeFelice, budget chair.


The board too action on the following items:

  1. Approved the minutes of August 17th as
  2. Reviewed and approved the following manifests – PAYROLL $1 I,606.70 VENDOR


  1. Reviewed, approved and noted the following building permits: (a) Richard and Carla Krajewski 09-100-067, Baker Road, for a (b) Teri Hosmer, 09-750-178, Route I14, to amend building permit 2020-36 to include replacement of sills and repair the barn foundation.

(c) T-Mobile, 08-369-498A, 2019-02, Summit Road for a 6 month extension. This was approved as a formal motion made by selectman, Curless and 2nd by Selectman, Headley. It was approved w/o dissent

  1. The chair signed the Grant Application for SOS CARES Act funding; the purpose of which to receive money for election expenses relating to the corona virus.


The board received the following correspondence:

  1. DES e-mail regarding drought and water This was noted, but all water is from private wells or water bodies.
  2. KRSD – update on student transportation and school start and end
  3. Letter from Merrimack County regarding collection and collection ratios. It was recommended by the budget chair and supported by the BOS that a 5 year history of said collections (2014-19) would be pursued to compare past years with this unusual COVID 19 year.
  4. CNHRPC transportation study and the need, if any, for upgrades on state The board considered and approved setting forth a proposal to upgrade the road from Route 114 in North Sutton, past Horse Beach and to Wadleigh State Park.
  5. Memorandum form Gordon MacDonald, General regarding election operations during the COVID-19 situation.


The board then reviewed with Wally Baker (on site) the situation at Horse Beach. Wally expressed concerns with the standing water across the road from Keyser Lake. Such water would be a pollution if entered the lake. It must be removed. It was the sense of the board to allow the Sutton CC to correct and resolve this issue and so gravel would be supplied to fill in across from the beach. Wally also reviewed the Knotweed   problem (an invasive specie in the above described area.) The CC has retained the services of Doug Sycan to spray the Knotweed and prepare a safety area around the Knotweed. Owners of abutting properties will be notified.


Wally Baker reviewed further issues:

  1.  The Keyser Lake Protective Association would like to have an information kiosk on CC land near Horse Beach
  2. The Sutton CC is considering putting up porta-potties across from Horse Beach and they would be shielded by a fence
  3. KDL Construction is under consideration to repair the fallen wall by the The price that

is being considered is $15,000. That price is based on very limited analysis and additional investigation is needed. The board may have to use the services of a civil engineer. Hanson Bridge Construction had repaired the older the wall at the same time the walking bridge was constructed over the stream. This project will require further study.


The Grist Mill property, both the house and the barn, has been demolished by Rowe Brothers Construction. The granite and stone work will be moved and then the area will be filled and graded so the area is ready to be set up as a parking lot with a small park.


At our next meeting Selectman Curless has offered to report on the following:

  1. The SWAT team training session at the site of the Grist Mill
  2. Sutton Fire Department training activity at the above site.
  3. A suggested use for the granite; that the granite be split into smaller pieces, set up as posts and then be attached to each other via iron black chains to define the areas of the parking lot as well as the park itself. This would not only be a visual improvement but also to tie in the small park and parking lot with the Town
  4. Describe and show how to set up the separation barrier between entrance and egress in the Town Hall


The board adjourned at 5:12 PM. Respectfully submitted


Robert W Wright Jr.

junior scribe for Elly Phillips.


Reminder: After out next meeting (8-31) the board will assist the moderator and the ballot clerks in setting up the town hall for voting purposes and to assure that the town is in compliance with the COVID-19 guidelines and the right of citizens to vote either in per