Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall

93 Main Street, Sutton Mills NH 03221

Select Board

March 23, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Robert Wright, Jr., Chair.  Present at the meeting were:  Robert Wright, Jr., Chair; William I. Curless, Selectman; Dane Headley, Selectman; Adam Hurst, Road Agent; Robert DeFelice, Budget Chair; and Elly Phillips, Town Administrator.


The minutes from the meeting of March 23, 2020 were approved as written.  The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

PAYROLL MANIFEST:      $  18,087.33

VENDOR MANIFEST:       $  80,609.02


The Board reviewed and approved the following building permits:

Maryellen McCabe, 06-320-336, Corporation Hill Road, for a roof over side door.

Gregg S. Ward, 06-936,437, Chalk Pond Road, to repair and replace deck, terrace/pavers.


At 4:16 p.m. Selectman Curless made a motion to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II b, setting the compensation of a public employee.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  The Board was polled with Selectman Wright, Selectman Curless and Selectman Headley voting in the affirmative.  Public session resumed at 4:21 p.m.  The non-public minutes were not sealed.  A fifty-cent increase was approved for Brandon Grendell for passing the CDL exam and acquiring a Commercial Driver’s License.



Selectman Wright discussed teleconferencing, public meetings and 91-A (Right-to-Know law) requirements.  Selectman Wright observed that a physical location must be specified for the meeting which must be audible to the public, and the audience must be able to participate.  It is likely that new equipment will need to be acquired to facilitate teleconferencing.   Selectman Headley has also reviewed the matter with Jerry Putnam who suggested a Bluetooth receiver.  At the request of Mr. DeFelice, Selectman Headley reviewed options for a portable sound system.  Mr. Putnam advised that a good quality portable system could be acquired for about $750.  In addition, the Board will ask Mr. Putnam to source a cabinet to house the equipment.


The use of personal cellphones/devices and RSA 91-A requirements was discussed.   If a cellphone is used for conducting meetings, Mr. DeFelice recommended that the town acquire one specifically for Board use.  Phillips, DeFelice and Selectman Headley will continue exploring teleconferencing pros and cons.


Counsel has advised that although there is a requirement for Planning Boards to meet once a month, there is no penalty for not conducting a meeting.    The sense of the Board was that, for the time being, no non-essential meetings should be convened.  It was noted that generally, the public is amenable to delaying meetings for a future date.  However, this is up to the applicant to decide.


The Board conversed about how the Coronavirus is and will impact citizens and access to town facilities.  Mr. DeFelice stated that the snowmobile club was not meeting at the firehouse for the time being.  Selectman Curless made a motion that there would be no public meetings/functions at any town buildings.  Selectman Headley seconded the motion.  Selectman Wright emphasized that this includes all Town Buildings:  Town Hall, Library, Highway Department’s Old Store Museum; Fire Department; and Solid Waste Facility office.  The Police Department’s policy will remain in place.  The motion passed by a unanimous affirmative vote.



The Board issued a Fox Chase Betterment Assessment final payoff for 04-450-056, $1,028.00.


Phillips advised that Mr. David Hurst did not wish to accept the office of Trustee of the Trust Fund.  Mr. Hurst was elected by write-in vote.  The Board appointed Beth Renzulli to fill the vacancy for a three-year term.  Peter Blakeman was appointed to the Planning Board for a three-year term.


Adam Hurst, Road Agent, reviewed COVID-19 procedures for the Highway Department as follows:  Wash hands regularly; Take temperature at home before and after work; Stay home if ill;  Keep social distance; One employee per truck; Assigned trucks; Wipe down door handles steering wheel and controls of equipment if more than one person uses it.


Selectman Wright asked whether the one-person per truck interfered with operations in any way.  Mr. Hurst advised that it was working well and, in some instances, such as patching holes, efficiency was improved.  Mr. Hurst advised that the Highway Department has been closed to the public.  Residents should call the Highway Department if they have any issues.  If there needs to be an in-person meeting, it will be conducted outdoors using safe social distance.


Mr. Hurst discussed acquisition of the new 550.  Mr. DeFelice advised that the capital reserve schedule may need to be re-evaluated due to economic factors.  It was observed that production of trucks was behind schedule so that a truck ordered in 2021 might not be fabricated until 2022.    Capital Reserves may be revised accordingly.


The Board will request that Carol Merullo provide an analysis of tax payments for the two preceding years for forecasting purposes.





Phillips reported that the public was responding positively to working online, by telephone and by mail (regular and email).



Selectman Curless pontificated on the economic impact of the Coronavirus on citizens.  Selectman Wright cautioned that the town would need to be cognizant of budgetary constraints and spending in view of the pandemic.  Mr. DeFelice observed that we are in a situation where the fund balance may play an important factor in town cashflow.


Selectman Wright discussed article 18 and information and feedback that he had gotten from the DES.   Selectman Wright noted that the problem on 103 was getting worse and inquired about the status of the cleanup.  Phillips advised that preliminary arrangements have commenced, but the Town needs to schedule the project.  Phillips expressed that the project may be delayed due to current health concerns.  The contract for streetlights has been reviewed by Counsel.    The Board authorized Phillips to execute the contract, once it has been vetted and approved by Town Counsel.   Phillips reported that electricity and water have been shut off at 26 Grist Mill Street.  An appoint has been made to have Eversource disconnect powerlines connecting to the structure.



Mr. DeFelice reminded the Board that they need to revise the fees for wetlands inspection to $75.00 based on the increased cost to the town for inspections.  The $75.00 is a flat fee paid to the wetland scientist.  Mr. DeFelice also noted that there is a “pop up” food pantry at the fire station for citizens to get and donate non-perishable food.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Elly Phillips Town Administrator