January 20, 2020 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board January 20, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair. Present at the meeting was Dane Headley, Chair; Robert Wright, Jr., Selectman; William I. Curless, Selectman; Derek Lick, Moderator; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator. MINUTES: The public minutes were approved as corrected. Robert Wright asked that under Selectmen’s Comments the following text which was omitted be included in the record: Selectman Wright discussed “parity, cost of living and merit.” The non-public minutes regarding hiring a public employee were approved and will remain sealed until pre-employment criteria have been completed. CONSENT AGENDA: REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests: PAYROLL MANIFEST: 10,984.37 VENDOR MANIFEST: 48,198.53 BUILDING PERMITS: The Board approved a building permit for Christopher Clark and Claudette Lajam, 04-121-412, Meetinghouse Hill Road, for chimney repair, reline fireplace, replace hearth, removal of woodburning hearth insert, etc. VETERAN EXEMPTION: The Board approved an All Veteran Exemption for Carl Smith, Map 04-342-066, in the amount of $500.00. YIELD TAX: The Board issued a yield tax for Stephen Bobella, 08-574-166, in the amount of $1,526.55 APPOINTMENTS: At 5:00 p.m. Derek Lick, Moderator, Derek Lick met with the Board to touch base on the following matters: Presidential Primary – Mr. Lick is currently organizing ballot clerks and counters for the Presidential Primary which will be held on February 11, 2020. Mr. Lick asked for the Select Board’s participation. Selectman Wright stated that he will be there all day. Selectman Curless volunteered to come in the morning. Selectman Headley said that he would come for the afternoon shift and that he and his wife, Kristen, would be available to count. Mr. Lick discussed the counting process. The Select Board will assist with greeting and directing voters. Mr. Lick will review the statute regarding weather events and voting day. Snow removal on election day was also discussedBallot County Machine – Mr. Headley felt that acquisition of a used ballot counting machine for 2020 was premature due to ongoing costs of $1,000 per election for programming (3 elections in 2020) plus the cost of the machine. The Secretary of State’s Office is currently vetting newer technology. An older machine will likely have to be replaced in a couple of years. Select Curless expressed concerns regarding cyber-security with automated voting. Mr. Lick explained that in NH paper ballots are required which allows for verification of ballot machine counts. Mr. Lick supported purchasing the machines when the newer technology is available (which will likely be a few years from now). Mr. DeFelice recommended initiating a capital reserve for the ballot counting machine and funding it at $1,000 a year in preparation for the acquisition. Mr. Lick felt that was a good idea and would promote discussion at town meeting. Selectman Curless made a motion to place an article on the warrant to establish a capital reserve fund for the purpose of purchasing a ballot counting machine and to place $1,000 into that fund. Selectman Wright seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. Mr. DeFelice felt that agents to expend should not be designated until after the town has voted to acquire the machine. If the town chooses, to have ballot counting machines the fund could be modified to allow the Select Board as agents to expend. After acquisition, funding at $1,500 a year was recommended by Mr. DeFelice. Mr. Lick discussed Town Meeting and recommended that he and the Select Board meet again after the warrant is finalized. Mr. Lick advised that it is probable that Supervisors of the Check list will have at least one vacancy and possibly two. The appointment of a Deputy Moderator was also discussed. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: The Board issued a Cooperative Agreement with the State of New Hampshire Department of Natural and Agricultural Resources for the Dunbar ¾ Ton Forestry Trailer The Board issued a request for disbursement from expendable Capital Reserves for the Highway Truck as voted at the March 13, 2019 Annual Meeting, Article 15. The Board received an email from Gene Schwartz, New London Christian Ministries expressing interest in tax deeded property located at Map 06-675-538. Mr. Schwartz will be advised that the town has a policy of holding tax deeded property for a period of three years in order for the previous owner to have an opportunity to repurchase prior to considering a sale. The Board reviewed the proposed Department Head 2020 expenditure budget and made recommendations: 1-01-4130 Executive – Proposed: $168,403 Phillips explained the computer line item. Noted that a raise was recommended for the Bookkeeper and that a 2.5% COLA increase was added for all other employees and paid elected officials. Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for the Executive Office in the amount of $168,403. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4140 Election and Voter Registration — Proposed: $8,675 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Election Registration in the amount of $8,675. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4150 Financial Administration (Proposed with 2.5% COLA) $73,300 The Board discussed the salary line item. The 2.5% COLA increase was not intended for this position as the Board approved the Department Heads recommended Salary increase for Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the Financial Administration Budget in the amount of $72,000. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4151 Financial/Executive – Proposed $23,784 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Financial Executive in the amount of $23,784. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4152 Revaluation of Property — Proposed $14,000 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Revaluation of Property in the amount of $14,000. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4153 Judicial & Legal Expenses — Proposed $15,000 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Judicial and Legal Expenses in the amount of $15,000. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4155 Personnel Administration — Proposed $465,607 Phillips advised that this line item would need to be revised based on salary and staffing. Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Personnel Administration in the amount of $465,607. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4191 Planning and Zoning – Proposed $39,463 Selectman Wright Made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommended amount of $39,463. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4194 General Government Buildings – Proposed $37,401 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for General Government Buildings in the amount of $37,401. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4195 Cemetery Services – Proposed $14,000 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Cemetery Services in the amount of $14,000. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4196 Insurance – Proposed $65,552 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Insurance in the amount of $65,552. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-01-4197 Ads and Regional Association – Proposed $2,255 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head Recommendation for Ads and Regional Association in the amount of $2,555 Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4210 Police Department – Proposed $359,230 Phillips advised that the Police Department Budget wage request was increased by the 2.5% COLA. The Board requested that the title for the Part-time Secretary be revised as the employee is full-time. The Board agreed that the recommended amounts should not include the 2.5% COLA. PD Full-timeWages was revised to $121,000. PD Police Chief was revised to 83,000. PD Part-time Secretary was revised to PD Administrative Assistant at 31,200. Selectman Curless stated the bottom line at $353,350. Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the budget at $353,350. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4215 Ambulance — Proposed $81,614 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the ambulance budget at $81,614. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4220 Fire Department — Proposed $56,525 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Fire Chief’s recommended Fire Department Budget at $56,525. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4240 Building Inspection — Proposed $9,700 There was a discussion regarding the increase over 2018 which was due to the fact that Wetlands Inspection are now $75.00 per inspection. Mr. DeFelice suggested that the Building Permit Fees be revised accordingly which the Select Board agreed to. Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended Building Inspection Budget at $9,700. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4290 Emergency Management — Proposed $6,000 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Emergency Management Budget at $6,000 as recommended. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-02-4299 Dispatching Services – Proposed $25,601 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the requested Dispatching Services Budget at $25,601. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-03-4310 Highway Department — Proposed $675,780 Selectman Curless suggested to get the department closer to parity the budget for the salary line items be increased by $10,400. A $1.00 per hour raise for all 5 employees. Selectman Curless discussed wages at neighboring towns including New London and Newbury. Selectman Wright indicated that those towns had a more favorable tax base. Selectman Curless cautioned about recruiting difficulties noting that we have had a vacancy in the highway department for almost the entire year. Selectman Wright said that we don’t have a problem yet. Selectman Curless reiterated his concerns about parity. Selectman Wright requested a motion. Selectman Curless made a motion to increase the wage line item by $10,400. Selectman Wright seconded the motion for purposes of discussion. Selectman Headley supported the original recommendation. Selectman Wright called the question. The motion failed by a vote of 2-1 with Selectman Curless voting in the affirmative. Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the Department Head recommended Budget in the amount of $675,780. Selectman Headley seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-03-4313 Bridge Expenses — Proposed $3,000 Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the recommended budget of $3,000 for Bridge Expenses. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-03-4316 Street Lighting Expenses – Proposed $7,550 Selectman Wright moved to approve the recommended budget for Street lighting in the amount of $7,550. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-04-4324 Solid Waste Disposal – Proposed $178,925 Selectman Curless moved to approve the recommended budget for Solid Waste in the amount of $178,925. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-06-4411 Health Administration – Proposed $2,250 Selectman Wright moved to approve the recommended budget for Health Administration in the amount of $2,250. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-06-4415 Health Agencies/Hospitals – Proposed $5,353 Selectman Wright moved to approve the recommended budget for Health Agencies/Hospitals in the amount of $5,353. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-07-4443 Welfare – Proposed $26,525 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for Welfare in the amount of $26,525. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-08-4520 Culture & Recreation — Proposed $13,963 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for Culture and Recreation in the amount of $13,963. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-08-4550 Library – Proposed $61,955 Selectman Curless made a motion to approve the recommended budget for the Library in the amount of $61,955. Selectman Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-08-4583 Patriotic Purposes – Proposed $1,000 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for Patriotic Purposes in the amount of $1,000. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-09-4611 Conservation Administration – Proposed $7,552 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for the Conservation Commission in the amount of $7,552. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-12-4711 Debt Service – Proposed $44,872 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for Debt Service in the amount of $44,872. Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. 1-14-4914 Capital Reserve Funds – Proposed $758,750 Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the recommended budget for Capital Reserves Funds in the amount of $758,750. Selectman Curless seconded the motion which passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. The Budgets will be revised after tonight’s budget hearing and to incorporate salary changes. The Board will revisit the recommended budget and warrant articles prior to the budget hearing. The Select Board received a copy of the estimated revenue budget for 2020 for review. Phillips reported on complaints received regarding snow removal 1/16/2020. The ground was very soft prior to and during the storm. The plow trucks had to operate at a rate of 5 mph on the gravel roads. Consequently, the roads were not cleared until later in the day. Selectman Wright noted that the road agent reported to the Board of Selectmen. Due to the softness of the roads and safety for the roads it was felt that it would be inappropriate to move too quickly. Selectman Headley emphasized that any complaints about the roads or highway department employees should be directed to the Select Board. Selectman Wright made a motion to approve the request by Jack Noon for the expenditure of up to $7,320 from the Historical Records Expendable Capital Reserve Fund. Selectman Curless seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote. REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: The Board noted the following items of correspondence Correspondence from Tom Schamberg regarding Public Hearing on CACR-17 State of NH regarding Fire Warden Appointments Monitoring Results for Sutton Septage Lagoons Mitchell Group regarding hourly rates Copy of Correspondence to Stotler regarding fence from Matt Grimes, Code Enforcement Officer Legislative Bulletin There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elly Phillips Town Administrator