Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board

December 30, 2019 @ 4:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dane Headley, Chair.  Present at the meeting were Dane Headley, Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.

The minutes from December 23, 2019 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $   11,122.07

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $388,934.26

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $    1,650.29


Library Ramp

Resource Officer


Selectman Curless made a motion to encumber 2019 funds as follows:

From:    Planning Board Operating Budget                                            

Contract for Master Planning CNHRPC     1-01-4191-102                  $14,550.00

Rescue Truck Cab and Chassis 1-20-2019-103 $ 5,237.65

Police Cruiser — Charger 1-20-2019-104 $12,947.41

Highway Department 4 X 4 Truck 1-20-2019-106 $170,350.00

Library Ramp 1-49-4000-104 $ 7,694.00

Fire Department Furnace 1-49-4000-110 $ 10,741.00

Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The motion passed by a vote of 2-0.

The Board reviewed the 2019 Equalization Study.  The 2019 Equalization Ratio was set at 81.1%.  The Board noted that a statistical update is being performed in 2020.

Action on year end reports for 2019 was deferred until year end disbursements are completed.

The Board issued a letter requesting reimbursement from the Special Duty Fund in the amount of $6,932.45


The Board noted the following item of Correspondence:  Legislative Bulletin.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elly Phillips

Town Administrator