April 24, 2020 | Town Admin TOWN OF SUTTON Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall 93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH Sutton Mills, NH 03221 Select Board April 27, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Robert Wright, Jr., Chair MINUTES: April 20, 2020 APPOINTMENTS: Robert DeFelice, Preliminary Budget Analysis/Revenue considerations CONSENT AGENDA: REVIEW OF MANIFESTS: PAYROLL MANIFEST: $ 11,360.63 VENDOR MANIFEST: $377,735.00 BUILDING PERMIT: Lindsay & Mike Stickney, 07-600-593, Cotton Road, for a deck and garage bay INTENT TO CUTS: Sharon Kenrick, Map 02-755-410, High Mowing Road, for 5 acres out of 8 Leonard Caron, Map 09-040-226 for 35 acres out of 150 Theodore Gallup and Joseph Torro, Map 01-136-386 for 8 acres out of 14.2 Exemptions and Credits: Vickie Anderson/Amy Highstrom, Map 08-884-433, Solar, $15,000 Aaron Flewelling, 07-831-509, Solar, $15,000 Neil Chadwick, 06-640-265, Solar, $8,000 Rob O’Neil, 02-466-487, Solar, $12,000 Alice Findlay, Veterans, $500 and Elderly Exemption, 80+, $100,000 OLD BUSINESS: Stotler Clean Up notification of postponement 26 Grist Mill Street NEW BUSINESS: Preliminary Audit Report Management Representation Letter/Audit Independent Auditor’s Communication with those charged with Governance MD&A Perambulation – Wilmot Request for abatement of Interest, Loch Lyndon Development Inc. Election venue consideration – Derek Lick REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE: Homeland Security FAQ’s TOWN ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS: PUBLIC INPUT: ADJOURNMENT: